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Felipe de Jesús Pérez Cruz
Ph. D. in Pedagogy, 2001, “Enrique José Varona” Pedagogical University,
Ministry of Higher Education’s National Tribunal of Scientific Levels
Post-graduate Certificate in Political Theory, 1998, “Ñico López” Higher
Education School of the Communist Party of Cuba
Specialist in Latin American Studies, 1986, Academy of Sciences’ Latin
American Institute, USSR
Post-graduate Certificate in Philosophy, 1984, School of History and
Philosophy, University of Havana
Bachelor of Arts in Education, Major: History and Social Sciences, 1979.
“Enrique José Varona” Pedagogical University, Cuba.
Full Professor, “Enrique José Varona” University of Pedagogical Sciences,
Havana, Cuba
Teaching responsibilities include work in the Center for Education Studies,
Master’s Program in Education, and Master’s Program in Comparative Education.
Also serve on the university’s Examining Board for Higher Education
Professor, Institute of Philosophy, Havana, Cuba
Teach courses in the Ph.D. program in Philosophical Science Research
Researcher in the Cuba, Theory, and Society Group.
Expert in Political Science, Ministry of Education, Cuba
Member of the National Commission for the Bicentennial of Latin American
Independence, Ministry of Culture, Cuba
Member of the Political Scenarios Group, Center for International Political
Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cuba
Member Editorial Board of the Cuban Journal, Calibán
Member of the International Editorial Board of the Peruvian Educational
Journal Docencia
Member of the Editorial Board of the Columbian Journal Revista de Historia de
la Educación Latinoamericana
Member of the Editorial Board of the Venezuelan Journal, Revista Sur
Guest Lecturer, Doctorate in Critical Pedagogy, University of St. Thomas,
Minnesota, USA, 2004
Member of International Teaching Staff, Latin American Pedagogical School,
Lima, Perú, 2003Guest Lecturer, Masters in Education program at the National University of
Trujillo, Perú, 2007-.
Consultant on Science Crediting and Management, University of Guayaquil,
Ecuador, 2005-2007
Consultant, National Assembly of Rectors, Perú, 2007
Consultant, Institute for Educational Research and Pedagogical Development
(IDEP) of the Secretariat of Education, Mayor’s Office of Bogotá, Columbia,
2009-2010, 2011
Additional Guest Lecturing at universities in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica,
Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru, Venezuela, Paraguay, Mexico, Canada,
USA, France, Qatar, Russia, and the People’s Republic of China.
Member, Union of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC)
Member, National Union of Cuban Historians (UNHIC)
Member, Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
Pérez Cruz, F. (1984). Juventud y NOEI [Youth and NOEI]. Havana: CEDEMAcademia de Ciencias de Cuba
Pérez Cruz, F. (1988). Las coordenadas de la alfabetización [The parameters
of literacy]. Havana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.
Pérez Cruz, F. (1988). Los primeros rebeldes de América [The first rebels of
America]. Havana: Editorial Gente Nueva.
Pérez Cruz, F. (1999). Homosexualidad, homosexualismo y ética humanista
[Homosexuality, homosexualism, and humanist ethics]. Havana: Ciencias
Pérez Cruz, F. La alfabetización en Cuba: lectura histórica para pensar el
presente [Literacy in Cuba: An historical reading for thinking about the
present]. Havana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.
Pérez Cruz, F. (2005). La educación Latinoamericana [Latin American
education]. Havana: Editora Política.
Pérez Cruz, F. (2006). El orden del desorden. La “revolución neoliberal en
Brasil [The order of disorder: The neoliberal revolution in Brazil]. Havana:
Ediciones CEA.
Pérez Cruz, F., & Suárez Salazar, L. (Eds.). (2010). Bicentenario de la
primera independencia de América Latina y el Caribe [Bicentennial of the
first Independence of Latin America and the Caribbean]. Havana: Ciencias
Pérez Cruz, F. (Ed.) (2011). América Latina en tiempos de bicentenario [Latin
America in times of bicentennial]. Havana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.
Pérez Cruz, F. (Ed.). (2012). Cuba frente al movimiento independentista
Nuestroamericano: Nuevos enfoques para una historia compartida [Cuba in
the “Our America” independence movement: New approaches for a
comparative history]. Havana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.
Pérez Cruz, F. (Ed.). (2014) Los indoamericanos en Cuba: Estudios abiertos
al presente [American Indians in Cuba: Studies open to the present]. Havana:
Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.
Book Chapters
Pérez Cruz, F. (2003). Mella: Reflexiones en el año de su centenario [Mella:
Reflections in the year of his centennial]. In A. Cairo(Ed.), Mella cien años
[Mella: One hundred years]. Havana: Editorial Oriente-Ediciones La Memoria.
Pérez Cruz, F. (2006). Los factores socioculturales y de política en el contexto
escolar [The sociocultural and political factors in the school context]. In F.
Corzo & J. Ramón (Eds.), Educación, ética y desarrollo integral del
educando [Education, ethics, and holistic development of students]. Lima,
Pérez Cruz, F. (2008). Los proyectos de conmemoración de los bicentenarios
[Commemoration projects of the bicentennials]. In La Patria es América [The
homeland is America]. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Madres de la Plaza de Mayo.
Pérez Cruz, F. (2009). La educación y la pedagogía cubanas en el movimiento
nacional liberador. Una visión panorámica de las revoluciones en los Siglos
XIX-XXI [Cuban education and pedagogy in the national liberation
movement. A panoramic vision of the revolutions of the 19th - 21st centuries.
In B. Rajlan & M. C. Cotarello (Eds.), La revolución en el bicentenario.
Reflexiones sobre emancipación, clases y grupos subalternos [The revolution
in the bicentennial. Reflections on emancipation, classes, and subaltern
groups]. Buenos Aires: CLACSO.
Pérez Cruz, F. (2010). Morazán: Nuestro altivo héroe. [Morazán: Our proud
hero]. In Son tiempos de revolución: De la emancipación al bicentenario
[These are revolutionary times: From emancipation to the bicentennial].
Buenos Aires: Ediciones Madres de la Plaza de Mayo.
Pérez Cruz, F. (2010). Educación, cultura y contexto histórico y social
[Education, culture and historical and social context]. In, Proceso de
Enseñanza Aprendizaje: Bases neurales y contexto socio cultural, [The
process of teaching and learning: Neural basis and social cultural context].
Lima: Editora CEGUROS.
Pérez Cruz, F., & de la Torre, M. (2010). La historiografía universal en Cuba
revolucionaria: Los historiadores y la historiografía en la Revolución
[Universal historiography in revolutionary Cuba: Historians and
historiography in the revolution]. In R. Rensoli (Ed.), La historiografía en la
Revolución Cubana: Reflexiones a 50 años [Historiography in the Cuban
revolution: Reflections from 50 years]. Havana: Editora Historia.
Pérez Cruz, F. (2011). La educación y la cultura. De la Ley a la realidad
[Education and culture: From law to reality]. In A. Suárez (Ed.), Retrospección
crítica de la Asamblea Constituyente de 1940 [A critical retrospective of the
Constituent assembly of 1940]. Havana: Centro Marinello.
Pérez Cruz, F. (2012). El movimiento por la nación y la escuela cubana [The
movement for the Cuban nation and school]. In F. Pérez Cruz (Ed.), Cuba
frente al movimiento independentista Nuestroamericano. Nuevos enfoques
para una historia compartida [Cuba in the “Our America” independence
movement: New approaches for a comparative history]. Havana: Editorial de
Ciencias Sociales.
Pérez Cruz, F. (2015). Cuba: Utopías, realidades y posibilidades [Cuba:
Utopias, realities, and possibilities]. In M. Jiménez, C. Tauss, & A. Tauss
(Eds.), ¿Pensar el fin del capitalismo? [Thinking about the end of
capitalism?]. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Bogotá, Facultad de Derecho,
Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.
Research Reports
Pérez Cruz, F. (2010). La investigación-acción participativa como instrumento
pedagógico [Participatory action research as a pedagogical tool]. Bogotá:
Instituto de Investigación Educativa.
Pérez Cruz, F. (2011). Caracterización de población en edad escolar,
infancia, niñez, y adolescencia de Bogotá [Characteristics of the school-age,
infant, child, and adolescent population of Bogota]. Bogotá: Instituto para la
Investigación Educativa y el Desarrollo Pedagógico.
Conference Presentation
Pérez Cruz, F. (2007). Paulo Freire and the Cuban Revolution. Paper presented
in the Symposium 40 years from Education as the practice of freedom: New
perspectives on Paulo Freire from Latin America. Learning in Community
Joint International Conference of the Adult Education Research Conference
(AERC) and the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education
(CASAE), Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.