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Corpus Christi Catholic Community
3597 N. Sunridge Drive, Carson City, NV 89705 x (775) 267-3200
Pastor- Rev. Father James J. Setelik, Jr.
Welcome to Corpus Christi!
Office HoursWednesday-9:30-5,
Thursday & Friday 9-5
(Closed for Lunch)
Please call before coming to
the office.
Mass Schedule
Saturday (vigil): 4:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am, 11:30 am (Spanish)
Weekdays: Wednesday 9:00 am
Thursday 9:00 am
Friday 12:10 pm
Saturdays 3
3:00-3:30 pm or by appointment
cada sábado de
3:00 a 3:30 pm
Preparation Class
required, call for an
6 months advance
preparation, call for an
Anointing of the Sick
By appointment, please call
the office
Holy Days of Obligation
Times Vary- Please check the
Parish Email-generaloffice@
Parish Website-
The Most Holy Body & Blood
of Christ
Corpus Christi
June 22 2014
Receptionist- Susan Zampirro
Pastoral Assistant (DRE, Youth Minister, Ministry Development,
Facilities Director, Art and Environment) - Karen Smeath
Gifts to God...Have You Given Yours?
Reflection of the Week
According to the Catechism of the Catholic
Church, “The Eucharist is the ‘source and summit
of the Christian life’.” (3:1324). It continues, “…in
the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole
spiritual good of the Church.” That is why on this
Sunday after Holy Trinity Sunday we celebrate
Corpus Christi, the Most Holy Body and Blood of
The word “Eucharist” finds its roots in the Latin
word eucharistia, which in turn came from the
Greek word eucharistos, which meant, quite
simply, “gratitude” or “thanksgiving.” How
appropriate that we, who are called by Christ to
be a stewardship people, celebrate at the focal
point of every Mass an act of thanksgiving and
gratitude — namely the reception of Jesus’
incredible gift to us — the Eucharist.
The Lord proclaims in today’s Gospel reading
from John, “I am the living bread that came down
from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live
forever.” When we receive the Lord in His real
presence at Mass, we should approach the
Eucharist with respect, humility, commitment, and
love. These words also apply to how we live our
lives through stewardship. We are a Eucharistic
people, grateful and giving. In receiving the Lord
in all His fullness through the Eucharist, we in turn
are called to share that goodness through love
with all we meet.
Copyright ©
Check out Corpus Christi’s Website
Same address:
Brand new look!
With enhanced features
Still a work in progress though…
If you have suggestions for items you would like to see please place
them in the suggestion container in the Entry.
Spooner Lake Picnic
Please join us for our 1st summer
picnic. St. Benedict Society will
provide the hot dogs, buns and
condiments. Please bring your own
beverages, your own chairs and a side
dish to share.
When: Sunday, July 13th at 1:00 pm
Where: Spooner Lake ($8.00/car)
Pentecost Sunday
Regular Collection/Colecta Semanal
Project Completion
Thank You !
is burning this week in memory of Fr. Kenneth Walker
is burning this week for Fr. Joseph Terra
Please add to our monthly “pray for” list…..
†Priscilla Godlewski, Kellie Coburn and Bernice
McWhorter, †James McMullen, Mato Penga, †Paula
Laumea, Cathy Laumea, Stephanie Merenda.
Call the office if you wish to add someone to our prayer list
including; our military and members of our parish family and
friends who are sick or who have passed away recently.
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial
¿Quieres recuperar la relación que tenias con tu esposo o
esposa como cuando eran novios?
¡Nosotros te ayudamos?
Trabajo Garantizado, si no funciona les regresamos la relación
que tienen actualmente.
¡Atrévanse a vivir la experiencia que les ofrece un Fin de
Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial!
Fines de Semana en el 2014
Agosto 22-24—Noviembre 14-16
Si gustan máa información comuníquense con:
Frederic y Hallyma 775-220-7867, [email protected]
Corpus Christi Catholic Book Club
Great Summer Reading!
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 9th
at 6:30 p.m.
Book Selection: Francis: Pope of a New
World by Andrea Tornielli
All are welcome!
Lecturas Dominicales
Sunday’s Readings
First Reading — Never forget the LORD your God, who
brought you out of slavery (Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a).
Psalm — Praise the Lord, Jerusalem (Psalm 147).
Second Reading — Because the loaf of bread is one, we
who partake of it, though we are many, are one body
(1 Corinthians 10:16-17).
Gospel — Jesus said, “I am the living bread; whoever eats
this bread will live forever” (John 6:51-58).
Primera lectura — El hombre no vive solamente de pan
(Deuteronomio 8:2-3, 14b-16a).
Salmo — Glorifica al Señor, Jerusalén (Salmo 147 [146]).
Segunda lectura — El pan es uno, y así nosotros, aunque
somos muchos, formamos un solo cuerpo
(1 Corintios 10:16-17).
Evangelio — El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, tiene
vida eterna (Juan 6:51-58).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3-5, 1213; Mt 7:1-5
Vigil: Jer 1:4-10; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; 1 Pt
1:8-12; Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1
-3, 13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80
2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Ps 119:33-37,
40; Mt 7:15-20
2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-5, 8-9; Mt 7:21-29
Dt 7:6-11; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 10; 1 Jn 4:716; Mt 11:25-30
Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-7, 20-21;
Mt 8:15-17 or, for the Memorial of the
Immaculate Heart, Is 61:9-11; Lk 2:41-51
Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:1120; Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps
34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time
The Nativity of St. John the Baptist
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saturday: The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Ordinary Time beckons, and so on this Sunday we
surrender the last glimmers of paschal joy as we celebrate
the renewal of our life around the table of the Eucharist.
This feast reminds us that the goal of the catechumen’s
journey through Lent is not the baptismal font at Easter, but
rather the experience of Pentecost. It is all about life lived
in the Spirit’s embrace in relationship to the Body of Christ,
which is found both “on the table” and “at the table.”
The season of confirmation is also drawing to a close,
and this feast serves as a reminder that this sacrament, a
solemn sending from font to table, is keyed to renewed
vigor. Confirmation has sometimes been sadly
misunderstood as a kind of graduation from religious
formation, but it is nothing of the sort. It is about being led
by the Lord Jesus to the place where the Spirit flourishes,
and where the gifts of the Spirit are most easily detectable.
After next week we will resume our consideration of the
sacrament of confirmation, its rich and somewhat tangled
history, its challenging theology, and its changing
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
2 Re 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Sal 60 (59):3-5,
12-13; Mt 7:1-5
Vigilia: Jer 1:4-10; Sal 71 (70):1-6, 15,
17; 1 Pe 1:8-12; Lc 1:5-17 Día: Is 49:1-6;
Sal 139 (138):1-3, 13-15; Hch 13:22-26;
Lc 1:57-66, 80
2 Re 22:8-13; 23:1-3; Sal 119 (118):3337, 40; Mt 7:15-20
2 Re 24:8-17; Sal 79 (78):1b-5, 8-9; Mt
Dt 7:6-11; Sal 103 (102):1-4, 6-8, 10; 1
Jn 4:7-16; Mt 11:25-30
Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Sal 74 (73):1b-7,
20-21; Mt 8:15-17 ó para el Memoria del
Inmaculado Corazón, Is 61:9-11;Lc 2:41-51
Vigilia: Hch 3:1-10; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Gál 1:11
-20; Jn 21:15-19 Día: Hch 12:1-11; Sal 34
(33):2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19
El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
Decimosegunda Semana del Tiempo Ordinario
La Natividad de san Juan Bautista
El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
El Inmaculado Corazón de María
Hace algunos años, el cantante de rock Carlos Santana y
el grupo roquero Maná ganaron un premio en los “Latin
Grammys” por su canción: “Corazón espinado”. Esta bella
canción es de un hombre que lamenta el dolor que una mujer
le ha causado. No la puede olvidar, porque ella le ha dejado
el corazón espinado. Esta canción siempre me recuerda al
Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, corazón rodeado por una corona
de espinas e inflamado por el amor que le tiene a su mujer, la
Iglesia, es decir, nosotros.
La devoción al Sagrado Corazón proviene de una monja
francesa, santa Margarita María Alacoque a quien Jesús le
mostró su corazón en junio de 1675. Jesús le dijo que su
corazón arde de amor por los seres humanos, pero los
cristianos sólo lo ofendemos con insultos, ingratitud e
¿Cuántas veces, como Iglesia o como individuos, le
hemos espinado el corazón al Señor? Y aun así, la imagen del
corazón espinado e inflamado de Jesús nos sigue cantando y
llamando para que seamos suyos. Si regresamos a él,
Jesucristo nos promete doce bendiciones de paz, consolación,
fervor y otras gracias.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
This Week at /Esta Semana
Corpus Christi
Around the Diocese
Get your
Cash Raffle Tickets
In the Narthex
Wednesday - June 25
9:00 am - †William Jones
Thursday - June 26
9:00 am - †Betty Itson by the Jilk family
Friday - June 27
12:10 pm – †G. Kostka by his family
Saturday - June 28 – Solemnity of Saints Peter &
4:00 pm– †George McElroy by the Scott family
Sunday June 29 - junio 29 - Solemnity of Saints
Peter & Paul/San Pedro y San Pablo Apóstoles
9:00 am - for the conversion of those contemplating
11:30 am - People of the Parish
7:00 pm - †Mato Penga by the Jilk family
“No, Masao, según entiendo, no hacen hostias de pan dulce.”
Minister Schedule/
Horario de los Ministerios
Saturday 4:00 p.m.
EM – Ray Finnegan, Deborah Lundberg, Larry Tapp
Lector - Phyllis Zink
Sunday 9:00 a.m.
EM – Cindy Pardini, Peter Stoelton, Jeff Smeath
Lector – George Bishop
Sunday 11:30 a.m.
M.E. – Claudia Orozco Morales y Faustino Segura
Lectór - Jose Orozco
Our Jacks Valley Elementary School
Food Drives will begin again in September. Thank
you for all your donations.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
Married Couples
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a gift for
your spouse. It’s a breath of fresh air, the rebirth of
romance and new beginnings. If you’d like to make your
marriage even more special than it already is—register now!
The next weekend dates are Aug 22-24 in Sacramento or
Oct 10-12 in Reno or Oct 24-26 in Modesto. Early
registration is highly recommended. For more information
visit our website at: or
contact John & Angelica Angarita at
[email protected] or 866-825-2046
Vocations—The Gift of the Love of God
Are you considering a Vocation to the Priesthood?
Are you curious about what it means to be a priest?
The Office of Vocations for the Diocese of Reno is here to assist.
Starting this fall, we will host every other month group meetings to
answer questions and discuss vocations.
We will also broadcast this via the web so that those who live outside
the Truckee Meadows may participate
If you are interested, please contact us at
[email protected]
You can also reach us on Facebook https://www.facebook,com/
DioceseOfRenoVocations or through our website: http://
Corpus Christi Information
Respect Life
DATE CHANGE: Please join Respect Life on
Fridays at 1201 N. Stewart from 1:30—2:30
p.m. to pray for the conversion of everyone
involved in abortion.
St. Benedict Society - Sunday
Change—June 29h at 4:00 pm
“La vida humana debe ser respetada y protegida de
manera absoluta desde el momento de la concepción.
Desde el primer momento de su existencia, el ser
humano debe ver reconocidos sus derechos de persona,
entre los cuales está el derecho inviolable de todo ser
inocente a la vida”.
(Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, 2270)
“Human life must be respected and protected absolutely
from the moment of conception. From the first moment
of his existence, a human being must be recognized as
having the rights of a person - among which is the
inviolable right of every innocent being to life.”
Knights of Columbus - normally the 1st
Wednesday of each month - 7:00 pm
Catholic Daughters - usually the 3rd
Wednesday of each month - 6:45 pm excepting
July and August
Parish Potluck - Now on the 1st Sunday of
Rosary held every
Wednesday and Thursday
after Daily Mass and
Friday at 11:20 am.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2270
Life Facts:
By the third month, a child’s face is well-formed and is
3-4 inches long.
By month 5, the child’s finger prints are already
Eucharistic Adoration is
Changed to
the FIRST Friday of each month
from 10:45—11:45 a.m. Except in July, it is July
11th (because Parish Center is closed on 4th of July)
Altar Servers/Acólitos
Elivette Zambrano - Parish Office
Youth Ministry/ Grupo de Jóvenes
Terrie Juchtzer-Youth Minister (The Club)
Contact Parish Office
Hands of Christ/Ministry to Sick
Las Manos de Cristo/A Los Enfermos
Contact Parish Office
Convalescent Home Coordinator
Terrie Juchtzer
Adult Conversion Classes/
Los Sacramentos de los Adultos
Father Jim- Parish Office
Respect Life Committee/
El Comité de Respeto por la Vida
Lori Courtney - 885-6880
Catholic Daughters/Las Hijas Católicas
Anita Stoelton-Regent - 882-3791
Rosary Maker’s Guild/Maniobra de Rosarios
Cindy Pardini - Parish Office
Minister Scheduling/La Programación de Ministerios
Charlie Muller - 220-6242
Claudia Morales (en español)
St. Benedict Society/La Sociedad de San Benito
Jeff Smeath- Minister - 742-6199
Natural Family Planning/
La Planificación Familiar Natural
Mark & Gail Struble 841-4631
Hispanic Marriage Encounter/
Encuentro Matrimonial Hispano
Frederic y Hallyma Davidson
Pastoral Council/El Consejo Parroquial
Parish Office
Boy Scout/Girl Scout Information
Marty Schwedhelm 250-9564
Susan Zampirro 882-7523
Knights of Columbus
Ed DeCarlo - Grand Knight 400-6140
Corpus Christi Church #523372
3597 N. Sunridge Drive
Carson City, NV 89705
775 267-3200
775 315-2943 (Cell)
Susan Zampirro
EMAIL: [email protected]
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