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Thursday News
Ricardo Flores Magón Academy. November 7th, 2013
Veterans Day
Padres, por favor tengan en cuenta que estamos viendo a
muchos estudiantes sin el uniforme requerido diario. Es
importante establecer la autodisciplina en cada estudiante a
medida que avanzan a través de la primaria, secundaria,
preparatoria y universidad; y el uniforme es un componente
necesario en el cultivo de esa característica en nuestros
estudiantes. Por favor, asegúrese de que su hijo tenga el
uniforme establecido diariamente. Recuerde, sólo los viernes
están autorizados a llevar la camiseta roja de RFMA y
pantalones deportivos. Si el Magonista no trae el uniforme
correcto, será enviado a detención y los padres tendrán
que traer el uniforme apropiado a la escuela. También,
después de las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias a los
estudiantes ya no se les permitirá llevar camisetas sin
RFMA o suéteres en clase. Si usted desea comprar una
sudadera o un suéter RFMA, por favor póngase en contacto
con la oficina para más información. Si tiene preguntas sobre
el código de vestimenta, por favor consulte el manual del
estudiante y de la familia o hable con el Sr. Casias.
”An Act approved May 13, 1938, made the 11th of November in each year
a legal holiday—a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to
be thereafter celebrated and known as "Armistice Day." Armistice Day was
primarily a day set aside to honor veterans of World War I, but in 1954,
after World War II and after U.S. forces had fought in Korea, the 83rd
Congress, amended the Act of 1938 by striking out the word "Armistice"
and inserting in its place the word "Veterans." On June 1, 1954, November
11th became a day to honor U.S. veterans of all wars.”
It was during WWII that many Mexican/Mexican American men and
women signed up to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. Many wanted to
earn the rights and privileges that had been denied to them for so long, the
same rights that white citizens had always enjoyed: Freedom, Equality
and Justice. Many Mexican men and woman fought and died in WWII,
and they did so valiantly. In fact, Latinos/Mexicanos/MexicanAmericans are by far, the most decorated ethnicity in United States
history. When these brave men and women, our grandfathers/mothers
and great grandfathers/mothers, returned home after the war they returned
to a world of hate, discrimination and racism. They were treated as
foreigners in their own country. They were forced to go to separate
schools. They were not allowed into theaters and restaurants because
they were not white. They returned to see that many of their friends and
family had been illegally loaded on trains and sent to Mexico, even though
they were United States citizens. They were humiliated, even after they
had offered their lives to their country. But something happened. Our
ancestors had seen the world and had come to understand that there was
more; they understood that they had not only earned the right to be treated
as equals, but they had ALWAYS deserved that right and refused to be
treated as any less than dignified men and women. Out of these
realizations was born the Chicano/Mexicano Civil Rights Movement.
So let us take time this Veteranos Day to celebrate and honor these men
and women who truly served and even gave their lives so that we, Latinos,
Mexicanos, Chicanos, MESTIZOS, can enjoy the freedoms we take for
granted today and let us continue to honor them by fighting for our rights,
for the rights of our parents, grandparents and our children, and the rights
of all oppressed peoples across the globe. MEXICA TIAHUI!
Cambios de temperatura
Las temperaturas exteriores están cayendo. Es muy
importante que todos nuestros Magonistas vengan a la
escuela con una chaqueta que puedan usar en el recreo.
Tenga en cuenta que los estudiantes que no tengan una
chamarra no se les permitirá participar en el tenis, ni se les
permitirá ir al recreo.
November 12th, Interim Testing
Todos los estudiantes van a participar en la segunda ronda
de pruebas provisionales la próxima semana. Las pruebas
provisionales nos permiten verificar el progreso de cada
Magonista de la unidad académica actual. Usaremos la
información que nos proporcionen las pruebas para entender
la ayuda adicional que nuestros Magonistas necesiten y así
proveerlos con ella.
15 de noviembre, No hay clases
No hay clases el viernes, 15 de noviembre.
Ganadores de la Galería
¡Gracias por votar por su obra de arte favorita del Día de los
Muertos. Los estudiantes trabajaron duro para crear estas
obras impresionantes, como parte de nuestra celebración.
Los ganadores del concurso han sido decididos. La clase
ganadora de la “categoría 1” es la del2023, Srta. Arteaga y la
ganadora de la “categoría 2” es la del 2018, Sr. Silva. La
clase del 2023 ganó una fiesta de helados y la del 2018
ganó un evento Social. Felicidades Magonistas!
Tuesday, November 12TH, Interim Testing all day.
Friday, November 15th, NO SCHOOL
Monday-Friday, November 25th-29th. Thanksgiving
Get Your Green Shirt On!
Friday, November 1st, 2013
Class of 2023, MS. Arteaga: Alexander Bloise
continued from page 1
Thursday News 5