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RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” I. DATOS GENERALES PAÍS/PAÍSES: Brasil TïTULO PROYECTO: Mainstreaming socio-environmental issues into climate changes strategies in Brazil ÁMBITO DE APLICACIÓN : Nacional Área geográfica: SECTORES RECURSOS HÍDRICOS. SECTOR AGRÍCOLA. SALUD. ZONAS COSTERAS. FINANZAS. SUELOS. BOSQUES. PESCA Y ECOSIST. MARINOS ENERGÍA. ZONAS DE MONTAÑA. BIODIVERSIDAD. TRANSPORTE. TURISMO. URBANISMO Y CONSTRUCCIÓN. OTROS SECTORES. Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Bioenergy Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Subsectores: Descripción: Rural and urban development. Subsectores: ESTRUCTURA DE COORDINACIÓN Institución Responsable principal: The project shall involve the Ministry of Science and Technology, given its lead role on climate change issues in the Government and on climate change international fora, the Ministry of Environment, through its recently created Secretariat for Climate Change, as well as other governmental institutions related to the theme, such as the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Agrarian Development, Ministry of Transports and the Ministry of Cities, just to mention a few Instituciones y Agentes participantes: this joint programme counts with the full involvement of the participating UN Agencies (ILO, FAO, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO and UN-HABITAT) in all decisions related to project implementation, as part of the project’s Steering Committee (SC). Other relevant stakeholders will be academic and research institutions, such as the Center for Weather Forecasts and Climate Studies (CPTEC/INPE) the Center for Sugarcane Technology (CTC) and Brazilian Agriculture Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), private sector associations and non-governmental organizations, mostly those involved in research and development of bio-energy technologies and their assessment, as well as other relevant institutions from civil society and bilateral and multilateral partners working on the subject. RESUMEN DEL PROYECTO: Bioenergy production is key for economic growth and climate change mitigation in Brazil, but the harmful effects on the environment and the well-being of people are not being addressed. As stated by the UN-Energy group: Unless new policies are enacted to protect threatened lands, secure socially acceptable land use, and steer bioenergy development in a sustainable direction overall, the environmental and social damage could in some cases outweigh the benefits. We propose to provide a neutral forum for multi-sector dialogue, targeting the potential ecological, economic, and social long-term impacts of a large-scale transition to the use of biomass for FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 1 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” energy. This will be achieved through the integration of social and environmental aspects; strengthening of institutional capacities to mainstream socio-environmental; dissemination of information on climate change; and establishment of monitoring mechanisms for providing feedback to decision-making and public policies. II. DATOS DEL PROYECTO FECHA DE INICIO (dd/mm/aaaa): DURACIÓN: Duracion: 36 months. fecha inicio corresponde a 1st Request for Proposals Round(26/04/2007 - ). Proyecto aun no iniciado (a 17 jun 2008). PRESUPUESTO: $7,689,370 FUENTES DE FINANCIACIÓN: Fondo PNUD España. Reparto: • UNDP - United Nations Development Programme ($2,135,000) • UN-Habitat - United Nations Human Settlements Programme ($1,061,440) • UNESCO - United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization ($1,125,640) • FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ($1,137,410) • ILO - International Labour Organization ($1,066,790) • UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme ($1,163,090) OBJETIVO GENERAL: The project’s immediate objective is to mainstream socio-environmental issues into national development goals and climate change strategies, particularly those related to initiatives and programmes for the use of bioenergy (ethanol, methanol, coal and other biofuels). This includes an assessment of the impacts and side-effects of those initiatives and programmes on the most vulnerable populations to climate change, their health, food security, biodiversity loss and deforestation, provision of water resources, employment and incomes, rural and urban development, among others. It also includes an assessment of the opportunities for broad-based pro-poor economic growth with sustainable resource management, while contributing to articulate the complementarities of government and private sector strategies on bioenergy. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS Objetivo nº 1: Outcome 1: Socio-environmental concerns are integrated into national climate change related strategies and their implementation. METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Output 1.1: Technical studies on options and impacts on the use of bioenergy in Brazil, assessment of bioenergy public policies and adequate linkages between environmental conditions and sustainable livelihoods, health, water resources, employment and income, rural and urban development and vulnerability of local populations are available. Studies on options will pay special attention to technically and economically viable option involving smallholder farmers and small and medium-sized (SME) enterprises. Output 1.2: Information of the links between environment, poverty reduction and sustainable growth is improved, disseminated and discussed with key government officials and public in general. This information includes, but is not limited to, a baseline on the volume and quality of employment and on income generation and its distribution based on bioenergy in the form of an input/output model as well as a decision-making aid for policy and investments to assess employment and income generation potential in the value-added chain and its multiplier effects in the economy via an extended social accounting matrix, and an evaluation of certification processes. Output 1.3: Selected innovative models for environmentally and socially sustainable production of bioenergy will be designed and technological, institutional and financial assistance packages will be pilot tested jointly with state and local governments, industry, social groups and development banks. Piloting will focus on models suitable for smallholders and SMEs as well as those with potential to create significant numbers of quality green jobs. FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 2 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” Output 1.4: Improved instruments and indicators for the assessment of waste and energy uses for urban activities, with emphasis on transport and domestic uses, and their impact on social, economic and environmental conditions are developed. Output 1.5: Alignment of relevant public policies on climate change related strategies and socio-environmental aspects is discussed and proposed to key government officials. Objetivo nº 2: Outcome 2: Institutional capacities to mainstream socio-environmental concerns into energy related programmes and their implementation are strengthened. METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Output 2.1: Capacity analysis and gaps assessments for both public and private institutions dealing with bioenergy are available. Output 2.2: Based on 2.1, capacity building programmes are prepared and in place. Cooperation between national institutions and supporting UN-Agencies to deliver outcome 1 will also provide opportunities for hands-on capacity building. Output 2.3: Broad multi-stakeholder (Government, UN Agencies, private sector, academic institutions, civil society as whole) strategy is in place to define principles and criteria for the sustainable development of bioenergy at national and international levels. Output 2.4: Strategies for strengthening the capacity of local authorities for improved governance in the management of systems related to energy consumption and carbon emissions are developed, including the application of participatory assessment tools and local action planning implemented in the country. Objetivo nº 3: Outcome 3: Dissemination of information on climate change programmes, including bioenergy, is promoted. METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Output 3.1: Brazilian experience on bioenergy development and implementation is shared, bringing useful information and knowledge to the attention of other developing countries that wish to gain from the Brazilian experience. Output 3.2: Informational materials aimed at different audiences about the Brazilian bioenergy experience with proper addressing to sustainability issues are developed. This will include the project’s finding and recommendations to be published and disseminated to relevant stakeholders. Output 3.3: Technical workshops on regional climate variability, vulnerability models and adaptation measures are promoted to key officials of developing countries in South America. The Center for Weather Forecasts and Climate Studies (CPTEC/INPE) in Brazil is developing the Eta/CPTEC regional model, which has a space resolution of 40 km to obtain regionalized projections of future climate. CPTEC’s strategy with regard to the regional modeling of climate change is to improve the current Eta/CPTEC regional model and couple it with two IPCC global climate models that have been run in other climate centers in the world with a view to generating projections of future climate up to 2100. CPTEC can help other countries complement their studies on climate change by providing the scenarios generated in Brazil. CPTEC can also help by making available the expertise of its researchers in variability and climate change studies. In addition, Brazil is the only country in Latin America that has supercomputers capable of obtaining future climate scenarios that can be used by other countries. In order to improve that, it is necessary to carry out capacity building activities, involving training in the use of the regional model and interpretation of the climate results related to the impacts on vulnerability at the regional and continental levels. The envisaged training can contribute to building the capacity of others developing countries, which can benefit from the results of processing the Eta/CPTEC regional climate model. Additionally, data available at CPTEC and INPE could be used for other training activities (such as data to calculate the reduction of the rate of deforestation) of interest of others developing countries. Output 3.4: Patterns of energy consumption in urban areas are assessed and guidelines for energy efficiency and renewable energy options developed. This focuses at the public FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 3 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” dissemination of information of indicators on energy use as a tool for awareness raising and changes in consumption patterns. Objetivo nº 4: Outcome 4: Monitoring mechanisms are established and provide feedback for decision-making and public policies. METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Output 4.1: Existing environmental systems (deforestation rate, water quality, farmed land, degraded areas database, for instance) are integrated with economic indicators (agro-business, metallurgy and agricultural productivity) and with social indicators (small farming, land workers, income generation, health quality, rural evasion, among others). This will enable crosscutting analysis on environmental impacts and inform decision-makers. Output 4.2: Project adaptive management through regular monitoring and evaluation is in place. Objetivo nº 5: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 6: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 7: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 8: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Objetivo nº 9: METODOLOGÍA: RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: ART.6 CONVENCIÓN: EDUCACIÓN, FORMACIÓN Y SENSIBILIZACIÓN DEL PÚBLICO. METODOLOGÍA: The project will be implemented with multi-stakeholder participation in thematic studies and analysis, policy dialogue, technical discussions, design and pilot testing, as well as systematic training. Government institutions, private sector and academic institutions will participate actively, in particular those dealing with bioenergy research, development and regulation. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS / OBTENIDOS: Therefore, capacity will be enhanced throughout project implementation and in the training events. In addition, dissemination materials can be distributed to the public in general, guaranteeing availability of information to make policy debates and participatory processes more effective in the future. VALORACIÓN DE LAS MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN PROPUESTAS III. OTROS DATOS REFERENCIAS: :\Fondo España PNUD ODM ventanilla MA CC\Proyectos Finales Seleccionados FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 4 RED IBEROMERICANA DE OFICINAS DE CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO TALLER EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA RIOCC SOBRE “EVALUACIÓN DE PROYECTOS DE IMPACTOS, VUNERABILIDAD Y MEDIDAS DE ADAPTACIÓN AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO” CONTACTO: Name:Carlos Castro. Agency:UNDP - United Nations Development Programme COMENTARIOS ADICIONALES: FICHA PROYECTOS PÁGINA 5