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Publication 1
James E. Brady
Department of Anthropology
California State University, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Revised 2012
see pp. 112-113
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172, 176, 184, 202, 217, 247-248, 261-264, 324
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61-62, 77, 89, 91, 92, 94, 137
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88, 113, 129, 133, 135, 193
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130-131, 132, 146, 156, 158, 174-176, 177-178,
201, 203, 208-211, 269-270, 272, 273
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Chiapas: Un Estudio del Cambio SocioCultural. Instituto Nacional Indigenista,
pp. 42, 43, 73, 74, 79, 104-105, 112-114, 124; n.6,
124; n.8, 216, 222-223
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233, 237, 238, 239, 241, 246, 248, 253, 255,
259, 261, 264, 270, 273, 276, 282, 299,
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J. Weitlaner, pp. 313-316. Instituto
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Antropología, Mexico.
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1974 Dos Fragmentos de Tejido Decorados
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1975 Textiles from the Cueva de la Media
Luna, Chiapas, Mexico: Preliminary
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224-225, 244-245, 246, 247, 249, 262-267, 267268, 269
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60-61, 62, 66-67, 74, 75, 81, 90-91
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97, 112-113, 114-115
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of Washington Publication 528.
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Universidad de Yucatán 70: 16-21.
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(2): 34-37.
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