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“A California Distinguished School”
Weibel Wildcats
45135 South Grimmer Blvd. * Fremont, CA 94539 * (510) 651-6958
FAX (510) 651-6653 * Web page:
March 2014
Volume XXVII, Article 8
Julie Forbes, Principal
Dora Vasquez, Secretary
Laura Hernandez, Office Asst.
March 11th – PTO Meeting 7p.m.
March 21st – Report cards go home
March 21st – Cultural Night 6:00 – 8:30p.m.
April 18th – No School
April 21st – April 25th – Spring Break
It has been determined that the first day of school for the 2014-2015 school year
will be Wednesday, August 27, 2014.
The FUSD school calendar is available on the district website.
Unexcused Absences
As you may know, Fremont Unified School District uses an automated phone
calling system to notify families of student absences. If your student is absent and you
do not call the attendance line by 9:00 a.m. you will receive a phone call from
Mrs. Hernandez and the automated system. If the reason for the absence is
unexcused, regardless of having reported this to the attendance office, you will
automatically receive a phone call from the automated system only. This is a
safety measure and we appreciate your understanding and flexibility.
Fremont Unified School District is part of a culturally and linguistically rich community.
Our policies embrace a discrimination and harassment free environment.
Horner Registration for Sixth Grade
On Friday, March 14, Horner Counselors will come to Weibel and meet with the sixth grade
students. Registration packets will be given to the teachers at that time. The teachers will
hand them out to the student’s to take home and be filled out. Parents are not invited to this
meeting as it is for students and teachers only.
Horner Parent Orientation
Parent Orientation for incoming 7th grade students is scheduled on March 19th from
5:00 PM-6:00 PM in the Horner MUR. This orientation is very beneficial to parents so
you have a better understanding of what to expect as your child leaves the
comfort of elementary school and begins that exciting journey to Jr. High. Please, parents only at
this presentation.
Attention Parents of all incoming 7th Grade Students:
For the 2014/2015 school year, California Law (AB 354) requires an additional immunization
called Tdap in order for your student to advance into or enter 7th grade. The adolescent
whooping cough/pertussis booster shot, (Tdap) must be given on or after age 7 to meet this
requirement. Valid proof must show: 1) type of shot given, 2) date, 3) provider’s
signature/stamp. If parents have not provided proof to their school by the first day of school,
August 27, 2014, your student will NOT be allowed to attend.
With the implementation of Common Core State Standards, students will be following a revised
set of course pathways to reach college and career readiness in math. To ensure that each
student is placed in the appropriate course for the subsequent year, all students currently in
grade 6 will be given a District Placement test.
For more information, please visit:
Anti-Bullying Assembly
Weibel students and staff enjoyed an Anti-Bullying assembly in February. Students learned
about the 3 R’s: Recognize, Refuse, and Report. We reminded all students of the importance
of following school rules such as keeping our hands to ourselves and treating others with
kindness. Thank you to our PTO for sponsoring this great assembly.
Child Nutrition Services presents…..
Individually Wrapped
Now available for delivery to your child’s classroom!
No running to the store! No mess! Wellness Policy compliant!
Before placing an order, please check with your child’s school regarding classroom celebrations.
To order, please use the Classroom Event Order Form available on the
FUSD website, under the Child Nutrition Services quick link.
Checks can be made out to Child Nutrition Services.
For more information call 510-659-2587.
Statewide Standardized Testing
This spring, Fremont Unified School District students will participate in the two kinds of California state
testing: Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
(SBAC) Field Testing.
STAR (Standardized Testing and Reporting)
SCIENCE: Students in grades 5, 8, and 10 will take tests aligned with the science content standards.
The district will administer these tests to students in grades 5 and 8 between May 5th and May 16th.
Students in grade 10 will test between April 9th and 17th.
Grade 11 students will participate in the Early Assessment Program (EAP) to assess their readiness for
college-level English and math. All grade 11 students will take the EAP Writing assessment in March,
and in April, the STAR test in English Language Arts. In addition, those grade 11 students either
currently enrolled in Intermediate Algebra or Algebra II, or those having already completed the
three courses Algebra I, Geometry, and Intermediate Algebra or Algebra II, will take the STAR test in
Algebra II or Summative Math. Students who, on the basis of their EAP results, demonstrate
proficiency for college-level coursework are exempt from taking the California State University
(CSU)’s and participating California Community College (CCC)’s placement tests for English and
math. These students move directly into college-level classes upon enrollment.
SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS: Some special education students will be taking the California
Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) test between April 9th and May 14th. These include
students in grades 2 through 11 with the most significant disabilities and who are generally not
working toward a regular high school diploma. Students in grades 5, 8 or 10 may take the California
Modified Assessment version in science as noted in a students’ IEP instead of the regular STAR
science assessment. Parents wishing to know more about the STAR CMA program should contact
the principal.
Testing results for all STAR assessments will be reported by the State Department of Education on the
Internet late summer by state, county, district, school, and grade level (but not individual class or
student) at the following website address: Results will also be sent to districts at
that time, then mailed to parents.
If a parent wishes their child to be excluded from all or part of the test(s), they may submit a written
request to their school principal.
SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium)
The Smarter Balanced Field Test will take place between April 7th and June 6th. Students in grades 3
through 8 and grade 11 (Mission High School only) will be assessed via computer in Englishlanguage arts and mathematics content aligned with the Common Core State Standards.
Purpose and Benefits of the Field Test
A field test is not designed to be a valid and reliable measure of student achievement; rather, it is
designed to help the test developers evaluate whether the tests, individual items, and the
technology platform work as intended before the first operational administration, planned for spring
The spring 2014 Field Test will be fully computer-based. Participation in the Field Test will give
students, teachers, administrators, and local educational agencies valuable exposure to the future
assessment system:
Students will gain hands-on experience with the functionality of innovative technologyenhanced items and newly designed performance tasks with related classroom activities.
Teachers and administrators will gain valuable exposure to administration logistics to better
prepare for smooth and successful participation in the operational assessments, which will
begin in the 2014–15 school year.
Local educational agencies will benefit from knowing where technology gaps may exist so
they can fully prepare for the operational assessments.
There will be accessibility and accommodations available for applicable students.
Please note that because the Field Test is a test of the assessments themselves, and the testing
procedures, test scores will not be published and parents will not receive any information regarding
their students’ performance on the Field Test.
If a parent wishes their child to be excluded from all or part of the test, they may submit a written
request to their school principal.
Families wishing to access SBAC practice tests can do so by logging on to:
Testing Preparation
It is important that schools and parents work together to ensure that students will be as well
prepared as possible for these assessments. Schools are addressing “test prep” skills, standards
aligned curriculum, are projecting a positive attitude toward the testing programs, and teaching
the curriculum addressed in each grade level test. Parents can help by making sure that students
do that following:
1. Be at school. Please avoid scheduling medical and other appointments, which would have
your child away from class during this time.
2. Get plenty of sleep. A well-rested child will perform better.
3. Eat a nutritious breakfast. Well-fed “brain cells” function best.
4. Be positive and do not apply too much pressure. Students will perform better if they feel selfconfident and supported by their families and schools. They need to know that we feel they
CAN do well.
Exámenes Estatales Estandarizados
Esta primavera, los estudiantes del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fremont participarán en dos tipos
de exámenes estatales estandarizados: Exámenes y Reportes Estandarizados (STAR) y el ensayo de
la Evaluación Smarter Balanced (SBAC).
STAR (Exámenes y Reportes Estandarizados)
CIENCIAS: Los estudiantes del 5o, 8o y 10o grado tomarán los exámenes que se alinean con los
estándares de ciencias. El distrito administrará estos exámenes a los estudiantes del 5º y 8º grado
entre el 5 y 16 de mayo. Los estudiantes del 10º grado tomarán el examen entre el 9 y 17 de abril.
Los estudiantes en el grado 11 participarán en el programa de evaluación temprana (EAP) para
evaluar su aptitud en Inglés y matemáticas universitarias. Todos los estudiantes en el grado 11
tomarán la evaluación EAP de escritura en marzo y en abril, el examen STAR en artes de lenguaje
en Inglés . Además, esos estudiantes en el grado 11 que ahora están inscritos en álgebra
intermedia o álgebra II, o los que han completado los tres cursos de álgebra I, geometría y álgebra
intermedia o álgebra II, tomarán la evaluación STAR en álgebra II o matemáticas sumativas. Los
estudiantes que por medio de sus resultados EAP, demuestrán que son proficiente para tomar
cursos universitarios no le será necesario tomar las evaluaciones de Inglés y matemáticas para
colocación de California State University (CSU) y California Community College (CCC). Estos
estudiantes se mueven directamente a clases de nivel universitario cuando se inscriben.
ESTUDIANTES DE EDUCACIÓN ESPECIAL: Algunos estudiantes de educación especial tomarán la
Evaluación del Desempeño Alterno de California (CAPA) entre el 9 de abril y el 14 de mayo.
Incluye a los estudiantes del 2º al 11º grado con discapacidades más significativas y que
generalmente no trabajan para obtener un diploma regular de preparatoria. Los estudiantes del
5º, 8º ó 10º grado pueden tomar la versión de la Evaluación Modificada de California (CMA) en
ciencias, tal como se indica en el IEP del estudiante, en lugar del examen de ciencias STAR. Los
padres que deseen conocer más sobre el Programa STAR CMA deben comunicarse con el
director(a) de su escuela.
Los resultados de todos los exámenes STAR los reportará el Departamento de Educación del Estado
en el internet a finales del verano, por estado, condado, distrito, escuela y nivel de grado (pero no
por clase individual o por estudiante) en el siguiente sitio web: Al mismo tiempo,
también se enviarán los resultados al distrito y después a los padres de familia.
Si los padres desean que su hijo(a) se excluya de todos o parte del examen, pueden presentar una
solicitud por escrito al director(a) de su escuela.
SBAC (Evaluación Smarter Balanced)
El ensayo del Smarter Balanced se llevará a cabo entre el 7 de abril y el 6 de junio. Los estudiantes
del 3º al 8º grado y los del 11º grado (solo la Preparatoria Mission) tomarán la evaluación por
computadora en lengua y literatura en inglés y matemáticas, este contenido está alineado con los
Estándares Básicos Comunes del Estado.
Objetivo y Beneficio del Ensayo
El ensayo no está diseñado para ser una medida válida y confiable del desempeño del estudiante;
más bien, es para ayudar a los diseñadores del examen a evaluar si los exámenes, los elementos
individuales y la plataforma tecnológica funcionan para lo que están diseñados antes de la
primera administración, la cual está planeada para la primavera de 2015.
El ensayo en la primavera de 2014 será todo en la computadora. La participación en el ensayo
brindará a los estudiantes, maestros, administradores y las dependencias educativas locales la
experiencia al futuro sistema de evaluación:
Los estudiantes obtendrán experiencia práctica de la funcionalidad de los innovadores
elementos tecnológicos y los trabajos de desempeño recién diseñados con actividades del
salón relacionadas.
Los maestros y administradores obtendrán experiencia valiosa de la logística administrativa
para preparase mejor para una participación fácil y exitosa en las evaluaciones, las cuales
empezarán en el año escolar 2014-2015.
Las dependencias educativas locales se beneficiarán de saber en dónde se encuentran los
déficits tecnológicos para poderse preparar totalmente para las evaluaciones.
Existirá acceso y modificaciones para los estudiantes correspondientes.
Ya que el ensayo es solo una prueba de la evaluación y de los procedimientos, los resultados no
se publicarán y los padres no recibirán ninguna información relativa al desempeño de sus hijos en
el ensayo.
Si los padres desean que se excluya a su hijo(a) de todo o parte del examen, pueden presentar
una solicitud por escrito al director(a) de su escuela.
Las familias que deseen tener acceso a los exámenes de práctica de SBAC, lo pueden hacer en:
Preparación para el Examen
Es importante que las escuelas y los padres trabajen conjuntamente para garantizar que los
estudiantes estén tan preparados como sea posible para estas evaluaciones. Las escuelas están
trabajando en las destrezas para la “preparación para el examen”, los estándares alineados con
el plan de estudios, fomentando una actitud positiva hacia los exámenes y enseñando el plan de
estudios presentado en el examen para cada grado. Los padres pueden ayudar por asegurarse
que los estudiantes hagan lo siguiente:
5. Estar en la escuela. Evite programar citas médicas o de otra índole, lo cual haría que su
hijo(a) no esté en la escuela durante este periodo.
6. Que tengan sueño suficiente. Un niño bien descansado se desempeñará mejor.
7. Comer un desayuno nutritivo. Las “células cerebrales” bien alimentadas funcionan mejor.
8. Ser positivo y no presionar. Los estudiantes se desempeñarán mejor si se sienten confiados y
apoyados por sus familias y escuelas. Necesitan saber que creemos que PUEDEN
desempeñarse bien.
本年春季Fremont 聯合學區學生將會參加二種加州測驗:標準學測(Standardized Testing and Reporting ,
簡稱STAR) 和智能平衡學測的現場測試(Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Field Testing,簡稱
標準學測(STAR ,Standardized Testing and Reporting)
科學: 五,八和十年級的學生將依科學教學標準參加科學測驗。學區將在五月五日和五月十六日之間舉辦五年
十一年級提早測驗計劃(EARLY ASSESSMENT PROGRAM,簡稱EAP) – 英文和數學
Summative Math的標準學測。依個別 EAP 結果,顯示已具備大學課程程度的學生,將不必參加加州州立大
學 (California State University)和參與的加州社區大學(California Community College)的英文和數學分班
特殊教育學生 : 部份接受特殊教育的學生將在四月九日和五月十四日之間接受接受「加州特殊學生成績測驗」
(California Alternate Performance Assessment,簡稱CAPA) ,包括二到十一年級極度傷殘和一般不準備
領取正常高中畢業證書的學生。五,八和十年級的學生可根據個人的IEP 參加代替標準學測的「加州修改評估
測驗」(California Modified Assessment)中的科學測驗。需要更多有關標準學測加州修改評估測驗資料的家
智能平衡學測 (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium,簡稱SBAC)
將用電腦測驗配合加州共同核心教學標準(Common Core State Standards)的英文和數學科目。
9. 來上學。 請避免在此時安排看病和其他導致學生在此時段內缺席的事務。
10. 充足的睡眠。 充份休息的孩子表現較佳。
11. 吃一份營養的早餐。 營養充足的腦細胞運作最有效率。
12. 持有積極的態度和避免過度的壓力。有自信和有學校和家長支持的學生們表現得更好。 他們需要知道