Download Jul 6 - St.Teresa of Avila

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Pastor: Fr. Michael Carroll
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Arnold Parungao
Deacon Dave Ford ([email protected])
Deacon Ed Morgado ([email protected])
Fourteenth Sunday
In Ordinary Time
July 6, 2014
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved
you; abide in My Love.” In Christ’s Love the
Eucharistic community of St. Teresa of Avila,
Auburn, embraces and welcomes all as part of
God’s family. We value every parishioner and
strive to reflect the forgiveness and healing of
the Gospels.
Sunday Masses
Parish Office: 11600 Atwood Rd., Auburn, CA 95603
Saturday Vigil………………………………………………...5:00pm
Sunday…………………………………………….8:00am, 10:30am
………………………………………...3:30pm (Spanish), & 5:30pm
Office Hours: Monday—Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm
(530) 889-2254, fax (530) 889-2643
Business Manager, Jo Anne Drummond
(530)-889-2254 ext. 11
e-mail: [email protected]
Daily Masses
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday, 3:00pm – 4:30pm
The priests are honored to celebrate the Sacrament of Penance
at any time; please call for an appointment with the priest of
your choice.
Ministry to Seniors, Bereaved & Homebound
Barbara Freuler (Minister) – (530) 889-2254 ext. 10
e-mail: [email protected]
Adult Faith Formation, Deacon Dave Ford
(530) 889-2254
Religious Education Program
Judy Jones (Coordinator) (530) 823-7122
e-mail: [email protected]
Baptisms: For the celebration of Baptism, please call the
St. Joseph School, Mr. Christopher Nelson, (Principal)
Eucharistic Adoration
Parish Office, for information.
Marriage: If you are a member of our parish, please contact a
priest or deacon of your choice at least six months in advance of
your desired wedding in order to participate in a process of
marriage preparation.
Confirmation: For teens, the Sacrament of Confirmation is a
[email protected] or
11610 Atwood Rd., Auburn (530) 885-4490 fax (530) 885-0182
St. Joseph Preschool/Day Care Center
Jaime Anderson, (Director) (530) 823-1822
11610 Atwood Rd., Auburn,
e-mail: [email protected]
two-year preparation process; please contact our coordinator of
religious education; for adults not yet confirmed, please call the
parish office.
Music Ministry:
Ministry to the Sick: Please call parish office
Youth Group:
(530) 889-2254
Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Call the parish office (530) 889-2254
Jean Sawyer, (Music & Liturgy Director) – (530) 885-2958
e-mail: [email protected]
Brenda Fischer, (Youth Director) - (530) 305-9919
e-mail: [email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul: (530) 906-8311
Bulletin Submissions: e-mail to [email protected]. All bulletin articles are due in the parish office no later than
12:00pm on Mondays.
14th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Page 2
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 6, 2014
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest.”
— Matthew 11:28
Why, we might ask the prophet Zechariah today, would God want to banish chariots and horses? The answer
follows: because they are used to violate God’s reign of peace, along with the warrior’s bow. In the days of Zechariah,
chariots and horses were high-priced items used only for war-making. They were the aircraft carriers and nuclear
missiles of his day. And for his culture, which thought of any king as being a military leader first and foremost, a king
riding on a lowly beast of burden to proclaim peace without horses, chariots, and bows would have set his listeners topsy
This lowly, beast-riding king of peace, we believe, was fulfilled in Jesus, gentle and humble of heart. In a world torn
by military strife often generated by differing religious views, and even in our own lives and homes where we are often
at “war” over the tiniest things, we would do well to stop and consider to what degree we are willing to be like that
“king” whose way of gentleness and humility is the way for us to find rest for our weary souls.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
July 5—Jul 12, 2014
7/05/14 5:00pm +
7/06/14 8:00am +
10:30am +
5:30pm +
7/07/14 8:30am +
7/08/14 8:30am
7/09/14 8:30am
7/10/14 8:30am +
7/11/14 8:30am
7/12/14 8:30am
John Silva
Maria Cesna
John Bakotich
For the Faithful
Julie Johnson
Raul M. Ruiz
Tom Leavell
No Mass Request
Maria Alice Andrade
No Mass Request
For the Faithful
Sunday Offertory for:
June 29, 2014
Thank you for your generosity
First Reading — Rejoice heartily, O Jerusalem! For
see, your savior comes (Zechariah 9:9-10).
Psalm — I will praise your name for ever, my king
and my God (Psalm 145).
Second Reading — The one who raised Christ from
death will give life to your mortal bodies also
(Romans 8:9, 11-13).
Gospel — Come, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:25-30).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9;
Mt 9:18-26
Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10;
Mt 9:32-38
Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7;
Mt 10:1-7
Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16;
Mt 10:7-15
Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17;
Mt 10:16-23
Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33
Is 55:10-11; Ps 65:10-14; Rom 8:18-23;
Mt 13:1-23 [1-9]
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wednesday: St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions
St. Benedict
Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary
July 6, 2014
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Week of July 13, 2014
Altar Servers
Saturday, 7/12/14, 5:00pm
Joseph & Amanda Haas, Cole Johnson
Sunday, 7/13/14, 8:00am
Emma & Rachel Roche, Hunter Schott
Sunday, 7/13/14, 10:30am
Adam Santos, Colton McElroy, Kyle Decker
Sunday, 7/13/14, 5:30pm
Matthew Corkery, Conner McCormick, William Musser
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday, 7/12/14, 5:00pm
Joyce Swartz, Nina Ashford, Jim McKevitt, Claudia Beckwith
Sunday, 7/13/14, 8:00am
Diana Lemmon, Dennis & Karen Williams, Charles Schneider,
John Kysar
Sunday, 7/13/14, 10:30am
Russ & Dana Zeller, Roberta Lopez, Rob Fecko, Anita Miller,
Kate Niece, Melissa Crawford
Sunday, 7/13/14, 3:30pm
Not Filled
Sunday, 7/13/14, 5:30pm
Anne, John & Sara Bianchi
Saturday, 7/12/14, 5:00pm
Michael Jacques, Julie LaValley
Sunday, 7/13/14, 8:00am
Sandy Amara, Trish Jensen, Ella Sockman
Sunday, 7/13/14, 10:30am
Daniella & Samantha Melendez, Megan Towne
Sunday, 7/13/14, 3:30pm
Not Filled
Sunday, 7/13/14, 5:30pm
John Sheehan, Michael Hendricks, Dave Manning
Saturday, 7/12/14, 5:00pm
Sharon Dunkel, Carol & Bob Thomas, Kathy & Quentin Russo
Sunday, 7/13/14, 8:00am
Kate Sabins, Marcia Kitchell, Betty Mathews, Sharon Hane,
Joan Thompson
Sunday, 7/13/14, 10:30am
Maureen Spencer, Bobbie Cairns, Ruth Wright,
Micheline Turner, Bernice Ambrose, Elizabeth Morales,
Ben & Jack Niece
Sunday, 7/13/14, 5:30pm
Joe Tatman
Saturday, 7/12/14, 5:00pm, Not Filled
Sunday, 7/13/14, 8:00am
Bill Clark, Ed Larsen, Terry Noriska, Pete Thompson,
Mary Niece
Sunday, 7/13/14, 10:30am
Gary Crockett, Tom Huckins, Paul Law
Sunday, 7/13/14, 5:30pm,
Joe Tatman
Jim McKevitt
Julia Eggert
Joe Offer
John Bianchi
St. Joseph's Parish on Lincoln Way will be
having their FIRST ANNUAL Cajun Dinner.
Saturday, July 12th
St. Joseph Parish Hall
$20.00 per person
Call St. Joseph Parish Office for tickets at 530885-2956 for tickets and further information.
14th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Page 4
In today's Gospel, Jesus spells out to His apostles that their highest
ambition in life would have to service. "If anyone wants to be first, he must make
himself servant of all." What James and John wanted was a position of
privilege, they wanted to be top dog.
Ambition in the Oxford Dictionary is defined as "The eager or inordinate desire for honor or
preferment." Most people are eager to be happy in life, to do well in exams or interviews, to own a
home, have their talents recognized and have their contributions recognized. Jesus encouraged us
to use our talents for the good.
In the days long age, our parents tried to raise us to be helpful and humble. Anyone who
craved for too much attention or boasted would hear the phrase "you are full of your own
importance", and now and then all of us siblings would say, "a prophet is never accepted in his own
home or neighborhood." Parents have the noble task of planting in their own hearts and in the
hearts of their children the model of Christ's Love and service for others, "The Son of man came, not
to be served, but to serve."
Lately I was reading about a man called Jean Vanier who while visiting his friend, a chaplain
to the mentally handicapped in France, Jean saw that the handicapped were consigned to badly
kept and badly run institutions. He bought a small cottage and invited two of the men from the
institution to live with him. He wanted to create a home for them, where they experienced friendship
and self worth. This was the beginning of "L" Arche, a world wide movement for caring for mentally
handicapped people. I know many of you have witnessed similar efforts in our own community and
parish. Jean Vanier wrote:
'Our society often sees the world in the form of a ladder. There's a bottom and a top!
Everything and everyone encourages us to climb up that ladder—to seek success,
promotions, wealth and power. But where we live—with the handicapped, our wounded
brothers and sisters—we are discovering, if we want to live in a human way, that it is not
the ladder we should take as model, but the living body (St. Paul). In a body there are many
different parts: each one is very important even the smallest and the weakest. In a body,
even the weakest members know they are needed and that they matter. Those who come to
help in our communities are called to what is most beautiful in their own hearts.'
God Bless, Fr. Mike
School days are the best days of your life . . . . provided your children
are old enough to go.
It was the little girl's first day at school and the teacher was making out her
registration card. "What is your father's name?"
"Daddy", replied the child.
"Yes, I know, but what does your mother call him?"
"Oh, she doesn't call him anything. She likes him!"
One young mother, on receiving a nursery school report that described her daughter as
"emotionally immature," asked with good sense, "If you can't be immature at three,
when can you be?"
July 6, 2014
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Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
6 de julio de 2014
“Vengan a mí, todos los que están fatigados
y agobiados por la carga, y yo los aliviaré”.
— Mateo 11:28
¿Por qué, le preguntamos al profeta Zacarías hoy, quiere Dios destruir los carros y los
caballos? La respuesta es: porque, junto al arco de los guerreros, se les usa para violar la paz
del reino de Dios. En los días de Zacarías, carros y caballos eran bienes muy apreciados que
se usaban sólo para hacer guerra. Eran los portaaviones y los misiles nucleares de hoy día. Y en esa cultura que
consideraba que un rey era un jefe militar primero que todo, un rey montado en un pobre asno para proclamar la paz, sin
caballos ni carros ni arcos, hubiera causado gran revuelo entre su audiencia.
Esa profecía del humilde rey de la paz, montado en un asno, nosotros creemos que se cumplió en Jesús, manso y
humilde de corazón. En un mundo sacudido por la lucha militar, que frecuentemente es el resultado de divergentes
creencias religiosas, y hasta nuestras propias vidas y hogares donde vamos a la guerra por la más mínima cosa, sería
bueno que nos detuviéramos a pensar hasta que punto estamos dispuestos a ser como el “rey” que con su mansedumbre y
humildad es el camino para que nosotros logremos encontrar descanso para nuestras almas.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Primera lectura — Nuestro Salvador es un pacificador
que reina hasta los confines de la tierra (Zacarías 9:910).
Salmo — Siempre bendeciré tu nombre, mi rey y mi
Dios (Salmo 145 [144]).
Segunda lectura — Si por el Espíritu matan las obras de
la carne, vivirán en el Espíritu de Dios
(Romanos 8: 9, 11-13).
Evangelio — Vengan a mí los que se sientan cargados y
agobiados, porque yo los aliviaré (Mateo 11:25-30).
Domingo: Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Miércoles: San Agustín Zhao Rong y compañeros
Viernes: San Benito
Sábado: Santa María Virgen
Os 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Sal 145 (144):2-9;
Mt 9:18-26
Martes: Os 8:4-7, 11-13; Sal 115 (114):3-10; Mt 9:3238
Miércoles: Os 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Sal 105 (104):2-7;
Mt 10:1-7
Os 11:1-4, 8c-9; Sal 80 (79):2ac, 3b, 15-16;
Mt 10:7-15
Viernes: Os 14:2-10; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17;
Mt 10:16-23
Sábado: Is 6:1-8; Sal 93 (92):1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33
Domingo: Is 55:10-11; Sal 65 (64):10-14; Rom 8:18-23;
Mt 13:1-23 [1-9]
Toda devoción mariana debe seguir los pasos de Cristo. Y todo lo que decimos acerca de María
deberíamos decirlo de nosotros como Iglesia, porque ella es nuestra madre, hermana y modelo. Si
Jesús es el Hijo de Dios, María y nosotros también somos hijos e hijas de Dios. Si Jesús tiene un
Sagrado Corazón que arde por amor al humano, María tiene un corazón inmaculado que arde con
ese mismo amor. ¿Y nosotros?
La devoción al Inmaculado Corazón de María fue promovida por el Papa Pío XII en 1942,
durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El Papa pidió a María tres gracias para los fieles en Cristo:
amor a la pureza, práctica de la vida cristiana y celo apostólico. De esta manera nuestro corazón
puede llegar a ser como el de ella.
El corazón inmaculado de María es un corazón que no tiene mancha de pecado. Es un corazón
que imita el Sagrado Corazón de su Hijo y Dios, Jesús. Es recuerdo de lo que nuestros corazones
pueden ser. Es invitación a que nos vayamos purificando y creciendo en amor ardiente por el
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
July 6, 2014
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St. Teresa of Avila Parish
11600 Atwood Road
Auburn, CA 95603
(530) 889-2254, fax (530)889-2643
Confidential Registration Form
Welcome to St. Teresa of Avila Parish Community! In order for us to best serve you and your needs,
please provide us with the following information.
Last Name:
E-Mail Address:
Zip Cpde:
Date of Birth
_______ __
Phone #:
Cell #_________________________
Work #:
Yes [ ] No [ ]
In What Religion:
First Communion: Yes [ ] No: [___
Confirmation: Yes [ ] No [ ]
Married in the Catholic Church: Yes [ ] No [ ] If No, Please Explain:
Spouse Name:
Baptized: Yes [ ] No [ ]
First Communion: Yes [ ] No [
Child Name:
Baptized: Yes [ ] No [ ]
First Communion: Yes [ ] No [
Child Name:
Baptized: Yes [ ] No [ ]
First Communion: Yes [ ] No [
Child Name:
Baptized: Yes [ ] No [ ]
First Communion: Yes [ ] No [
Child Name:
Baptized: Yes [ ] No [ ]
First Communion: Yes [ ] No [
Maiden Name:
Cell #:
In What Religion:
Confirmation: Yes [
In What Religion:
Confirmation: Yes [
In What Religion:
Confirmation: Yes [
In What Religion:
Confirmation: Yes [
In What Religion:
Confirmation: Yes [
Date of Birth:
Work #:
] No [
Date of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Date of Birth:
] No [ ]
] No [ ]
] No [ ]
] No [ ]
Are there any Sacraments you need help with as an Adult?
Interested in placing your children in our Catholic School? Yes [ ]
Group 14-18? Yes [ ]
No [ ]
No [ ]
Religious Education?
Yes [ ]__ No [ ] Youth