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Screen for Life Live-Read Radio Scripts
English (:30)
Colorectal cancer is the second leading
El cáncer colorrectal es la segunda causa de
cancer killer in the U.S. But it doesn’t have
muerte por cáncer en los Estados Unidos, pero
to be.
se puede prevenir.
Screening finds pre-cancerous polyps, so they
Los exámenes de detección encuentran pólipos
can be removed before they turn into cancer.
precancerosos para que puedan ser eliminados
Screening also finds this cancer early, when
treatment works best.
antes de que se conviertan en cáncer.
Los exámenes de detección también pueden
If you’re 50 or older, talk with your doctor.
Decide which screening test is right for you.
encontrar este cáncer en su etapa temprana,
cuando el tratamiento es más eficaz.
And please, get screened for colorectal
Si tiene 50 años o más, hágase un examen de
detección para el cáncer colorrectal.
A message from the U.S. Department of
Un mensaje del Departamento de Salud y
Health and Human Services and Centers
Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos y
for Disease Control and Prevention’s
la campaña Screen for Life de los CDC.
Screen for Life campaign.
English (:20)
Colorectal cancer is the second leading
cancer killer in the U.S., but it doesn’t have
to be.
Screening finds precancerous polyps, so they
can be removed before they turn into cancer.
Screening also finds this cancer early,
when treatment works best.
If you’re 50 or older, get screened for
colorectal cancer.
A message from the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services and CDC’s Screen for
Life campaign.
U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention