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Climate change can have a wide range of impacts on human health, leading to a process of
epidemiological transition in which both acute infectious diseases and chronic degenerative
coexist. In this context, the change I n weather and climate conditions can have a direct impact, for
example heatstroke or indirect as the effects of climate on the dynamics of diseases transmitted
by vector - primarily dengue and malaria - Pathogen causing diarrheal diseases or productivity of
some crops that impact human consumption (ACCySH, 2016).
Another manifestation of climate change is the increase in frequency, intensity and breadth of
hydrometeorological events, therefore it is important to deepen the knowledge about the risks,
vulnerability and estimate the capacity of health and civil response at critical moments a
catastrophic event; so it is important to weigh these three aspects in the context of climate change
scenarios (Moreno, 2010).
The generation of knowledge about these processes and their potential synergies can help
generate epidemiological scenarios that help predict, at the local level, the emergence and
reemergence of vector infectious diseases, zoonotic or transmitted by water and food (Rodriguez
et al, 2013).
Mexican coasts have high population density vulnerable, since they are relatively low in regions
receiving directly and indirectly the effects of extreme events, both marine and terrestrial; this
often causes health impacts not only for deaths, injuries, communicable diseases and mental
health in the short term, but there is also an impact on the medium and long term damage to
housing, urban infrastructure and services, water and food among others (Moreno, 2010).
The emergence and re-emergence of vector, such as malaria, dengue, zika and chikungunya borne
diseases are determined by factors such as the abundance of carriers, transmitters and host
agents, as well as the survivability of etiologic agents. Vectors require specific conditions for the
survival and reproduction, these conditions they are in turn influenced by factors, some climate,
such as temperature and humidity. Therefore, changes in any of these factors can influence
changes in the distribution of vectors (Moreno, 2010).
The follow examples of Mexican actions belong to the first and second topics:
Changes in the geographical distribution of diseases;
New and emerging diseases including tropical diseases and their impacts on social and
economic structures;
Atlas of Climate Change and Human Health
It presents the main results of studies on weather and health, was conducted for the National
Institute of Public Health in collaboration with the Center for Atmospheric Sciences of the National
Autonomous University of Mexico (CCA-UNAM) and supported by the National Institute of Ecology
(INE) and the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT)
Through this website is possible to show a series of maps which allow the follow analysis
The epidemiological profile of Dengue and acute diarrheal disease (ADD) in Mexico.
The conditions of precipitation and temperature monthly in municipalities of Mexico during
the past five decades (1950-2000).
Projections of precipitation and temperature average monthly for 2030.
Epidemiological scenarios of Dengue and acute diarrheal disease associated with changes
in temperature and precipitation in municipalities of Mexico.
As part of the Third Communication of Mexico to Framework Convention of the United Nations
Climate Change a baseline diagnosis of the effects of climate change on the health of the Mexican
population (Riojas-Rodríguez 2006) it was performed. With monthly weather data, mortality (from
1979-2004) and morbidity (1998 to 2004) explored statewide morbidity / mortality of sensitive
climate change in Mexico and its association with temperature and precipitation conditions.
Atlas of Climate Change and Human Health - INSP, Retrieved August 26, 2016, Available at:
Science Center Complexity
Report - Citizen Epidemiological Monitoring System
From an instrument of social consultation emailed weekly to people enrolled in the system so, it
seeks to complement the efforts carried out by the authorities to outline the incidence of influenza
and gastrointestinal diseases. This has established a database with about 5986 registered users
across the country, which identifies the presence and location of these diseases in the population
living in Mexico. This can be used to detect early outbreaks, and reveals the most likely to get sick
social groups, which is easier to design effective strategies to contain an outbreak.
This project is funded by the Institute of Science and Technology of the Mexico City and it is part of
the Latin American Network of Epidemiological Surveillance. It also benefits with resources granted
by CONACyT to the Center Complexity Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Potential susceptibility to the presence of dengue disease in Mexico
In 2014 , The National Institute of Climate Change Identify watersheds of Mexico (INEGI-INECONAGUA, 2010) that according to their population and territorial attributes could be more
susceptible to presence of dengue.
Legal instruments in Mexico
General Law on Climate Change and Special Climate Change Program
Having a diagnosis to assess vulnerability to climate change in the health sector.
Reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants, promoting co-benefits health and wellness.
Promote comprehensive risk management education for hydraulic and urban public infrastructure,
health and Implement programs to national infrastructure have greater resilience to natural
Prepare an assessment of the current health sector strategic infrastructure and incorporate the
approach of vulnerability in new projects.
Strengthen capacity building in households headed by women to improve their health, housing and
Use technologies and fuels that reduce black carbon emissions, improving air quality and public
Designing an early warning system with epidemiological information specific conditions related to
climate change.
Develop a training program for staff and health institutions to threats from climate change.
Design and implement a strategy in the municipalities of educational communication on the effects
of climate change in health, gender.
Intrasectoral consolidate Working Group for the evaluation of health sector activities on climate
change. (Activities to strengthen the instruments of public policy on climate change).
Incorporate state climate change plans health component gender.
Strengthen existing systems of surveillance and included in the design of actions to address the
health impacts related to climate change such as intestinal infectious diseases, acute respiratory
infections, food poisoning related to phenomena such as red tide and care affected by disasters
such as tropical cyclones and floods population
Strengthen the design of health indicators related to climate change where environmental, labor
and social factors of the population in order to provide the updated National Epidemiological
Surveillance System information to carry out prevention and attention to vulnerable population
Self-study course: Climate change and health
It is free course without cost or specific schedule, developed by experts of INSP (Nacional Institute
of Public Health) Under the educational model Competency face of growing international concern
over the Effects of Climate Change on Health and Human Welfare, the Strategy and Action Plan in
OPS Climate / WHO change, in its second strategic area, it PROPOSES awareness and improve
understanding of the health Effects of Climate change Among the general public and other sectors,
especially among health personnel, to promote training and Communicate and : Multidisciplinary
Approach by disseminating information UN.
Under this strategy is developed and offers self-teaching this course in Climate Change and Health
for Latin America and the Caribbean.
The course has been developed by expert contributors from the National Institute of Public
Health, under the Competency educational model that bases its courses. This Training Aimed at
Persons Minimum Bachelors or Equivalent (staff of ministries and decision makers) who work or
have an interest in Related to Climate Change and Health and / or the environment in Latin
America and the Caribbean.
This course has the next link of interest
 Clean Air Institute
 Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)
 Comunidad de Práctica en Salud y Cambio Climático (CoPSaCC)
 Convención para el combate a la desertificación de las Naciones Unidas (UNCCD)
 Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio (MEA)
 Foro sobre Cambio Climático y Comercio en América Latina
 Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (FIO CRUZ)
 Indigenous Peoples´Climate Change Portal
 Instituto Internacional para el Desarrollo Sustentable (IISD)
 Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP)
 Naciones Unidas / Cambio Climático (UN CC)
 Naciones Unidas. Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales. División de Población (UN)
 Observatorio de Cambio Climático de Perú
 Observatorio de clima y salud de Brasil
 Oficina de las Naciones Unidas para la reducción de riesgo de desastres (UNISDR)
 Organización Meteorológica Mundial (WMO)
 Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)
 Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS/OMS)
 Panel Interguvernamental en Cambio Climático (IPCC)
 Plataforma de conocimiento en desarrollo sustentable de las Naciones Unidas
 Portal Regional para la Transferencia de Tecnología y la Acción frente al Cambio Climático en
América Latina y El Caribe (REGATTA)
 Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente. Oficina Regional para América Latina
y el Caribe (PNUMA)
 Red Argentina de Municipios frente al Cambio Climático
 Red Mexicana de Cambio Climático
Atlas de Cambio Climático y Salud Humana – INSP, Consultado el 26 de agosto de 2016, Disponible
Beniston, M. 2002. Climatic change: Possible impacts on human health. Swiss Medical Weekly. 132,
Berberian, G. y Rosanova, MT. 2012. Impacto del cambio climático en las enfermedades infecciosas.
Arch Argent Pediatr. 110 (1): 39-45.
Moreno, A.R. 2010. El cambio climático y la salud humana. México ante el cambio climático.
Evidencias, impactos, vulnerabilidad y adaptación. Greenpeace. (2.3): 24-25 pp.
OMS. 2011. Calidad del aire y salud.
Rodríguez, J., Olivares, J.L., Sánchez, Y., Alemán y Arece, J. 2013. Cambios climáticos y su efecto
sobre algunos grupos de parásitos. Rev. Salud Anim. 35 (3): 145-150.
Romero-Nuñez, C y Pérez-Garcés. 2014. Zoonosis, cambio climático y sociedad. UAEM. 592 pp.