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MODULO SEIS TIEMPOS VERBALES A continuación presentaré e ilustraré brevemente seis tiempos verbales. El modo indicativo se utiliza para describir el mundo de la realidad: qué es (presente), qué era (pretérito), qué será (futuro). Present Simple (presente del indicativo): Un verbo o una frase verbal en el tiempo presente indican que la acción, la condición o el estado de ánimo se producen en un tiempo real o describen una acción, condición o estado de ánimo habitual. We approve your recommendation Aprobamos su recomendación. (ahora) Tom speaks very well Tom habla muy bien. (Siempre. Es una cualidad propia de Tom) ¿Cómo se conjuga? Tomemos los verbos de los ejemplos anteriores: to approve y to speak Pronombre I Verbo principal approve You He She It We You They Pronombre I approves approve Verbo principal speak You He She It We You They speaks Speak Nota: la tercera persona del singular (He, She, It) sufre una modificación: se le agrega S o es Simple Past (Pretérito indefinido) Se llama también pretérito perfecto simple. Se utiliza para hablar de hechos pasados. Siempre son acciones terminadas. We approved your recommendation yesterday. Aprobamos su recomendación ayer. Tom spoke very well about the situation. Tom habló muy bien sobre la situación. ¿Cómo se conjuga? Tomemos los verbos de los ejemplos anteriores: to approve y to speak Pronombre I Verbo principal approved You He She It We You They Pronombre I approved approved Verbo principal spoke You He She It We You They spoke spoke La tercera persona del singular tiene el mismo tratamiento que las otras personas. Recordemos En la unidad anterior hablamos de verbos regulares y de verbos irregulares. Los verbos regulares se forman con el verbo principal y se le agrega d o ed. Se usa la misma forma para todas las personas. Verbo principal approve believe acknowledge carry delay expect omit raise rely Pasado approved believed acknowledged carried delayed expected omitted raised relied Los verbos irregulares cambian la forma del verbo principal y se usa la misma forma para todas las personas. Verbo principal bring buy find give go rise send speak take win Pasado brought bought found gave went rose sent spoke took won Future Tense (Futuro) Se utiliza para hablar de acciones posteriores al tiempo en que se habla. Siempre existe una dosis de incertidumbre. Nunca se puede estar seguro de la realización de la acción descrita. La presencia de los verbos auxiliares shall ó will +verbo principal tiempo futuro. We shall approve your recommendation. Aprobaremos su recomendación. Tom will speak about the situation. Tom hablará de la situación. señalan el ¿Cómo se conjuga? Tomemos los verbos de los ejemplos anteriores: to approve y to speak Pronombre I you He She It We You They auxiliar shall will Verbo principal approve approve will approve shall will will approve approve approve Pronombre I you He She It We You They auxiliar shall will Verbo principal speak speak will speak shall will will speak Speak speak I y We shall Tiempos Compuestos: Present Perfect: Pretérito perfecto Se utiliza para expresar una acción pasada pero cercana a un presente. La presencia de los verbos auxiliares has ó have+ participio pasado del verbo principal señalan el pretérito perfecto (present perfect ) We have approved your recommendation. Hemos aprobado su recomendación. Tom has spoken about the situation. Tom ha hablado de la situación. ¿Cómo se conjuga? Tomemos los verbos de los ejemplos anteriores: to approve y to speak Pronombre I you He She It We auxiliar have have Participio pasado del verbo principal approved approved has approved have approved You They have have approved approved Pronombre I you He She It We auxiliar have have Participio pasado del verbo principal spoken spoken has spoken have spoken You They have have spoken spoken Past Perfect: Pretérito pluscuamperfecto Se utiliza para expresar acciones pasadas, realizadas en un momento dado del pasado. La presencia del verbo auxiliar had + el participio pasado del verbo principal señalan el tiempo pasado perfecto. We had approved your recommendation before the collapse of the market. Habíamos aprobado su recomendación antes del colapso del mercado. Tom had spoken about the situation, so he knew what to do. Tom había hablado de la situación, por lo tanto sabía que hacer. ¿Cómo se conjuga? Tomemos los verbos de los ejemplos anteriores: to approve y to speak. Pronombre I you He She It We auxiliar had had Participio pasado del verbo principal approved approved had approved had approved You They had Had approved approved Pronombre I you He She It We auxiliar had had Participio pasado del verbo principal spoken spoken had spoken had spoken You They had had spoken spoken Future Perfect: Futuro compuesto Se utiliza para expresar acciones futuras, ocurridas con anterioridad a otra también futura. Un verbo o una frase verbal en el tiempo futuro compuesto indican que la acción, la condición o el estado de ánimo se habrá completado en algún momento en el futuro. La presencia de los verbos auxiliares will/shall+have + el participio pasado del verbo principal señalan el tiempo futuro perfecto. We shall have approved your recommendation before the market collapses. Habremos aprobado su recomendación antes de que el mercado colapse. By the time we arrive, Tom will havespoken about the situation. Para cuando lleguemos Tom habrá hablado de la situación. ¿Cómo se conjuga? Tomemos los verbos de los ejemplos anteriores: to approve y to speak Pronombre I You He She It We You They auxiliar shall will auxiliar have have Participio pasado del verbo principal approved approved approved will have shall will will have have have approved approved approved Pronombre I You He She It We You They auxiliar shall will auxiliar have have Participio pasado del verbo principal spoken spoken will have spoken shall will will have have have spoken spoken spoken Síntesis del Módulo Seis Tiempos Verbales Verbos regulares presente presente He, she, it pasado participio pasado approve believe acknowledge carry delay expect omit raise rely approves believes acknowledges carries delays expects omits raises relies approved believed acknowledged carried delayed expected omitted raised relied approved believed acknowledged carried delayed expected omitted raised relied Verbos irregulares presente Presente He, she, it bring brings buy bought find finds give gives go goes rise rises speak speaks take takes win wins pasado Participio pasado brought bought found gave went rose spoke took Brought Bought Found Given Gone Risen Spoken taken won won Simple Present (Presente del indicativo) Pronombre Verbo principal I approve/speak You He She approves/speaks It We You They approve/ speak Simple Past (Pretérito indefinido) Pronombre Verbo principal I approved/spoke You He She approved/spoke It We You They approved/spoke Future Tense (Futuro) Pronombre auxiliar Verbo principal I shall approve speak you will approve speak He She will approve It speak We shall approve speak You will approve speak They will approve speak Tiempos Compuestos: Present Perfect: Pretérito perfecto Pronombre I auxiliar have Participio pasado del verbo principal approved spoken you have approved spoken He She It has We have approved spoken approved spoken You have approved spoken They have approved spoken Past Perfect: Pretérito pluscuamperfecto Pronombre I auxiliar had Participio pasado del verbo principal approved you had spoken approved spoken He She It We approved had had spoken approved You had spoken approved They Had spoken approved spoken Future Perfect: Futuro compuesto Pronombre I You auxiliar shall will auxiliar have Participio pasado del verbo principal approved have spoken approved spoken approved He She It We will have shall have spoken approved You will have spoken approved have spoken approved They will spoken MODULE SIX ASSIGNMENT ONE Localización del Verbo principal Ubica el verbo e indica en que tiempo verbal está conjugado Ejemplo: I began my career as a bookkeeper (tiempo pasado simple del vebo to begin) 1. Bookkeepers record the daily transactions: sales, purchases, debts, expenses and so on. 2. Each type of transaction is recorded in a separate account. 3. Each account records debits on the left and credits on the right. 4. John Smith has worked in the accounting department for three months and the manager will increase his salary. 5. At the end of the accounting period, he prepared a trial balance. He transferred the debit and credit balances of different accounts onto one page. 7. In June, I shall examine the accounts of a large multinational company. 8. Fortunately, the Board of Directors had approved to sale the shares before the stock market collapsed. 9. I think it is a good investment: it pays 8%. 10. When they saw our financial statements, the bank refused to lend us any money. MODULE SIX ASSIGNMENT TWO En los siguientes párrafos ubica los verbos e indica en que tiempo están conjugados Accountancy is the art of communicating financial information about a business entity to shareholders and managers. The communication appears in financial forms that show in money terms the economic resources under the control of management. The art lies in selecting the information that is relevant to the shareholders and managers. Early accounts served to assist the memory of the business person. Doubleentry bookkeeping first emerged in northern Italy in the 14th century. There, Business began to require more capital than one individual person was able to invest. The earliest accounting records were found among the ruins of ancient Babylon, Assyria and Sumeria. They date back more than 7,000year. The people of that time relied on primitive accounting methods to record the growth of crops and herds and determine if a surplus had been gained after the crops had been harvested or the young animals weaned. Economic tablet with numeric signs. Proto-Elamite script in day, Susa Uruk period (3200 BC to 2700 BC) Department of Oriental An tiquites, Louvre. Source: Wikipedia MODULE SIX ASSIGNMENT ONE Localización del Verbo principal Respuestas Ubica el verbo e indica en que tiempo verbal está conjugado Ejemplo: I began my career as a bookkeeper (tiempo pasado simple del vebo to begin) 1. Bookkeepers record the daily transactions: sales, purchases, debts, expenses and so on. (tiempo presente del indicative del verbo to record) 2. Each type of transaction is recorded in a separate account. (Tiempo presente del indicativo, voz pasiva del verbo to record) 3. Each account records debits on the left and credits on the right. (Presente del indicative del verbo to record) 4. John Smith has worked in the accounting department for three months and the manager will increase his salary. (Presente perfecto del verbo to work) 5. At the end of the accounting period, he prepared a trial balance. He transferred the debit and credit balances of different accounts onto one page. ( Pasado simple de los verbos to prepare y to transfer) 7. In June, I shall examine the accounts of a large multinational company. ( Futuro del verbo to examine) 8. Fortunately, the Board of Directors had approved to sale the shares before the stock market collapsed. (Pretérito pluscuamperfecto del verbo to approve y pasado simple del verbo to collapse) 9. I think it is a good investment: it pays 8%. (presente simple del verbo to think; presente simple del verbo to be; presente simple del verbo to pay) 10. When they saw our financial statements, the bank refused to lend us any money. (Pasado simple del verbo to see y pasado simple del verbo to refuse) MODULE SIX ASSIGNMENT TWO En los siguientes párrafos ubica los verbos e indica en que tiempo están conjugados Accountancy is the art of communicating financial information about a business entity to shareholders and managers. The communication appears in financial forms that show in money terms the economic resources under the control of management. The art lies in selecting the information that is relevant to the shareholders and managers. (los verbos están en el presente simple) Early accounts served to assist the memory of the business person. Doubleentry bookkeeping first emerged in northern Italy in the 14th century. There, business began to require more capital than one individual person was able to invest. (los verbos señalados están en el pasado simple) The earliest accounting records were found among the ruins of ancient Babylon, Assyria and Sumeria. They date back more than 7,000year. The people of that time relied on primitive accounting methods to record the growth of crops and herds and determine if a surplus had been gained after the crops had been harvested or the young animals weaned. Los verbos señalados están en el pasado simple, salvo: had been gained y had been harvested que están en el Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto, voz pasive de to gain y to harvest Economic tablet with numeric signs. Proto-Elamite script in day, Susa Uruk period (3200 BC to 2700 BC) Department of Oriental An tiquites, Louvre. Source: Wikipedia