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How To Use Eni:lish Verbs
Como utilizar verb os en in Ies
How to Use Present Tense, Past Tense, Past Participle Tense, and
Future Tense.
(Como utilizar el tiempo presente, pasado, tiempo Participio Pasado,
y tiempo futuro.)
Present tense (EI tiempo presente):
•Plural (plural): Use with the pronouns you, we and they, or with appropriate multiple
nouns. Do not use I with the plural be verb are. (Se usa con los pronombres tu, nosotros y
elios, 0 con los nombres adecuados multiples. No puedo utilizar con el verbo plural que
Examples: "You are tall.", "Mary and I have children.", or the pronoun "We have
children." ("Usted es alto.", "Maria y yo tenemos hijos.", 0 el pronombre "Nosotros
tenemos hijos".)
And: "Mariela and Oscar know Sandy.", or the pronoun "They know Sandy."
y Oscar saber Sandy.", 0 el pronombre "Ellos saben de arena".)
Also: The First Person, Singular Pronoun "I" uses plural verbs, except the "be" verbs.
(La primera persona del singular pronombre "Y.Q." verbos plurales uso, excepto el
"ser" verbos.)
Examples: "I make cookies.", or "I want new shoes." (plural verbs)
las cookies.", 0 "quiero zapatos nuevos." (verbos en plural)
("Y 0 hago
-Singular (unico): Use with the pronouns he, she or it, or appropriate single nouns. (Se
usa con los pronombres 61,ella 061,0 los nombres apropiados individuales.) Also use the
"be" verb am or was, only with the First Person, Singular pronoun "I". (Tambien se utiliza
el "ser" verbo soy 0 era, s610 con el pronombre en primera persona singular "Y.Q.".)
Examples: "She eats breakfast.", or "Isabel washes dishes.", or "He runs to the store.",
or "Jose stops the car." ("Ella come el desayuno.", 0 "Isabel lava los platos.", 0 "Corre a
la tienda.", 0 "Jose detiene el coche.")
And: "It goes home.", or "The dog smells terrible."
muy mal".)
("Se va a casa.", 0 "EI perro huele
"I" examples: "I am old.", or "I was tired." (be verbs)
cansado." (sean verbos))
("Yo soy viejo.", 0 "Yo estaba
How To Use English Verbs
Como utilizar verb os en in les
+Progressive (progresivo):
Use to talk: about on-going actions. Used with present,
past and future actions. (Se utiliza para hablar de las acciones en curso. Se usa con las
acciones presentes, pasadas y futuras.)
Formed as follows: Subject + Present, Past or Future verb + Progressive verb. (Formado
como sigue: Sujeto + Presente, Pasado 0 Futuro verbo + verbo progresivo.)
Examples (present): "I am walking home.", or "Henry is running a race."
caminando a casa. ", 0 "Henry esta corriendo una carrera. It)
Examples (past): "They were watching television ..", or "Sally was singing a song.", or
"They were eating dinner." ("Ellos estaban viendo la television ..", 0 "Sally estaba
cantando una cancion. ", 0 "Estaban comiendo la cena. fI)
Examples (future): "I will be running in a race tomorrow.", or "John will be driving a
new car next week." (flVoy a estar corriendo en una carrera de maiiana. ", 0 "John va a
conducir un coche nuevo la proxima semana. It)
+Gerund (gerundio):
Verbs acting like nouns.
(Los verbos que actuan como
sustantivos ).
Examples: "I do the cleaning and my wife does the cooking.", or "I love skating."
hago la limpieza y mi esposa prepara la comida. ", 0 "Me encanta el patinaj e").
"Cleaning, cooking and skating are gerund verbs.
verbos gerundio.)
("Limpiar, cocinar y el patinaje son
Past tense (tiempo pasado):
+Regular Verbs (Verb os regulares): Add "ed" or "d" to the end of the verb to form "ed."
lfthe verb ends in "y", drop the "y" and add "ied." (Afiadir "ed" 0 "d" al final del verbo para
formar "ed". Si el verbo termina en "v", soltar la "y" y aiiadir "ied").
Examples: "Amalia asked two questions.", or "Dania baked cookies.", or "Erika tried to
swim." ("Amalia hizo dos preguntas.", 0 "cookies Dania homeados.", 0 "Erika trato
+Irregular Verbs (los verbos irregulares): These verbs change their form and each
one must be learned. (Estos verbos cambian su forma y cada uno debe ser aprendido.)
"ate" (eat), "bought" (buy) and "went" (go). ("ate" (comer), "comprado"
(compra) y "se fue" (ir).)
How To Use English Verbs
Como utilizar verbos en in les
Past Participle tense (tenso Participio Pasado): There are several uses of these types
of verbs.
(Hay varios usos de este tipo de verbos.)
• Present Perfect Non-Continuous tense (presente Perfecto no continua tensa): Formed
as follows: Subject + bave/has + Past Participle. (Formado como sigue: Sujeto + have /
has + participio pasado.)
Examples: "I have broken my arm.", or "Maria has taken a vacation."
brazo.",o "Maria ha tornado unas vacaciones.")
("Me he roto el
• Present Perfect Continuous tense (presente Perfecto Continuo tenso): Formed as
follows: Subject + have/has + been + the Progressive form of the main verb (ing).
(Formado como sigue: Sujeto + have / has + + sido la forma progresiva del verbo principal
Examples: "He has been taking a vacation. ", or "They have been riding for hours. ", or
"Have you been eating you vegetables?" ("EI ha estado tomando unas vacaciones.", 0
"Han estado viajando durante horas.", 0 "l,Has estado comiendo verduras ustedes?")
• Past Perfect Non-Continuous tense (pasado Perfecto no continua tensa): Formed as
follows: Subject + had + Past Participle. (Formado como sigue: Sujeto + tenido +
Participio Pasado.)
Examples: "They had traveled far.", or "Erika had already eaten breakfast.", or "You had
never seen Italy?" ("Ellos habian viajado mucho.", 0 "Erika ya habia comido el
desayuno.",o "l,Nunca habia visto a ltalia?")
• Past Perfect Continuous tense (Pasado Perfecto Continuo tenso): Formed as follows:
Subject + had + been + the Progressive form of of the main verb (ing). (Formado como
sigue: Sujeto + + sido + tenia la forma progresiva del verbo principal (ingj).
Examples: "You had been living here for ten years when I met you.", or "Harry had been
waiting a long time for the train. ", or "They had been swimmin all day." ("Usted ha
estado viviendo aqui desde hace diez afios cuando te conoci.", 0 "Harry habia estado
esperando mucho tiempo para el tren.", 0 "Habian estado nadando todo el dia.")
• Participial Adjective (Adjetivo participio):
verbo como un adjetivo.)
Use the verb like an adjective.
Examples: "My window is broken.", or "We were bored."
"Estabamos aburridos").
(Usa el
("Mi ventana esta rota.",
How To Use English Verbs
Como utilizar verbos en in les
Future tense (tiempo futuro): Each ofthe following four Future verb tenses have two
forms. Each form is usually interchangeable with the other form for that tense. (Cada uno de
los siguientes cuatro tiempos verbales futuras tienen dos formas. Cada forma es generalmente
intercambiables con la otra forma para que tensa.)
+ Simple
Future verbs (Simples verbos futuros): Used to show actions in the future.
Formed as follows: Subject + will + Plural Present Verb, or Subject + (be) going to + Plural
Present Verb. (Se utiliza para mostrar las acciones en el futuro. Formado como sigue:
Sujeto + Verbo + voluntad Plural Presente Q Asunto + (ser) va a Verbo Plural + Presente.)
Examples: "I will walk to school tomorrow.", or "Sandra will go to a movie with her
friend.", or "They will sleep." (nvoy a caminar a la escuela mariana,", 0 "Sandra va a ir
al cine con su amiga.", 0 "Van a dormir.")
And: He is going to meet Judy later. eEl va a cumplir con Judy tarde.)
+Future Continuous (futuro continuo): Used to show on-going actions ending in the
future. Formed as follows: Subject + will be + Progressive Verb, or Subject + (be) going to
be + Progressive Verb. (Se utiliza para mostrar las acciones en curso que terminan en el
futuro. Formado como sigue: Sujeto + Verbo + sera progresivo 0 Asunto + (ser) va a ser
Verbo + Progresista.)
I will be studying English when you arrive.
And: She is going to be visiting school tonight.
(Voy a estudiar Ingles a su
(Ella va a estar visitando esta noche la
+ Future Perfect (Future Perfect):
Shows an action that will have been completed at a
specific time in the future. Formed as follows: Subject + will have + Past Participle, or
Subject + (be) going to have + Past Participle. (Muestra una accion que se ha completado
en un momento especifico en el futuro. Formado como sigue: Sujeto + tendra + participio
pasado 0 Asunto + (ser) va a tener + participio pasado.)
Example: I will have eaten too much when this party is over.
demasiado cuando esta fiesta se ha acabado.)
And: Sam is going to have driven a long way on his vacation.
conducido un largo camino en sus vacaciones.)
(Yo he comido
(Sam va a haber
How To Use English Verbs
Como utilizar verbos en in les
+Future Perfect Continuous (Futuro Perfecto Continuo):
Formed as follows: Subject
+ will have been + Progressive Verb, or Subject + (be) going to have been + Progressive
Verb. (Formado como sigue: Sujeto + se + verbo haber sido progresivo 0 Asunto + (ser) va
a haber sido + Verbo Progresista.)
Examples: I will have been waiting for two hours when the train arrives. Sandra will
have been watching the television since lunch when John gets home. (Yo he estado
esperando durante dos horas, cuando el tren llegue. Sandra se han estado viendo la
television desde el aImuerzo cuando Juan llegue a casa.)
And: They are going to have been running in the marathon for over three hours. Joe
will have been talking for over an hour before the football game starts. (Van a haber
estado corriendo en el maraton por mas de tres horas. Joe ha estado hablando durante
mas de una hora antes del partido de futbol comienza.)
Modal Verbs (Los verbos modales):
These verbs are: Can, could, may, might, will,
would, must, shall, should, and ought to. Discuss with your tutor for proper uses. (Estos verbos
son: puede, puede, puede, poder, voluntad, seria, debe, debera, debe y deberia hacerlo. Hable
con su tutor para usos propios.)