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ESCUELA NACIONAL COLEGIO DE CIENCIAS Y HUMANIDADES PLANTEL NAUCALPAN DEPARTAMENTO DE INGLÉS GUÍA DE EXAMEN EXTRAORDINARIO INGLÉS II 2010-2011 Apoya a los PAPI Autores: David Tomás Flores García Esperanza Hernández Ballesteros Hugo Selestino Pérez Cureño Jacaranda Jiménez Rentería Arturo Trejo Chávez Responsable: Víctor Chávez Barrón 1 UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO ESCUELA NACIONAL COLEGIO DE CIENCIAS Y HUMANIDADES PLANTEL NAUCALPAN DEPARTAMENTO DE INGLÉS GUÍA PARA EL EXAMEN EXTRAORDINARIO DE INGLÉS II A) INTRODUCCIÓN Objetivo de la guía La guía para la preparación del examen extraordinario de Inglés II, tiene el propósito de presentarte actividades relacionadas con las cuatro habilidades de inglés que se incluyen en el Primer Acercamiento a los Programas de Inglés II y IV (PAPI). Estas actividades son similares a las que aparecen en los materiales didácticos utilizados en el curso ordinario. La guía es un recurso didáctico que te proporcionará ayuda práctica en tu preparación para presentar el examen extraordinario. Además encontrarás ejercicios de tipo gramatical que te facilitarán la comprensión de las estructuras que se incluyen en este nivel. Las actividades presentadas están directamente relacionadas con los aprendizajes y por lo tanto con los temas que comprenden este segundo semestre de inglés. Objetivo general del Programa de Inglés II El alumno será capaz de describir, de manera oral y escrita, su entorno inmediato y actividades en curso utilizando estructuras sencillas y expresiones de uso frecuente. Asimismo aplicará estrategias para establecer el tema y obtener información específica de textos orales y escritos de estructura sencilla. Contenidos de la guía La presente guía consta de actividades diversas que incluyen la práctica de las cuatro habilidades de inglés así como de la gramática, además de cuadros explicativos que te ayudarán a entender mejor la temática. Los reactivos son muy similares a los que se presentan en los materiales que se utilizan en el salón de clases. Se incluye un examen modelo similar al cuando presentes tu examen extraordinario y también podrás verificar las respuestas del examen modelo con la 2 hoja diseñada para las mismas. La guía incluye direcciones electrónicas para que practiquen de forma independiente las habilidades auditivas y orales. B) INSTRUCCIONES Forma de estudio y resolución de actividades La resolución de las actividades que contiene la presente guía te ayudará a prepararte para resolver con éxito el examen extraordinario de la asignatura. Será necesario que dediques el tiempo suficiente para que, de manera autónoma, estudies los cuadros de información, visites las páginas electrónicas propuestas, comprendas las instrucciones de cada actividad y seas capaz de resolver las actividades. También se incluyen claves de respuesta para que tú mismo revises las actividades resueltas y de esta manera observes tu propio avance. Las actividades que se presentan en esta guía son del tipo de actividades y ejercicios que se trabajan en el curso ordinario, asimismo también serán similares a las que se presentarán en el examen extraordinario próximamente. Formato del examen extraordinario El examen extraordinario consta de cinco secciones (reading, writing, listening, speaking y grammar). Incluye entre 3 y 5 ejercicios por habilidad con un máximo de 100 reactivos en total. Programa de Inglés II Unidad 1 Propósito: Al finalizar la unidad, el alumno será capaz de pedir y dar información sobre sí mismo y otros, así como de formular de manera oral y escrita, preguntas y respuestas para solicitar cosas que necesita. Unidad 2 Propósito: Al finalizar esta unidad el alumno será capaz de describir su entorno inmediato. De igual forma, solicitará, dará y seguirá instrucciones sobre cómo llegar a un lugar determinado para desplazarse en su medio. Unidad 3 Propósito: Al finalizar la unidad el alumno comprenderá y producirá expresiones habituales al interactuar con otros para intercambiar información personal sobre actividades que se están desarrollando en el momento. 3 Unidad 4 Propósito: Al finalizar la unidad el alumno aplicará estrategias que le permitan obtener información específica de textos orales y escritos de tipo académico y cultural, con estructura sencilla, para producir textos breves y coherentes. C) SUGERENCIAS DE ACTIVIDADES Las actividades presentadas en cada unidad retoman una actividad de práctica en situación de comunicación y de acuerdo con los contenidos del Primer Acercamiento a los Programas de Inglés II y IV (PAPI). Estas actividades son similares a las que se presentan en los materiales que se trabajan en los cursos ordinarios. D) FORMAS DE AUTO-EVALUACION Para que cuentes con un recurso adicional para presentar de forma exitosa tu examen extraordinario, hemos incluido un examen modelo y la clave de respuestas. De esta manera podrás realizar una autoevaluación. 4 Aprendizaje I: El alumno reconoce y utiliza sustantivos contables y no contables. Temática: Objetos y alimentos contables y no contables. Aprendizaje: El alumno pregunta sobre cantidades, precios de objetos, alimentos, prendas de vestir. Temática: compras. Cantidades y precios de objetos y alimentos. Prendas de vestir y TEMA: SUSTANTIVOS SINGULARES Y PLURALES En general, el plural de un sustantivo en inglés se forma agregando –s a la palabra. Ejemplos: Singular (un, una) Plural (más de dos) a flower some flowers a week two weeks a nice place many nice places this shop these shops 5 Sin embargo, si la palabra tiene alguna de las siguientes terminaciones, entonces se siguen las siguientes reglas: Terminación Se agrega Ejemplo de la palabra -s bus → buses -sh dish → dishes -ch -ES box → boxes -x -y church → churches -IES baby → babies party → parties Excepto las combinaciones -ay, -ey, -oy Ejemplos: day → days, monkey → monkeys -f -VES shelf → sheves wife → wives -fe Existen algunos sustantivos que forman el plural de forma irregular: Singular Plural man men woman women child children foot feet tooth teeth mouse mice 6 sheep sheep fish fish EJERCICIOS I. Write the plural form of the following words Ex. flower flowers 1. boat _______________ 5. address ___________ 9.foot__________ 2. woman _____________ 6. knife ______________ 10.holiday_______ 3. city ________________ 7. sandwich __________ 11.potato________ 4. umbrella____________ 8. family _____________ 12.leaf_________ II. Some of the following sentences are correct, but some are incorrect. Correct the sentences that are wrong. Ex. I‟m going to buy some flowers. Correct I need some boxs. I need some boxes. 1. There is a woman in that car with two mens. ____________________ 2. Sheep eat grass. ___________________________________________ 3. David is married and has three childs. _______________________________ 4. My boss has two car. ______________________________________________ 5. He gives her a flowers. _____________________________________________ TEMA: SUSTANTIVOS CONTABLES Y NO CONTABLES En inglés, hay algunos sustantivos que no forman el plural o que no se pluralizan, a estos sustantivos se les llama sustantivos no contables (uncountable nouns). Estos sustantivos se utilizan sólo de forma singular. Por lo tanto, en inglés tenemos dos tipos de sustantivos, los sustantivos contables, los cuales tienen su forma plural, y los sustantivos no contables: Sustantivos contables (countable nouns) Sustantivos no contables (uncountable nouns) 7 Car Water Man Air Key Music House Salt Cuando se usan los sustantivos no contables, no puedes usar las palabras uno, dos, tres, etc., por ejemplo, no se puede decir: one water, two musics (esto es incorrecto). Tampoco se pueden emplear los artículos a/an con los sustantivos no contables, no se dice: a money, a music, an air (esto es incorrecto). Cuando se utilizan los sustantivos no contables, se pueden usar las siguientes palabras: Money: the money, my money, some money, much money, etc. A continuación, tenemos una lista de algunos sustantivos no contables, recuerda que a estos sustantivos no les agregamos –s, y tampoco los usamos con los artículos a/an porque en inglés no se pueden contar: Lista de algunos sustantivos no contables en inglés rice water tea pasta luggage news progress fish cereal food milk chocolate fruit coffee baggage spaghetti salt wine furniture garbage information meat furniture soda clothing work flour ice air hair toothpaste oil plastic sand cheese money 8 knowledge yogurt music weather advice homework tennis bread juice beef equipment travel Generalmente, cuando queremos contar o pluralizar un sustantivo no contable, empleamos las siguientes frases: A glass of, a piece of, a bowl of, a can of, a bottle of, a cup of, a bar of, a piece of, o empleamos la palabra some. Ejemplos: Give me two glasses of water. I want three pieces of cheese. I need some advice. III. According to the list on the previous page, classify some of the words in the following chart. Use your dictionary: Food Liquids Ex. Rice ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 9 IV. Write C for the countable nouns and U for the uncountable nouns Ex. U rice 1. money 7. strawberry 13. cup 2. bread 8. cookie 14. music 3. stamp 9. fruit 15. photograph 4. wine 10. sandwich 16. movie 5. apple 11. cheese 17. tea 6. soda 12. egg 18. yogurt V. Write a, an or some according to the pictures. 1._____ strawberry 2. _____ strawberries 3. _____ cookie 4. _____ cookies 5. ____ egg 6. _____ eggs 10 7. ____ coffee 8. _____ coffee 9. _____ ice cream 10. _____ ice cream VI. Complete the sentences with a, an or some. Ex. Would you like some rice? 1. Would you like ________ wine? 2. Can I have ________ stamps, please? 3. I‟d like _______ chicken sandwich and _______ cheese for lunch. 4. Do you want ________ drink? 5. Would you like ________ apple or ________ strawberries? 6. Can I have ________ bread? 7. Can you give me ________ money? 8. I usually have ________ cookie and ________ cup of coffee at 11 A.M? 9. Could you buy ________ fruit when you go to the store? 10. He always has ________ egg for breakfast. TEMA: HOW MUCH, HOW MANY Y CUANTIFICADORES En términos generales, empleamos “How much” (cuánto) para preguntar por sustantivos no contables y “How many” (cuántos) para preguntar por sustantivos contables. Cuando nos referimos a estos sustantivos, tenemos que usar cuantificadores determinados. Un cuantificador es una palabra que nos refiere la cantidad de algo. En el siguiente cuadro te presentamos algunos cuantificadores: 11 Countable nouns Uncountable nouns How many apples do you eat a week? How much milk do you drink a day? I eat a lot of apples. (positive sentence) I drink a sentence) I eat a few apples. (positive sentence) lot of milk. (positive I drink a little milk. (positive sentence) I don‟t eat many apples. (negative) I don‟t eat a lot of apples. (negative) I don‟t drink much milk. (negative) I don‟t drink a lot of milk. (negative) Cuantificadores: A lot of se puede emplear en oraciones positivas y en oraciones negativas. A few y a little tienen un sentido positivo, por lo que se usan en oraciones afirmativas o positivas. Many y much generalmente se emplean en oraciones negativas. EJERCICIOS VII. Circle the correct words in these questions and answers. 1. A: How much / many B: Well, I have orange / an orange a lot of / many 3. A: How bread / breads? much / many much / many bread. times a week do you eat B: About twice a week. But I eat many 4. A: Do you eat every day for breakfast, and I eat fruit after dinner for dessert. 2. A: How often do you eat B. I usually eat fruit do you eat a week? many / much rice / rices? potato / potatoes every day. fish? 12 B: Well, I eat much / a lot of 5. A: Do you eat fish. meat / meats? B: Well, I don‟t eat beef / beefs, but I eat many / a lot of chicken. 6. A. How much / many B: I don‟t eat eggs do you eat a week? much / many. I don‟t really like egg / eggs. VIII. Read the following article and answer the questions. Eating for Good Luck On New Year’s Day, many people eat special food for good luck in the new year. Some Chinese people It is a Jewish custom Greeks eat vasilopita, eat tangerines. to eat apples with honey for a sweet new year. bread with a coin inside. everyone tries to find the coin for luck and money in the new year. tangerines are round. round foods end and begin again, like years. 13 In Spain and some Latin American countries, people eat 12 grapes at midnight on New Year’s Eve – one grape for good luck in each month of the year. On New Year’s Day in Japan, people eat mochi – rice cakes – for strength in the new year. Some Americans from southern states eat black – eyed peas and rice with collard greens. The black – eyed peas are like coins, and the green are like dollars. IX. Correct the following sentences, according to the text. Ex. Some Chinese people eat tangerines. Tangerines are sweet, like years. Some Chinese people eat tangerines. Tangerines are round, like years. 1. Some Jewish people eat apples with candy for a sweet new year. __________________________________________________________ _ 2. Greeks eat vasilopita, bread with beans inside. __________________________________________________________ _ 3. In Europe, people eat 12 grapes for good luck in the new year. __________________________________________________________ _ 4. The Japanese eat chocolate cake for strength in the new year. __________________________________________________________ _ 5. Some Americans eat black-eyed peas. Black-eyed peas are like dollars. __________________________________________________________ _ 14 X. Writing: Write a paragraph describing some food from a traditional celebration in Mexico, it could be the independence day, Christmas, the day of the deads, New Year, etc. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ APRENDIZAJE II DEMOSTRATIVOS PRENDAS DE VESTIR, PRECIOS Y ADJETIVOS Te presentamos vocabulario relacionado al tema de ropa (clothes), esperamos te sea de utilidad en tu estudio y que recuerdes el mayor número de palabras. Usa tu diccionario como ayuda 15 EJERCICIOS XI. Write the name of the clothes under each picture. 1._________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6.__________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. _________ 10. __________ En inglés, usamos la expresión “How much” para preguntar el precio de algún objeto, por ejemplo: How much is this t-shirt? → ¿Cuánto cuesta esta playera? How much are these t-shirts? → ¿Cuánto cuestan estas playeras? Generalmente esta expresión la acompañamos con los adjetivos demostrativos: this, that, these y those, dependiendo de la distancia y el número del objeto con respecto a nosotros. Si el objeto es singular y esta próximo usamos This Si el objeto es singular, pero está alejado usamos That Si son varios objetos y se encuentran cercanos usamos These 16 Si son varios objetos, pero se encuentran alejados usamos Those Ejemplos: This cap That jacket These caps Those jackets XII. Write questions with How much...? and this, that, these and those. Ex. How much is this umbrella? 1. ___________________________? 3.__________________________? 2. _________________________? 4. __________________________? 17 5. __________________________? XIII. Read the following text and answer the questions. What kinds of clothes do you like to wear? Kayo Noguchi, 16, Rick Govia, 24 High school student Accountant Well, we don’t have to wear uniforms at our school, so I like to wear jeans, a T-shirt, and high heels. I have to wear a suit and a tie to work. After work, I just want to go home and put on jeans and an old sweater. You know, something comfortable. Louisa Vandermeer, 30 Advertising executive I like to wear designer clothes, because I need to look good for work. So I usually wear dressy pants or a nice skirt, with a jacket and a silk blouse. Oh, and of course, high heels. XIV. Circle the correct option according to the text. 1. Kayo has to / doesn’t have to 2. Rick wants / doesn’t want 3. Louisa needs / doesn’t need wear a uniform. to wear comfortable clothes after work. to wear nice clothes at work. 18 XV. Writing: Now, write a similar paragraph describing what kind of clothes you like to wear. Write your name, your occupation, what clothes you like to wear and say why. What kinds of clothes do you like to wear? Name Occupation Describe what clothes you like to wear and why _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ XVI. Para practicar la comprensión auditiva en inglés (listening), te recomendamos que asistas a la Mediateca, en donde encontrarás material en libros y CD’s que te ayudarán a mejorar esta habilidad, por ejemplo, puedes consultar el siguiente material. Richards, Jack C. (2003). Basic Tactics for Listening. Second Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Unidad 3, Clothes, pp. 10-13. (Apoya al tema de ropa) Unidad 12, Restaurants, pp. 46-49. (Apoya al tema de comida) Este material viene acompañado de un CD que te permitirá escuchar la pronunciación del vocabulario. Brown, Steven and Smith, Dorolyn. (2007). Active Listening 1. Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Unidad 4, Let´s eat!, pp. 18-23. (Apoya al tema de comida) 19 Unidad 6, Great outfit!, pp. 28-31. (Apoya al tema de comida) Este material también viene acompañado de un CD. XVII. Para practicar la producción oral (speaking), te recomendamos que asistas a la Mediateca para utilizar el programa de cómputo Tell me More, en donde podrás escuchar conversaciones, grabarte y escuchar tu propia voz, de tal forma que puedas mejorar tu producción oral. 20 Aprendizaje III: El alumno describe la ubicación de objetos personales en la Casa y escuela Uno de los objetivos en el idioma inglés como lengua extranjera es que se logre alcanzar la comunicación y para ello, es importante comenzar por utilizar palabras, frases y luego oraciones que permitan la transmisión de ideas. En esta parte de tu guía trabajaremos con palabras como son las preposiciones de lugar. Estas palabras sirven para ubicar objetos y personas. A continuación te presentamos una lista de estas con su equivalente en español y una breve explicación de su uso. A. On encima de ( haciendo contacto) Nota: cuando un objeto está ubicado en una pared también se utiliza esta preposición. B. Under debajo de C. Next to Junto a D. Between entre ( dos objetos o personas) E. In front of en frente de F. In dentro de G. cerca de Near 21 I. Match the following pictures with the correct preposition. ( )1 A B ( D ) 2 C ( )3 D ( ) 4 E ( ) 5 ( )6 F G ( ) 7 22 II. Now you have a list of household items. You have to complete the sentences with the prepositions: in, on, under, between and next to according to the picture. A - Wall – pared B - Carpet – alfombra C - Armchair- sillón D– Vase – florero E – Floor – piso F – Lamp - lampara 23 III. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 24 Aprendizaje IV: el alumno formula preguntas para conocer la localización de lugares como escuela, casa, vecindario. También existen frases de ubicación con las que indicamos la localización de algunos lugares. Estas frases son de gran utilidad, ya que te sirven para dar o recibir información con la cual puedes cubrir una necesidad. Ahora encontrarás frases para entender la localización de ciertos lugares y preguntas básicas que ayudan a solicitar información de sitios específicos que tú requieras. A.- On the left – a la izquierda B .- On the right – a la derecha C.- Across from the street – al otro lado de D.- Around the corner- a la vuelta de la Esquina. E.-Next to – al lado de F.-In front of – en frente de También tenemos las preguntas básicas que puedes utilizar para la localización de lugares que sean de tu interés. A– Where is the Museum? ¿Dónde está el Museo? B – Is there a Museum near here? ¿Hay un Museo cerca de aquí? IV. Now use the expressions showed above to answer the questions according to the map. EXAMPLES. Where is the Book World? It ´s in front of The Film Forum. A. B. A. B. A. B. Is there a school near here? No, there isn´t / Yes, there is. Where is the FiIm Forum? ------------------------------------------------Where is the Moonbucks Coffee 1? ------------------------------------------------Is there The Piermont Museum of Art near here? ------------------------------------------------ 25 Para obtener información más completa y específica en la localización de un lugar puedes utilizar las siguientes preguntas y respuestas. How do I get to -------------? How can I get to-----------? ¿Cómo llego a--------------? ¿Cómo puedo llegar a-------------? Ahora te mostramos el tipo de respuestas que se pueden utilizar para estas preguntas.Nota: utilizaremos el mapa anterior para dar ejemplos y para los ejercicios correspondientes acerca del tema. 26 How do I get to The Piermont Museum of Art? Walk up /down Camine hacia - Go up / down First Avenue vaya hacia la primera avenida Turn left on Harper Street. De vuelta en la calle Harper. It´s on the right. Está a la derecha V. Choose the correct answers to the following questions according to the map. A. How do i get to The Moonbucks Coffee? ( ) 1 Turn right, take Harper St. Turn left. The Book World Is across from The Dance Palace. B. How do i get to The Book World? ( ) 2 Turn left. It is next to The Bell Theater. ( ) 3 Walk up First Avenue Moonbucks Coffee 1 Is on the left. 27 VI. Complete the following dialogue with the answers A, B, and C depending on the map A. Yes, it´s across from Book World B. It´s right in front of you. C. Turn right, take Harper Street, and turn left. Dance Palace is on the right. Tourist: Excuse me, Mr. Can you help me? How do i get to the Dance Palace? Mr: ---------------------------------------------------------Tourist: Is it near Book World? Mr: --------------------------------------------------------Tourist: Thank you. And where is The Bell Theater? Is it far from here? Mr: -------------------------------------------------------- Aprendizaje: el alumno formula preguntas y respuestas para conocer fecha, hora y lugar de celebraciones y eventos culturales. Aprender un idioma requiere de familiarizarse con vocabulario o palabras específicas, además de utilizarlas de manera adecuada. Algunas de estas palabras son las expresiones de tiempo. Éstas se utilizan cuando se hace referencia a fechas, hora y lugar. Te mostraremos una explicación de ellas. IN IN se utiliza cuando se habla de los meses se utiliza con las expresiones Ejemplo, IN DECEMBEREjemplo, IN THE MORNING, IN THE 28 ON se utiliza cuando se habla del mes y el día EVENING, IN THE AFTERNOON. Ejemplo, ON FEBRUARY 2nd ON cuando se habla de los días de la semana Ejemplo, ON MONDAY. ON se utiliza con las expresiones AT se utiliza cuando refiere a la hora Ejemplo, ON THE WEEKEND, ON WEEKDAYS Ejemplo, AT 7:00 AT se utiliza con la palabra en inglés Ejemplo, AT NIGHT Estas preposiciones de tiempo o lugar las puedes utilizar para contestar preguntas. Por ejemplo, When do you go on holiday? In December. What time is your English class? At 7:00 When is your Wedding Anniversary? On February 2nd I. Complete the sentences with prepositions of time 1. The swimming pool is only open---------------Saturdays. 2. This store closes--------------five o´clock today. 3. There aren´t any trains to Oaxaca-----------------the weekend. II. Match the following questions and answers according to the prepositions. 1. When is your Birthday? ( ) A. On April 30th 2. When do you celebrate Mother´s day? ( ) B. On March 3rd 29 3. What time do you leave from school? 4. When do you celebrate child´s day in México? III. ( ) C. At 8:00 ( ) D. In May According to the prepositions and the picture complete the dialogue that you have below Carlos: Hi, Peter when do you celebrate Halloween in U.S? Peter:-----------------------------and what about you? Carlos: In México we celebrate Día de Muertos---------November 1st Peter: That sounds interesting. In U.S we also celebrate Valentine´s Day-----------Carlos: Really, In México people celebrate it the same day. Peter: What about New Year´s Day? We celebrate it-----------------Carlos: In my country it is celebrated--------------------Peter: That´s different. See you later Carlos. Carlos: Ok. Peter see you. 30 Unidad 2 Aprendizaje 5 Proporciona información y sigue instrucciones de cómo llegar de un lugar a otro. Grammar Imperativos La forma imperativa se crea con el verbo en su forma original. La forma negativa se crea con don’t mas el verbo en su forma original. Utilizamos las oraciones en forma imperativa para pedir algo. Usamos la palabra Please para ser más educados, esta frase se puede poner en el inicio o al final de una oración. Listen to the CD! Don’t speak! Please close the door. Don’t arrive late please. I. - Use one of the verbs to complete each sentence. Use the negative form for some of your answers. add go keep sit come help park touch _____ straight _____ the change _____ straight ahead Jimmy! _____ in here! _____ here. 31 _____ it. _____ the onions. _____ yourself. II. - Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. not speak read walk not write turn listen 1. - ______during the lesson! 2. - ______down Wilson Road, and ______ right at the bank. 3. - ______ to the directions carefully. 4. - ______ on your desk. 5. - ______ this book. It‟s really good. III. not take - Complete with the correct form of the verbs. get not scream not forget take give not laugh close 1. - A: Charlie, it‟s 7:30! _________ up! We‟re going to be late for school! B: OK, OK! __________! I heard you! 2. - A: __________ me that book, please! I want to see something. B: Here you are. __________ it with you if you want. I don‟t need it. 3. - A: __________the door on you way out, OK? B: Sure __________ to take your keys with you this time A: Thanks. 4. - A: Steve, __________ ! That wasn‟t funny! 32 B: I‟m sorry, Neil, but it was pretty funny. Next time __________ part in a dancing competition if you‟re not ready. Ha, ha, ha. Grammar Be: preguntas con Where y el pronombre personal it. Las utilizamos para preguntar como llegar a una parte o en donde se localiza un lugar. Where‟s the bookstore? It‟s down the street on the left Where‟s the post office? It‟s next to the bank. There is Questions Answers Is there a bookstore near here? Yes. There‟s a bookstore across the street. Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is / No, there‟s not. Is there a pharmacy on Smith Street? Yes there is / No there‟s not. Vocabulary Across the street cruzando la calle Around the corner a la vuelta de la esquina Down the street sobre la calle On the left de el lado izquierdo On the right de el lado derecho Next to the bank junto al banco 33 Examples: The cinema is across the street from the sweet factory. The restaurant is next to the toy shop. The shop is around the corner from the school. The supermarket is down the street from the art gallery. IV. Example: - Write a conversation using some of the previous vocabulary. A: Excuse me. How do I get to the train station? B: The train station? Go one block and turn right. A: Thank‟s B: No problem. 34 Hospital restaurant bank school park cinema airport __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Grammar Be: preguntas acerca del tiempo Las utilizamos para preguntar que hora es o saber a que hora comienza una película, recuerda que hay varias formas de decir la hora. Questions Answers What time is it? Five o‟clock. What time is the class? (At) nine thirty. (At) nine thirty When is the class? Friday Friday at 9:30 What day is the party? V. Saturday - Complete the following questions. 1. - A: What time______ the party? B: 11:00. 2. - ______ day is the game? B: Saturday. 3. - A: What ______ is the concert? B: 8:00. 35 4. - A: What ______ is the speech? B: Tuesday. 5. - A: ______ time is it? B: 2:30. 6. - A: ______ is the play? B: Friday at 9:00. Grammar Preposiciones de lugar y tiempo. Time At On In on March 12th At 4:00 January in At noon on Monday in the morning At midnight on the weekend in the afternoon At night evening on a weekday in the Place At On In or at At 25 Bay St. on Main Street in/at the mall At school on the left in/at Central Park At work on the corner in/at the bu station 36 VI. - Complete the sentences. Use prepositions of place. 1. - The concert is ____ July 16th ____ 3:00 ____ the afternoon. 2. - The movie is ____ 6:00 ____ the evening. 3. - The travel agency is ____ the corner of State Street and Second Avenue. 4. - A: When is your birthday? B: ____ January 24th. When is yours? A: My birthday‟s ____ May. May 21st. 5. - The speech ____ May 11th ____ the bookstore. 6. - The party is ____ school ____ October 31st ____ midnight. Here are some links to improve your listening. Here are some links to improve your speaking. 37 APRENDIZAJE 6 Formula preguntas y respuestas sobre acciones que se están realizando Presente continuo RECUERDA: el presente continuo se utiliza para hablar de las acciones que se están realizando en el momento. Algunas de las expresiones de tiempo que puedes utilizar son: “right now” (ahora mismo), “in this moment” (en este momento), “now” (ahora). I am cooking. Ejemplos: It‟s raining. (Yo estoy cocinando) (Está lloviendo) They are dancing (Ellos están bailando) We are playing basketball. He is running. (Nosotros estamos jugando basquetbol) (El está corriendo) Oraciones afirmativas. 38 I am doing homework. „m He cleaning the house. She is playing the piano. It ´s We are drinking water. You ´re having lunch. verbo “be” verbo en terminación –ing They Sujeto (am / is / are) Oraciones negativas. I Am not doing homework. „m not He cleaning the house. She is not playing the piano. It isn‟t We are not drinking water. You aren´t having lunch. verbo “be” negativo verbo en terminación –ing They Sujeto (´m not / isn´t / aren´t) Preguntas y respuestas cortas o short answers (SI /NO) 39 Am I doing homework? Yes, I am. No, I‟m not. Is He cleaning the house? Yes, he is. she playing the piano? No, she isn‟t. We drinking water? Yes, we are. you having lunch? No, they aren´t. It Are they Yes, is / are) verbo en terminación –ing? verbo “be” (am / is / are) No, Sujeto verbo “be” (am / verbo “be” negative (´m not / isn´t/ aren´t) Preguntas de información. he What Is she doing? He is making a cake. It we Where Are you going? We are going to the park. they Palabras wh(what, where. When, why etc.) verbo “be” verbo en terminación –ing? (am / is / are) Sujeto 40 NOTA: A continuación encontrarás las reglas para añadir la terminación –ing a los verbos. Cuando las últimas tres letras de un verbo corto (de una sílaba) sean una consonante (c) una vocal (v) y una consonante (c), la última consonante se duplica, por ejemplo: Si t sitting (c)(v)(c) Cuando el verbo termine en la letra “e”, quita la e y añade la terminación – ing por ejemplo: Make making Ahora practica el presente continuo contestando los siguientes ejercicios. I. Write the –ing form of the following verbs. 1. Swim _________ 6. Run _______ 2. Play _________ 7. Have _______ 3. Take _________ 8. Sleep _______ 4. Cut _________ 9. Put _______ 5. Sing _________ 10. Study _______ II. Complete the following sentences. Use a correct form of v-ing. 1. I__________(have) lunch. 2. My sister ____________ (study) English. 3. Mark and Mike ____________ (play) baseball. 4. The dog ___________ (not / sleep) in the garden. 41 5. My friends __________ (not / watch) TV. 6. I _____________ (not / work) right now. 7. ___ you _____ (do) your homework? 8. __ David ______ (make) that noise? 9. What ___ they _______ (cook)? 10. Where __Susan _____ (go)? III. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions, use short answers. 1. Is he playing basketball? _________ 2. Are they studying? ____________ 3. Is he jumping? _________ 4. Are they cleaning the house? ___________ 5. Is he cooking? ___________ IV. Look at the picture. They are Lucy and Peter. Write the activities they are doing right now. 42 1. (they / watch TV) ____________________ 2. (they / eat pizza) _______________________ 3. (he / wear shorts) _____________________ 4. (she / stand up) _________________ 5. (he / sit on the floor) ________________ V. Read the following text. THE CHANGING FAMILY American families are changing. One important change is that most married women now work outside the home. What happens when both parents work? Read about the Morales family. Judy and Steve Morales have three children: Josh, 12; Ben, 9; and Emily, 6. Steve is a computer programmer. This year, Judy is working again as a hospital administrator. The family needs the money, and Judy likes her job. Everything is going well, but there are also some problems. Now that Judy is working, Steve has to help her more with the housework. He doesn´t enjoy it. Judy loves her work, but she feels too tired and busy. She also worries about the children. Judy has to work on Saturdays, so Steve and Judy don‟t have a lot of free time together. Emily is having a great time in her after-school program. When Judy comes to pick her up, she doesn‟t want to leave. Unfortunately, Ben‟s school doesn‟t have an after-school program. Right now, he‟s spending most afternoons in front of the TV. Josh is enjoying his new freedom after school. He‟s playing his music louder and spending more time on the phone. He‟s also doing a few household chores. 43 Richards, Hull, Proctor, Shields. Interchange 1 Cambridge, new York, U.S.A., 2006 VI. Answer the following questions: 1. How many children do Judy and Steve have? __ 2. What are their names? ____________________ 3. Which family member is enjoying more freedom? _____ 4. Which family members are doing more housework? ___________ 5. Which family member feels too busy? ______ VII. Read again and write if the sentences are T true F false. 1. Most married women now work at home. __ 2. Steve doesn‟t like housework. __ 3. Judy doesn‟t work on Saturday. __ 4. Emily is enjoying her after-school program. __ 5. Ben is watching TV a lot. __ Si quieres practicar el presente continuo un poco más, visita las siguientes páginas donde encontrarás más ejercicios. 44 APRENDIZAJE 7 Describe el clima actual de diferentes lugares. El clima. Vocabulario It‟s hot. It‟s cold. It‟s sunny. It´s cloudy. It‟s raining. It‟s snowing. It‟s windy RECUERDA: estas frases las utilizamos para describir el clima actual. Si quieres preguntar cómo está el clima en algún lugar en la actualidad la pregunta es “What‟s the weather like in _____________? Por ejemplo: Ahora practica contestando los siguientes ejercicios. I. Look at the map and answer the questions. 1. What‟s the weather like in Oaxaca? ___________ 45 2. What‟s the weather like in Italy? ___________ 3. What‟s the weather like in England? ____________ 4. What‟s the weather like in Australia? ___________ 5. What‟s the weather like in Mexico? ____________ II. Read the following descriptions and draw the weather symbols on the map. 1. It‟s cold in Chihuahua. 2. It‟s windy and raining in Tamaulipas. 3. It‟s sunny and hot in Yucatan. 4. It‟s cloudy in DF 5. It‟s snowing in Sonora. 46 Si quieres practicar un poco más sobre cómo describir el clima, visita las siguientes páginas donde encontrarás más ejercicios. 47 APRENDIZAJE 8 Comprende y produce expresiones relacionadas con lo que le gusta o no le gusta hacer. Love / Like / Hate En inglés puedes usar “love”, “like” y “hate” para expresar las cosas que te gusta hacer y las que no. Love Hate / don‟t like Like Te encanta Te gusta Lo odias / no te gusta Oraciones afirmativas I Like eating ice cream. You love going shopping. We hate playing soccer. He Likes watching TV. She loves sleeping. It hates cleaning the house. They Verbo (love/like/hate) Al verbo que sigue agrégale la terminación –ing. *para terceras personas Sujeto agrega –s al verbo Oraciones negativas 48 I don‟t like eating ice cream. You don‟t love going shopping. We don‟t hate playing soccer. He doesn‟t like watching TV. She doesn‟t love sleeping. It doesn‟t hate cleaning the house. They Auxiliares “don‟t” o “doesn‟t” depende del sujeto.+ y el verbo Sujeto (love/like/hate). Al verbo que sigue agrégale la terminación –ing. NOTA: A continuación encontrarás las reglas para añadir la terminación –ing a los verbos. Cuando las últimas tres letras de un verbo corto (de una sílaba) sean una consonante (c) una vocal (v) y una consonante (c), la última consonante se duplica, por ejemplo: Si t sitting (c)(v)(c) Cuando el verbo termine en la letra “e”, quita la e y añade la terminación – ing por ejemplo: Make making Ahora practica contestando los siguientes ejercicios. 49 I. Look at the pictures and write sentences. 1. (He / not like / be sick) _________________________. 2. (They / like / go / shopping) _______________________. 3. (He / hate / do homework) ____________________. 4. (Homero / love / watch TV) _______________________. 5. (They / not like / clean the house) ________________________. II. Write sentences about what you love / like / hate doing. 1. (eat pizza) ___________________________________________________ 2. (do homework) _______________________________________________ 3. (watch TV)____________________________________________________ 4. (clean your room)______________________________________________ 5. (work)_______________________________________________________ III. Read the following text. SUMALEE FROM THAILAND. Hi! My name‟s SumaIee. I live in Chiang Mai in the north. We don´t have four seasons, we have three –hot, rainy, and cool. I like the cool season from November to February. It‟s our “winter”. It‟s quiet hot in the daytime and it‟s cold at night. In February we have a lot of tropical flowers – red, orange and pink. So every year we have a Flower Festival. We sing and dance – I love it! 50 Liz and John Soars. American Headway 1. Oxford, New York, U.S.A., 2009 IV. Answer the following questions. 1. Where does Sumalee live? ________________. 2. How many seasons are there in Chiang Mai? _. 3. What is the weather like in those seasons? ________________. 4. What season does Sumalee like? ______________________. 5. What does Sumalee love? ____________________________________. V. Write a letter to one of your friends. Write about: Greet your friend. (Dear _______, How are you?) The things you and other people are doing in this moment. (In this moment I’m studying English and my mom is cooking) What the weather is like in this moment. (Right now it’s sunny and hot) The things you love / like / hate. (I like listening to music) Dear ___________. Love, Si quieres practicar un poco más sobre cómo expresar las cosas que te gustan y las que no, visita las siguientes páginas donde encontrarás más ejercicios. 51 Para practicar lecturas, audios y escritos puedes visitar las siguientes páginas: READING LISTENING WRITING Para practicar la habilidad de speaking puedes acudir a Tu Mediateca (Edificio E primer piso) donde puedes practicar con el software “Tell Me More” 52 Unidad 2 Aprendizaje número 9 Expresa habilidades propias y de terceras personas. Grammar Can / can‟t Para hablar de habilidades o cosas que puedes y no puedes hacer utilizamos can o can‟t y el verbo en su forma base. She can play the guitar. He can’t cook. I can speak English Betty can’t play the piano. Questions short answers Can you play the guitar? Yes I can/ No, I can’t Can he speak Italian? Yes he can/ No he can’t Vocabulary Adverbios para describir habilidades. well Tom sings beautifully Nicely badly Ryan sings poorly terrible 53 I. - Complete the conversation with can or can’t and the base form of the verb. 1. - A: _____ you _____ a car? B: Yes, I _____. But I don‟t drive well. 2. - A: _____ John _____ well? B: Yes, he _____. He swims nicely. 3. - A: _____ your brother _____? B: No. He _____ cook at all. 4. - A: _____ Gloria _____ English well? B: Yes. She Speaks English well. 5. - A: _____ your grandmother_____? B: Yes. She knits beautifully. 6. - A: _____ Tom play basketball? B: No, he _____, but he _____ play tennis. 7. - A: _____ you ride a horse? B: No I _____, but I _____ drive a car. 8. - I _____ use a computer but I _____ surf the Net. I think it‟s difficult. 9. - My grandmother _____ swim very well but my grandfather _____ swim at all. Como un apoyo adicional a la estructura de CAN, te proponemos los siguientes sitios web para que continúes con tu práctica. LISTENING. LISTENING. GRAMATICA. VIDEO. 54 Es posible que te pidan que en forma oral predigas el tema y posible contenido de un texto a partir del análisis del título, imágenes, fuente, etc Speaking I Look at the title and the pictures in the reading. What do you think the text is about? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ II. Talk about your last Christmas. Was it good? Why/ Why not? The Christmas Man Last Christmas was a very difficult time for me. My family and all of my close friends were back home in Florida, and I was all alone in a rather cold California. I was working too many hours and became very sick. I was working a double shift at the Southwest Airlines ticket counter, it was about 9:00 P.M. on Christmas Eve, and I was feeling really miserable inside. There were a few of us working and very few customers were waiting to be helped. When it was time for me to call the next person to the counter, I looked out to see the sweetest-looking old man standing with a cane. He walked very slowly over to the counter and in the faintest voice told me that he had to go to New Orleans. I tried to explain to him that there were no more flights that night and that he would have to go in the morning. He looked so confused and very worried. I tried to find out more information by asking if he had a reservation or if he remembered when he was supposed to travel, but he seemed to become more confused with each question. He just kept saying, “she said I have to go to New Orleans. “ After much time, I was able to at least find out that this old man was ropped off at the curb on Christmas Eve by his sister-in-law and told to go to New Orleans, where he had family. She had given him some cash and told him just to go inside 55 and buy a ticket. When I asked if he could come back tomorrow, he said that she was gone and that he had no place to stay. He then said he would wait at the airport until tomorrow. Naturally, I felt a little ashamed. Here I was feeling very sorry for myself about being alone on Christmas, when this angel named Clarence MacDonald was sent to me to remind me of what being alone really meant. It broke my heart. Immediately, I told him we would get it all straightened out, and our Customer Service agent helped to book him a seat for the earliest flight the next morning. We gave him the senior citizens fare, which gave him some extra money for travelling. About this time he started to look very tired, and when I stepped around the counter to ask him if he was all right, I saw that his leg was wrapped in a bandage. He had been standing on it that whole time, holding a plastic bag full of clothes. I called for a wheelchair. When the wheelchair came, we all stepped around to help him in, and I noticed a small amount of blood on his bandage. I asked how he hurt his leg, and he said that he had just had bypass surgery and an artery was taken from his leg. Can you imagine? This man had had heart surgery, and then shortly afterward, was dropped off at the curb to buy a ticket with no reservation to fly to New Orleans alone! I never really had a situation like this, and I wasn‟t sure what I could do. I went back to ask my supervisors if we could find a place for him to stay. They both said yes, and they obtained a hotel voucher for Mr. MacDonald for one night and a meal ticket for dinner and breakfast. When I came back out, we got his plastic bag of clothes and cane together and gave the porter a tip to take him downstairs to wait for the airport shuttle. I bent down to explain the hotel, food and itinerary again to Mr. MacDonald, and then patted him on the arm and told him everything would be just fine. As he left, he said, thank you, bent his head and started to cry. I cried too. When I went back to thank my supervisor, she just smiled and said, AI love stories like that. He is your Christmas Man. Rachel Dyer Montross Aprendizaje 10 Reflexiona sobre las similitudes y/o diferencias de otras culturas y responde las preguntas. 56 III Answer the following questions with your own information: a) What do we celebrate in Christmas Eve? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ b) Where do you spend Christmas? __________________________________________________________________ c) Do you like to receive presents from Santa Claus? __________________________________________________________________ d) What do you normally have for dinner in this special day? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Contesta las preguntas que se te hacen con respecto al texto. IV Answer the following questions according to the text. a) What is the topic of the text? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ b) Why was the writer feeling miserable? 57 __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ c) Why was the old man at the airport? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ d) Why did the old man have some blood on his leg? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ e) What did the writer do to help Mr. Mac Donald? __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ En el examen se te pedirá que escribas notas breves y sencillas relativas a asuntos culturales o académicos utilizando los valores, creencias, historia y comportamiento ritual de otras culturas. Toma en cuenta las siguientes preguntas para tu composición. Composition. Answer the following questions. V Is this the kind of story you expected to read? What is your opinion about it? I think .............. 58 __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ____________________ VI Write about your last Christmas. How was it? What did you eat for dinner? Where did you spend it? Were you happy? Last Christmas __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 59 EXAMEN MODELO EXAMEN EXTRAORDINARIO INGLÉS II The following exam is divided into five sections: reading, grammar, listening, writing and speaking. You can check your answers in the key answer section. Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ READING READING I. Read the text below. Circle a, b or c Food can be dangerous for your health! ________________________________ When you go to a restaurant you often think that the food you are ordering is good for you, but many restaurants serve healthy food, like fish or salad, with a sauce or dressing that uses a lot of oil, fat, or sugar. The British Food Standards Agency wants all restaurants to say in their menus exactly what is in each dish, how many calories, how much fat, and what additives. They think that restaurants don´t give their customers enough information, and that this new plan could help people to have a healthier diet. But chefs are not happy with the Agency´s plan. One top chef said, "People are not stupid. They know that many sauces have butter and cream in them. But if we put on a menu that a dish has 1,000 calories, nobody is going to order it". However, many doctors agree with the plan. Bruce Ward, Professor of Medicine, said, "People know that cigarettes are bad for them, because it tells you on the packet. But when they go to a restaurant they often have no idea if the food is healthy or not. Food products that have a lot of calories, fat, and sugar need a health warning, exactly like cigarettes". 1. Many restaurants..... a. serve healthy food. b. only serve fish and salad c. serve healthy food but with unhealthy sauces. 2. The British Food Standards Agency wants restaurants.... a. to serve healthy food. 60 b. to give more information about their dishes. c. not to use fat and additives. 3. Chefs think that.... a. people are not going to order their dishes. b. people are stupid. c. cream and butter are good for you. 4. Doctors think that people.... a. need more information about cigarettes. b. need more information about food. c. need to stop eating in restaurants. 5. Are you in favor or against that restaurants say in their menus exactly what is in each dish?. Explain__________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. Do you think that in Mexico a plan like this would be necessary?. Explain. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 1point each . Total points in this section GRAMMAR 61 II. Match the sentences and pictures. 1. I don´t drink much water 2. I drink a lot of water 3. I don´t drink any water III. 4. 5. 6. 7. IV. (A) (B) (C) Complete the questions with How much or How many ______________________ cups of coffee ______________________ mineral water ______________________ fruit juice do you drink a day? ______________________ coke Write affirmative or negative sentence for each picture. Example You can´t park here 8. ________________ with a credit card. 9. ________________ a coffee here 10. ________________ exam in progress 11. _______________________ care about your life 62 12. V. _______________________ at restaurants Complete the sentences. Use prepositions ( in, at, on). Example: What time is the movie? It´s at 9:30 P.M 13. The concert is ____ July 14th ____ 3:00 ____ the afternoon. 14. The speech is ____ December 6th ____ 4:00 ____ the museum. 15. The basketball game is ____ Tuesday ____ the park ____ Smith St. 16. The party is ____ school ____ October 31st ____ midnight. 17. The movie is ____ 6:00 ____ the evening. VI. Answer the following questions based on your own information. 18. Say what you think people in your family are doing right now ? __________________________________________________________________ 19. What are you wearing today ? ____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 20. How do you get from your house to The Anthropology National Museum? __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 21. Can you find what´s the weather like in Moscow, Ottawa and Mexico now ? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 1 point each Total points in this section LISTENING 63 I. Allie and Mark are trying to find the restaurant. Listen and complete the dialogue. Can you mark King Street on the map? Excuse me. Where´s King Street, Please?. Sorry, I 1 _________ know. Excuse me. Is King Street near here?. King street? It´s exactly 3 ________. Sorry. Thank you. 2 ____________ here but I don´t know Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to King Street? Yes. Go 4 _________ on. Go past the church, and then turn 5 _________ at the traffic lights. And then I think it´s the 6 _______ on the right. Sorry, could you say that again, please?. Yes, go........ Thank you. Tomado de New English File. Elementary Student´s book. Clive Oxenden. Oxford University Press. pp 72. Acude a la Mediateca del plantel para consultar el audio. 1 point each Total points in this section WRITING 64 1. Write an article for a magazine: My favourite day. Write four paragraphs. Answer the questions. a. What´s your favourite day of the week? Why? b. What do you usually do in the morning? c. Where do you have lunch? What do you usually do after lunch? d. What do you usually do in the evening? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 11points Total points in this section 65 SPEAKING 1.Give instructions to make your favorite sandwich. invent a name for it. say what ingredients you need. tell the instructions to prepare it. 2. Say three healthy things that you eat or drink a lot of. Say three unhealthy things that you eat or drink a lot of. 3. Say what the weather is like today. Compare your town/city with another (three sentences). 4. Say two things you can do well and two things you can´t do. Say two things you love doing and two things you hate doing. Say the type of clothes you like and dislike. 11points Total points in this section Total points 66 GUIA DE RESPUESTAS TEMA: SUSTANTIVOS SINGULARES Y PLURALES I. Write the plural form of the following words 1. boat boats 5. address addresses 9. foot feet 2. woman women 6. knife knives 10. holiday holidays 3. city cities 7. sandwich sandwiches 11. potato potatoes 4. umbrella umbrellas 8. family families 12. leaf leaves II. Some of the following sentences are correct, but some are incorrect. Correct the sentences that are wrong. 1. There is a woman in that car with two mens. with two men 2. Sheep eat grass. Correct 3. David is married and has three childs. three children 4. My boss has two car. two cars 5. He gives her a flowers. some flowers III. According to the list on the previous page, classify some of the words in the following chart. Use your dictionary: Food Liquids Ex. Rice fruit juice 67 salt water flour milk spaghetti coffee yogurt wine beef soda chocolate tea meat pasta IV. Write C for the countable nouns and U for the uncountable nouns 1. U money 7. C strawberry 13. C cup 2. U bread 8. C cookie 14. U music 3. C stamp 9. U fruit 15. C photograph 4. U wine 10. C sandwich 16. C movie 5. C apple 11. U cheese 17. U tea 6. U soda 12. C egg 18. U yogurt V. Write a, an or some according to the pictures. 1.A strawberry 2. Some strawberries 3. A cookie 4. Some cookies 5. An egg 6. Some eggs 7. A coffee 8. Some coffee 9. An ice cream 10. Some ice cream VI. Complete the sentences with a, an or some. 68 11. Would you like some wine? 12. Can I have some stamps, please? 13. I‟d like a chicken sandwich and some cheese for lunch. 14. Do you want a drink? 15. Would you like an apple or some strawberries? 16. Can I have some bread? 17. Can you give me some money? 18. I usually have a cookie and a cup of coffee at 11 A.M? 19. Could you buy some fruit when you go to the store? 20. He always has an egg for breakfast. TEMA: HOW MUCH, HOW MANY Y CUANTIFICADORES VII. Circle the correct words in these questions and answers. 1. A: How much / many B: Well, I have orange / an orange a lot of / many 3. A: How bread / breads? much / many much / many bread. times a week do you eat B: About twice a week. But I eat many 4. A: Do you eat B: Well, I eat 5. A: Do you eat every day for breakfast, and I eat fruit after dinner for dessert. 2. A: How often do you eat B. I usually eat fruit do you eat a week? many / much fish? much / a lot of fish. rice / rices? potato / potatoes every day. meat / meats? B: Well, I don‟t eat beef / beefs, but I eat many / a lot of chicken. 6. A. How much / many B: I don‟t eat eggs do you eat a week? much / many. I don‟t really like egg / eggs. IX. Correct the following sentences, according to the text. 6. Some Jewish people eat apples with candy for a sweet new year. Some Jewish people eat apples with honey for a sweet new year. 69 7. Greeks eat vasilopita, bread with beans inside. Greeks eat vasilopita, bread with a coin inside. 8. In Europe, people eat 12 grapes for good luck in the new year. In Spain and some Latin American countries, people eat 12 grapes for good luck in the new year. 9. The Japanese eat chocolate cake for strength in the new year. The Japanese eat rice cake for strength in the new year. 10. Some Americans eat black-eyed peas. Black-eyed peas are like dollars. Some Americans eat black-eyed peas. Black-eyed peas are like coins. X. Writing: Write a similar paragraph describing some food from a traditional celebration in Mexico, it could be the independence day, Christmas, the day of the deads, New Year, etc. Open answer. TEMA: PRENDAS DE VESTIR, PRECIOS Y ADJETIVOS DEMOSTRATIVOS XI. Write the name of the clothes under each picture. 1. skirts 2. t-shirt 3. cap 4. dress 5. pyjamas 6. blouse 7. trousers 8. jacket 9. shorts 10. coat XII. Write questions with How much...? and this, that, these and those. 1. How much are those umbrellas? 2. How much is this belt? 3. How much are these tennis? 5. How much are these socks? 4. How much is that blouse? XIV. Circle the correct option according to the text. 1. Kayo has to / doesn’t have to 2. Rick wants / doesn’t want 3. Louisa needs / doesn’t need wear a uniform. to wear comfortable clothes after work. to wear nice clothes at work. 70 XV. Writing: Now, write a similar paragraph describing what kind of clothes you like to wear. Write your name, your occupation, what clothes you like to wear and say why. Open answer APRENDIZAJE - 3 I. II. III. ( B) front of Taft 1. ON 1. ON ( D ) Symphony Hall 2. UNDER 2. UNDER ( A ) to Taft 3. NEXT TO 3. BEHIND ( E ) Symphony Hall 4. NEXT TO ( C ) there isn´t 5. ON ( G ) 6. ON ( F ) 7. IN IV. 1. It´s in 2. It´s next 3. No, 8. BETWEEN V. VI. Mr. Turn right, take Harper Street and turn left 71 A ( 3 ) Dance Palace is on the right. B ( 1 ) World. Mr. Yes, it´s across from Book Mr. It´s right in front of you. APRENDIZAJE - 4 I. II. III. 1. ON 1. ( 4 ) Peter: On October 31st 2. AT 2. ( 1 ) Carlos: On November 1st 3. ON 3. ( 3 ) Peter: On February 14th 4. ( 2 ) Peter: On January 1st APRENDIZAJE 5 1. - Use one of the verbs to complete each sentence. Use the negative form for some of your answers. a) sit b) keep 72 c) go d) touch e) come f) park g) add e) help 2. - Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. a) don’t speak b) walk- turn c) listen d) don’t write e) read 3. - Complete with the correct form of the verbs. a) get – don’t scream b) give - take c) close - don’t forget d) don’t laugh – don’t take 5. - Complete the following questions. a) when b) what c) time d) day e) what 73 f) when 6. - Complete the sentences. Use prepositions of place. a) on - at- in b) at – in c) on d) in – on e) on – at f) at - on – at APRENDIZAJE 6 VIII. Write the –ing form of the following verbs. 6. Swim Swimming 6. Run Running 7. Play Playing 7. Have Having 8. Take Taking 8. Sleep Sleeping 9. Cut Cutting 9. Put Putting 10. Sing singing 10. Study Studying IX. Complete the following sentences. Use present continuous. 11. I am having (have) lunch. 12. My sister is studying (study) English. 13. Mark and Mike are playing (play) baseball. 14. The dog isn‟t sleeping (not / sleep) in the garden. 15. My friends aren‟t watching (not / watch) TV. 16. I „m not working (not / work) right now. 17. Are you doing (do) your homework? 18. Is David making (make) that noise? 19. What are they cooking (cook)? 20. Where is Susan going (go)? 74 X. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions, use short answers. 1. Is he playing basketball? No, he isn‟t 2. Are they studying? Yes, they are 3. Is he jumping? No, he isn‟t 4. Are they cleaning the house? No, they aren‟t 5. Is he cooking? Yes, he is. XI. Look at the picture. Write affirmative and negative sentences using the information given. 6. (they / watch TV) They are watching TV. 7. (they / eat pizza) They aren‟t eating pizza. 8. (he / wear shorts) He isn‟t wearing shorts. 9. (she / stand up) She is standing up. 10. (he / sit on the floor) He is sitting on the floor. XII. Answer the following questions: 75 6. How many children do Judy and Steve have? 3. 7. What are their names? Josh, Ben and Emily. 8. Which family member is enjoying more freedom? Josh. 9. Which family members are doing more housework? Steve and Josh. 10. Which family member feels too busy? Judy. XIII. Read again and write if the sentences are T true F false. 6. Most married women now work at home. F 7. Steve doesn‟t like housework. F 8. Judy doesn‟t work on Saturday. F 9. Emily is enjoying her after-school program. T 10. Ben is watching TV a lot. T APRENDIZAJE III. Look at the map and answer the questions. 1. What‟s the weather like in Oaxaca? It‟s sunny. 2. What‟s the weather like in Italy? It‟s hot. 3. What‟s the weather like in England? It‟s snowing. 76 4. What‟s the weather like in Australia? It‟s windy. 5. What‟s the weather like in Mexico? It‟s raining. VI. Look at the pictures and write sentences. 1. (He / not like / be sick) He doesn‟t like being sick. 2. (They / like / go / shopping) They like going shopping. 3. (He / hate / do homework) He hates doing homework. 4. (Homero / love / watch TV) Homero loves watching TV. 5. (They / not like / clean the house) They don‟t like cleaning the house. VII. Write sentences about what you love / like / hate doing. (Aqui las respuestas pueden variar) 6. (eat pizza) ___________________________________________________ 7. (do homework) _______________________________________________ 8. (watch TV)____________________________________________________ 9. (clean your room)______________________________________________ 10. (work)_______________________________________________________ VIII. Answer the following questions. 6. Where does Sumalee live? In Chiang Mai. 7. How many seasons are there in Chiang Mai? 3. 77 8. What is the weather like in those seasons? Hot, raining and cool. 9. What season does Sumalee like? The cool season. 10. What does Sumalee love? The festival / singing and dancing in the Festival. IX. Write a letter to one of your friends. Write about: Greet your friend. (Dear _______, How are you?) The things you and other people are doing in this moment. (In this moment I’m studying English and my mom is cooking) What the weather is like in this moment. (Right now it’s sunny and hot) The things you love / like / hate. (I like listening to music) Dear ___________. (aquí las respuestas pueden variar) Love, APRENDIZAJE 9 Complete the conversation with can or can’t and the base form of the verb. a) can - drive - can b) can - swim - can c) can - cook - can’t d) can - speak e) can - knit f) can - can’t - can 78 g) can - can’t – can h) can - can’t i) can - can’t APRENDIZAJE 10 Speaking I It´s about Christmas, an old and poor man in the United States. II Your own words. Reading III a) b) c) d) Baby Jesus born. With my family. Yes, I do. / No, I don‟t. Turkey, Romeritos, Bacalao. IV a) A problem that happened in Christmas. b) Her family and all of her close friends were back home in Florida, and she was all alone in a cold California. She was working too many hours and became very sick. c) Because he had to go to New Orleans. d) He had just had bypass surgery and an artery was taken from his leg. e) She asked her supervisors if they could find a place for him to stay. She obtained a hotel voucher for Mr. MacDonald for one night and a meal ticket for dinner and breakfast. She got his plastic bag of clothes and cane and gave the porter a tip to take him downstairs to wait for the airport shuttle. She explained the hotel, food and itinerary to Mr. MacDonald. Composition V I think it‟s a sad Christmas story. I love to read Christmas stories because they have love, toys, color, Christmas trees, presents, carols, piñatas, candies and lots of fun. When I read this story I wanted to cry, too. I can´t imagine and old man suffering alone. Thanks God, there was a nice person to help him. 79 Last Christmas I spent it with my family in my grandmother‟s house. We were very happy singing, dancing and opening our presents. At dinner time we all sat at the table to eat. My grandmother prepared Romeritos and. My mother prepared a shrimp soup, it as delicious. My aunt Rita brought a corn Cake. After dinner my grandfather played the guitar and we sang Christmas songs. It was one of the most incredible days for me. EXAMEN MODELO READING 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b GRAMMAR 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. how many 5. how much 6. how much 7. how much 13. on at in 14. on at in 15. on in on 16. at on at 17. at in LISTENING 80 1. I don´t 2. near 3. where 4. straight 5. left 6. second 81 BIBLIOGRAFÍA 1. McCarthy, Michael, et al. (2008). Touchstone 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2. Murphy, Raymond. (2000). Essential Grammar in Use. New Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 3. Saslow, Joan and Ascher, Allen. (2006). Top Notch Fundamentals. English for Today’s World. New York: Pearson Longman. 4. Soars, Liz and John. ( 2001). American Headway 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 5. 6. Biblioteca Benjamín 7. Jean Saslow & Allen Ascher. Top Notch PEARSON Longman 8. Jack C. Richards Interchange Cambridge 9. Clive Oxenden. New English File. Oxford University Press. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. p 21. 22. 23. 24. 82