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English Verb Tenses Form and Use
Present Simple Tense
I live in Málaga
Hi everybody! I'm The Present Simple Girl. I like habits and
routines. I always do the same things and at the same time. For
example, I always drink two glasses of milk in the morning and I
usually arrive at school at twenty five past eight . I often wear
jeans and T-shirts. I love pop music. I also love animals and
plants. I have a beautiful garden.
I go to the beach on
I don't drink coffee
Do you like English?
I live with my parents and my brother,
Present Continuous Guy. He is very different from me. He never
arrives on time for lunch. He likes new clothes and fashion, and
he doesn't listen to pop music. He plays hard rock in a group
called "Metal Bananas" . We are in an English club called The
Happy Verby Gang. We go to the club on Saturdays.
Present Simple Girl
I drink
You drink
I don't drink
You don't drink
Do I drink?
Do you drink?
He drinks
She drinks
It drinks
He doesn't drink
She doesn't drink
It doesn't drink
Does he drink?
Does she drink?
Does it drink?
We drink
You drink
We don't drink
You don't drink
Do we drink?
Do you drink?
They drink
They don't drink
Do they drink?
Present Simple Girl
I go to the gym on Monday and Friday
Habitual actions
Acciones habituales (normalmente acompañados de adverbios
de frecuencia)
Permanent states
The Sun rises in the morning
Estados permanentes (hechos que no cambian nunca)
Feelings and emotions (like, hate, want,
hope, etc.)
I like your T-shirt. I want a blue one
Sentimientos y emociones
Verb of senses (hear, taste, see, smell,
sound and taste)
Listen! I hear some music in the house
Verbos de sentidos
English Verb Tenses Form and Use
Present Continuous Tense
Hi there! I'm The Present Continuous Guy. I'm here to tell
you what I'm doing at the moment because my life is
changing a lot these days. Now I'm not studying, but I'm
working in a Body Piercing Tattoo shop. I like tattoos. At
the moment I'm wearing nine tattoos and ten piercings.
Now, I am playing my guitar
My girlfriend is working in
the disco today
I am not studying at the
At present I'm playing the guitar in a heavy metal group
called "Metal Bananas".
This evening I' m playing with some friends in Marbella in a
birthday party. I' m going out with a girl, but she's working
in the disco today. She isn't coming with me to the party.
Are you coming with me guys?
Are you listening to me?
Si quieres aprender cómo se forma y cuándo se usa el Present
Continuous haz click en los siguientes apartados:
Present Continuous Form
Present Continuous Use
Practica lo aprendido con los siguientes ejercicios:
"Let's practise"
Exercise 1
Exercise 1
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
© Copyright 2001-2006 Isabel Pérez Torres
Present Continuous Guy
I'm sleeping
You're sleeping
I'm not sleeping
You aren't sleeping
Am I sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
He's sleeping
She's sleeping
It's sleeping
He isn't sleeping
She isn't sleeping
It isn't sleeping
Is he sleeping?
Is she sleeping?
Is it sleepingl?
We're sleeping
You're sleeping
They're sleeping
We aren't sleeping
You aren't sleeping
They aren't sleeping
Are we sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Are they sleeping?
Present Continuous Guy
Actions that are happening now
Acciones que están ocurriendo en este momento (normalmente acompañado de
adverbios como: now, at the moment, today, etc)
Actions that are happening at present, but not necessarily
at this moment
What are you doing? We
are watching a horror film
I'm studying French at the
Escuela de Idiomas this year
Acciones que estén ocurriendo en el presente aunque no necesariamente en este
momento (normalmente acompañados de adverbios como: these days, this year,
Saray and I are having a
birthday party together next
Future arrangements
Planes cercanos futuros
Habitual actions with a negative sense
Acciones que se repiten habitualmente pero que son molestas o se mencionan con
un sentido negativo (con el adverbio de frecuencia always)
My little brother is always
English Verb Tenses Form and Use
Past Simple Tense
Hello everybody! My name is Past Simple Boy because I am
very nostalgic and I always talk about the past.This is an old
picture of me. I was eighteen in this picture. It was thirteen
years ago.
I lived in Granada when
I was young
I didn't study much, but
I was lucky and passed
my exams
Did your parents study
when they were young?
I studied at University at that time. I lived with my friends
Paco and Javi in a big and old flat. We didn't study much and we
enjoyed our life. Every weekend we went to the disco and met
new girls. I remember I had a girlfriend called Margarita.
I finished my studies in 1995. A year later I started to work as
a Language teacher in a Secondary school. Life is not too bad,
but those days were fantastic!
Do you know about your parents' life when they were young?
Comprehension Quiz
Si quieres aprender cómo se forma y cuándo se usa el Past
Simple haz click en los siguientes apartados
Past Simple Form
Past Simple Use
Practica lo aprendido con los siguientes ejercicios:
"Let's practise"
Exercise 1
Exercise 1
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 3
© Copyright 2001-2006 Isabel Pérez Torres
Past Simple Boy
I studied
I went
I didn't study/ go
Las formas irregulares
sólo son irregulares en
Did I study/go?
You studied
You went
You didn't study/ go
Did you study/ go?
He studied
She studied
It studied
He went
She went
It went
He didn't study /go
She didn't study/ go
It didn't study/ go
Did he study/ go?
Did she study/ go?
Did it study/ go?
We studied
You studied
They studied
We went
You went
They went
We didn't study/ go
You didn't study/ go
They didn't study/ go
Did we study/ go?
Did you study/ go?
Did they study/ go?
Past Simple Boy
Actions that started and finished in the past
Acciones que comenzaron y terminaron en el pasado (normalmente se indica
cuándo ocurrió, es decir, hay un adverbio de tiempo que lo indica)
Actions that happened one after the other in the past (like
in a story)
Acciones que suceden una detrás de otra en el pasado, como sucede cuando
contamos una historia.
With the Past Continuous to refer to a short action that
interrupts a longer one.
Con el Past Continuous para referirnos a una acción corta que interrumpe a otra
más larga.
I didn't go to the beach last
I went into the disco and I
saw my favourite girl, then I
asked her to dance,.........
The TV broke when she
was watching the football
English Verb Tenses Form and Use
Past ContinuousTense
Lady Past Continuous
I was dancing
You were dancing
I wasn't dancing
You weren't dancing
Was I dancing?
Were you dancing?
He was dancing
She was dancing
It was dancing
He wasn't dancing
She wasn't dancing
It wasn't dancing
Was he dancing?
Was she dancing?
Was it dancing?
We were dancing
You were dancing
We weren't dancing
You weren't dancing
Were we dancing?
Were you dancing?
They were dancing
They weren't dancing
Were they dancing?
Lady Past Continuous
Actions in the past that take place at a particular time
Acciones en el pasado que ocurren en un momento determinado que normalmente
What were you doing last
evening at 8:45?
I was watching "el informal"
We were talking about our
With the Past Simple to refer to a long action that is
interrupted by a shorter one.("When"or "While" are the habitual last holidays when the boss
came into the office and got
Con el Past Simple para referirnos a una acción larga que se ve interrumpida por
otra más corta
While my boss was talking
to me, I was dreaming of my
last holidays in Cancún
Two actions developing at the same time in the past
("While" is the habitual conjunction)
Dos acciones que se desarrollan a la vez en el pasado
Verbo "To be"
 El verbo "to be" en inglés es equivalente a los verbos "ser" y "estar" en castellano. Su
declinación en el presente del indicativo (simple present) es la siguiente:
Yo soy/estoy
I am
Tu eres/estás
You are
El/ella es/está
He/she/it is
Nosotros somos/estamos
We are
Vosotros sois/estáis
You are
Ellos/ellas son/están
They are
 Se suelen utilizar contracciones de estas formas:
I am
You/we/they are
He/she/it is
 Su declinación en tiempo pasado (simple past):
Yo era/estaba (fui/estuve)
I was
Tu eras/estabas (fuiste/estuviste)
You were
El/ella era/estaba (fue/estuvo)
He/she/it was
Nosotros éramos/estábamos (fuimos/estuvimos)
We were
Vosotros erais/estabais (fuisteis/estuvisteis)
You were
Ellos/ellas eran/estaban (fueron/estuvieron)
They were
 El verbo "to be" se puede utilizar como un verbo ordinario y en este caso sirve para dar
información sobre el sujeto:
I am old.
Yo soy mayor
The car is red.
El coche es rojo
It is cold.
Hace frio (el día está frio)
 También se utiliza como verbo auxiliar para formar las formas continuas:
I am running.
Yo estoy corriendo
I was running.
Yo estaba corriendo
 Y para construir la forma pasiva:
The table is made of wood.
La mesa está hecha de madera
 Otro uso del verbo "to be" es seguido de infinitivo y se utiliza para dar órdenes de una
manera un tanto impersonal, especialmente con la 3ª persona, o también para comunicar un
He is to solve that problem.
El debe resolver ese problema
They are to help you.
Ellos deben ayudarte
I am to travel next week.
Voy a viajar la próxima semana
Verbo "To have"
 El verbo "to have" en inglés es equivalente a los verbos "haber" y "tener" en castellano. Su
declinación en el presente del indicativo (simple present) es la siguiente:
Yo he/tengo
I have
Tu has/tienes
You have
El/ella ha/tiene
He/she/it has
Nosotros hemos/tenemos
We have
Vosotros habéis/tenéis
You have
Ellos/ellas han/tienen
They have
 Como contracciones de estas formas se utilizan:
I/you/we/they have
He/she/it has
 Su declinación en pasado simple (simple past) tiene una única forma:
Yo había/tenía (hube/tuve)
I had
Tu habías/tenías (hubiste/tuviste)
You had
El/ella había/tenía (hubo/tuvo)
He/she/it had
Nosotros habíamos/teníamos (hubimos/tuvimos)
We had
Vosotros habiáis/teníais (hubisteis/tuvisteis)
You had
Ellos/ellas habían/tenían (hubieron/tuvieron)
They had
 El verbo "to have" se puede utilizar como un verbo ordinario y en este caso tiene el
significado de "tener":
I have a car.
Yo tengo un coche
She had a boyfriend.
Ella tuvo un novio
 Y también se utiliza en algunas expresiones con el sentido de "tomar":
I had a drink after the match.
Tomé una bebida después del
She has a bath.
Ella toma un baño
 Como verbo auxiliar, "to have" se utiliza para construir las formas compuestas:
I have read.
Yo he leido
He had played tennis.
El había jugado al tenis
We have seen a film.
Nosotros hemos visto una
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Present Continuous (Presente Continuo)
 Se utiliza para describir acciones que se están desarrollando en este mismo momento:
I am reading a book.
Yo estoy leyendo un libro (en este preciso
You are playing football.
Tú estás jugando al futbol
 También se utiliza para describir acciones que se están desarrollando alrededor del
momento en el que se habla, aunque no necesariamente en ese preciso instante:
I am studying French.
Yo estoy estudiando francés (me he
matriculado en una academia, pero no
necesariamente en este preciso momento estoy
con los libros de francés)
 Asimismo, se utiliza para describir una acción que va a tener lugar en el futuro próximo y
sobre la que se ha tomado una resolución firme. En este caso, siempre se tiene que
mencionar el tiempo en el que se va a desarrollar la acción:
I am going to London next week.
Yo voy a Londres la próxima semana (la
acción se va a desarrollar en el futuro próximo y
existe una decisión firme por mi parte de llevarla a
 Otro uso del presente continuo es para describir acciones que se vienen repitiendo con
frecuencia; en este caso, la oración viene acompañada del adverbio "always" (siempre):
He is always working.
El está siempre trabajando (con el significado
de que trabaja frecuentemente, quizás, incluso,
 Formación del "present continuous": se construye con el presente del indicativo del verbo
"to be", en su función de verbo auxiliar, y el "present participle" ( = gerundio) del verbo
I am eating
I´m not eating
Am I eating?
You are eating
You aren´t eating
Are you eating?
He / she is eating
He / she isn´t eating
Is he/she eating?
We are eating
We aren't eating
Are we eating?
You are eating
You aren't eating
Are you eating?
They are eating
They aren't eating
Are they eating?
Present Simple (Presente del Indicativo)
 Se utiliza para hablar de acciones habituales, genéricas, que tienen lugar con cierta
frecuencia, sin hacer referencia a si en el momento actual se están realizando.
I study English.
Yo estudio inglés; empecé hace algún tiempo y continúo,
aunque puede que en el momento presente no esté realizando
esta actividad.
He plays tennis.
El juega al tenis; practica este deporte con cierta asiduidad,
pero no significa que en el momento presente esté en la pista de
tenis jugando.
I work in a bank.
Yo trabajo en un banco; ésta es mi profesión, aunque puede
que en el momento actual yo esté de vacaciones, descansando
en mi casa.
 También se utiliza para hablar de acciones futuras que ya han sido planificadas,
especialmente al referirse a viajes.
I leave Madrid tomorrow morning.
Me voy de Madrid mañana por la mañana
 La forma del "present simple" coincide con la del infinitivo sin la partícula "to", salvo en la 3ª
persona del singular en la que se le añade una "s".
I / you / we / they
He / she / it
To eat (comer)
To run (correr)
 Si el verbo termina en "ss", "sh", "ch", "x", "o", al formar la 3º persona del singular se le
añade "-es".
I / you / we / they
He / she / it
To kiss (besar)
I kiss
He kisses
To watch (observar)
I watch
He watches
 Si el verbo termina en "y" tras consonante, al formar la 3ª persona del singular se sustituye
esta "y" por una "i", seguida de la terminación "es".
I / you / we / they
He / she / it
To carry (llevar)
I carry
He carries
To envy (envidiar)
I envy
He envies
 Las oraciones negativas se forman con el auxiliar "to do", habitualmente en sus formas
contraídas: "don´t" (= do not) para las personas "I, you, we, they", y "doesn´t" (= does not)
para las personas "he, she, it".
I don't play tennis.
Yo no juego al tenis
She doesn´t go to the cinema.
Ella no va al cine
We don´t know the answer.
Nosotros no sabemos la respuesta
 La forma interrogativa se forma también con el auxiliar "to do" al comienzo de la oración
("do" con las personas "I, you, we, they"; "does" con "he, she, it").
Do you play tennis?
¿ Juegas al tenis ?
Does she go to the cinema?
¿ Va ella al cine ?
Do we know the answer?
¿ Conocemos la respuesta ?