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Service And Holiness
Joshua 24:14-31
To Serve God Is to…
Servicio y Santidad
Josué 24:14-31
___________, obey and _____________ Him and Him alone!
¡______________, obedecerle y ______________ a Él y solo a Él!
To _________ Him and to fix our __________ to Him, and obey
Him because we choose to, not because we have to.
______________ y fijar nuestro ____________ en Él, y obedecerle
porque queremos, no porque tengamos que hacerlo.
Serve Him With Integrity
Servidle con Integridad
To serve Him _____________________.
Servirle a Dios ____________________.
I am __________________ before God, of living a life of integrity.
Yo soy _____________________ ante Dios de vivir en integridad.
Serve Him Faithfully
Servidle Con Fidelidad
Being __________________ like He is faithful!
¡Serle ____________ como Él es fiel!
You cannot serve two _________________!
¡No se puede servir a dos _________________!
Serve Him In Truth
Servidle En La Verdad
You cannot truly serve Him outside of the ___________!
¡No se puede verdaderamente servir a Dios fuera de la ________!
The Truth has to be __________________ in your heart.
La Verdad tiene que estar _______________ en tu corazón.
His truth should lead us to serve Him in __________________.
Su Verdad nos debe conducir al servicio en __________________.
Serve Him in Holiness
Servidle En Santidad
Set your heart _____________ for Him.
________________ tu corazón para Él.
God commanded them to flee from their idols and to ___________
Dios mandó a separarse y a _________________ los ídolos.