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17 Saturday/Sábado
17 Saturday/Sábado
October 18, 2015 / 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 p.m. English
7:00 p.m. Spanish
† John Wilson (Rosie & Jim Trznadel)
† Elena Aguilar Sossa (Laura Martínez)
† Maria Isabel Murcia
Romans/Romanos 4.13,16-18; Ps./Sal. 105.5-7,8-10,42-44; Luke/Lucas 12.8-12
18 Sunday/Domingo:
18 Sunday/Domingo:
9:30 a.m. English
Mass offered for the Parish Community
11:30 a.m. Spanish
Misa ofrecida por la Comunidad Parroquial
Isaiah/Isaias 53.10-11; Ps./Sal. 33.4-5,18-19,20+22;
Hebrews/Hebreos 4.14-16; Mark/Marcos 10.35-45
19 Monday/Lunes:
Romans/Romanos 4.20-25; Ps./Sal. 1.69-70,71-12,73-75; Luke/Lucas 12.13-21
20 Tuesday/Martes:
8:30 a.m. English
† Jean Stemmler
20 Tuesday/Martes:
7:00 p.m. Spanish
Romans/Romanos 5.12,15b,17-21; Ps./Sal. 40.6-7a,7b-8,9-10ab,16+17c;Luke/Lucas 12.35-38
21 Wednesday/Miércoles: 8:30 a.m. English
† Alberto Da silva Alves
Romans/Romanos 6.12-18;Ps./Sal. 124.1-3,4-6,7-8; Luke/Lucas 12.39-48
22 Thursday/Jueves:
8:30 a.m. English
† Jean Stemmler (Cecilia Victoria Kekish)
Romans/Romanos 6.19-23; Ps./Sal. 1.1-2,3,4+6; Luke/Lucas 12.49-53
23 Friday/Viernes:
8:30 a.m. English
23 Friday/Viernes:
7:00 p.m. Spanish
† Carlos Arturo Ponce (Claudia Salazar)
Romans/Romanos 7.18-25a; Ps. Sal. 119.66+68,76-77,93-94; Luke/Lucas 12.54-59
24 Saturday/Sábado
24 Saturday/Sábado
5:00 p.m. English
† Jean Stemmler (Cecilia Victoria Kekish)
7:00 p.m. Spanish
Romans/Romanos 8.1-11; Ps./Sal. 24.1-2,3-4ab,5-6; Luke/Lucas 13.1-9
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Every
Friday from 6:00 p.m.— 6:45 p.m.
and Saturday from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30
p.m. Any other time by appointment.
Sacramento de la Reconciliación:
Todos los Viernes de 6:00 p.m.—
6:45 p.m. y Sábados de 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. o con cita.
The Son of Man came to serve, and to give his life as a
ransom for many
(Mark 10:45)
“El hijo del hombre ha venido a servir y dar su vida en
rescate por la multitud “
(Marcos 10,45).
18 de octubre de 2015 / 29 º Domingo Ordinario
A Crazy Love
Un Amor Loco
Today, the Third Sunday of October, we are
celebrating World Mission Day. To every
ecclesial community and to each Christian it is
a strong appeal for commitment to witnessing
and proclaiming the Gospel to all. Mission is a
passion for Jesus and at the same time a
passion for his people. When we pray before
Jesus crucified, we see the depth of his love
which gives us dignity and sustains us. At the
same time, we realize that the love flowing
from Jesus’ pierced heart expands to embrace
the People of God and all humanity. We
realize once more that he wants to make use
of us to draw closer to his beloved people and
all those who seek him with a sincere heart. In
Jesus’ command to “go forth”, we see the
scenarios and ever-present new challenges of
the Church’s evangelizing mission. All her
members are called to proclaim the Gospel by
their witness of life. In a particular way,
consecrated men and women are asked to
listen to the voice of the Spirit who calls them
to go to the peripheries, to those to whom the
Gospel has not yet been proclaimed. Those
who follow Christ cannot fail to be
missionaries, for they know that Jesus “walks
with them, speaks to them, breathes with
them. They sense Jesus alive with them in the
midst of the missionary enterprise.”
Hoy, tercer domingo de octubre, se celebra la
Jornada mundial de las misiones, que
constituye para todas las comunidades
eclesiales y para cada cristiano una fuerte
llamada al compromiso de anunciar y
testimoniar el Evangelio a todos. La misión es
una pasión por Jesús pero, al mismo tiempo,
es una pasión por su pueblo. Cuando nos
detenemos ante Jesús crucificado,
reconocemos todo su amor que nos dignifica
y nos sostiene; y en ese mismo momento
percibimos que ese amor, que nace de su
corazón traspasado, se extiende a todo el
pueblo de Dios y a la humanidad entera. Así
redescubrimos que él nos quiere tomar como
instrumentos para llegar cada vez más cerca
de su pueblo amado y de todos aquellos que
lo buscan con corazón sincero. En el mandato
de Jesús: “id” están presentes los escenarios
y los desafíos siempre nuevos de la misión
evangelizadora de la Iglesia. En ella todos
están llamados a anunciar el Evangelio a
través del testimonio de la vida; y a escuchar
la voz del Espíritu, que los llama a ir a las
grandes periferias de la misión, entre las
personas a las que aún no ha llegado el
Evangelio. Quién sigue a Cristo se convierte
necesariamente en misionero, y sabe que
Jesús «camina con él, habla con él, respira
con él. Percibe a Jesús vivo con él en medio
de la tarea misionera»
Unite in Love… Let us go to serve: Today,
in all the parishes of the world, in Africa,
Oceania, America and Europe, we celebrate
World Mission Sunday. It is the Sunday of
solidarity and sharing with our poorest
brothers and sisters of the Universal
Church. Today, we celebrate our vocation
as missionaries sent to proclaim the Good
News. For the 1250 dioceses which are still
under the responsibility of the Congregation
for the Evangelization of Peoples, let us be
generous so that they can achieve their
pastoral projects for the poorest people.
They are part of the more than 6,000
projects that are supported through this
unique collection. Thank you very much for
your generosity!!!
Unirnos en amor ... Vayamos a servir:
Hoy, en todas las parroquias del mundo,
en África, Oceanía, América y Europa, se
celebra la Jornada Mundial de las
Misiones. Domingo de solidaridad y de
compartir con nuestros hermanos más
pobres de la Iglesia Universal. Hoy,
celebramos nuestras vacaciones como
misioneros enviados a proclamar la Buena
Nueva. Para las 1250 diócesis que todavía
están bajo la responsabilidad de la
Congregación para la Evangelización de
los Pueblos; seamos generosos para que
puedan lograr sus proyectos pastorales
con los más pobres. Ellos son parte de los
más de 6.000 proyectos que son
apoyados a través de esta única colecta.
Muchas gracias por su generosidad !!!
St. Vincent De Paul News!: Thank you for
your kind generosity and compassion
making it possible to provide assistance to
so many people. Our Collection for
September was $1,014 from our
parishioners. We had 72 calls, serving
124 adults and 48 children. Thank you
from all of us at S.V.D.P. May God Bless
You All.
Noticias de St. Vicente De Paul!:
Gracias por su amable generosidad y
compasion que hicieron posible ayudar
tanta gente. Nuestra colecta en
septiembre fue de $1,014 por parte de
nuestros feligreses. Recibimos 72
llamadas, servimos 124 adultos y 48
niños. Gracias de parte de todos en
S.V.D.P. Que Dios los bendiga a todos.
CWL Quilt Raffle Tickets: Ladies are reminded to please turn in your
Bazaar raffle tickets & money by October 25th. CWL Councilors, please
collect and return your tickets (sold or unsold). If you wish you may put
the ticket stubs and money in the collection and put CWL and your name
on the envelope.
October is the month dedicated to
the Holy Rosary. We encourage
you to pray the Rosary with your
family throughout this month.
Octubre es el mes dedicado al
Santo Rosario, los animamos a
rezar el Rosario en familia con
mas frecuencia durante este mes.
Bazaar & Schnitzel Dinner: Friday, November 13th in the Parish Hall,
from 2:00 to 7:30 p.m. The Schnitzel Dinner will be served from 4:30 to 7:00
p.m. Cost of $15 per person. We are still looking for volunteers to help with
our event. We also need donations of new items for the Toonie Table, and
nearly new items for the Nearly New Store (ie. Puzzles, books, costume
jewelry, glassware, small appliances, toys, small household goods). (Please
no clothing or shoes). For the Country Store and the Bake Table, we need
knitting, crochet, sewing, crafts, and all kinds of baked goods. Items may be
dropped off at the parish hall on Tuesday, November 10th and Thursday,
November 12th after 7:00 p.m. On Friday, November 13th, the ladies will be
in the Parish Hall all day. This would be a good time to drop off desserts for
the Dessert Table, and pies for the Dinner. For further information call
Shirley (519-742-3248).
Climate change in an issue of justice!
The most poor and vulnerable in the
Global South suffer the most from the
impacts of climate change, yet they are
the ones who contribute the least to the
carbon emissions that are warming the
planet. Did you know that Canada has
carbon emission that are 150 times
higher per capita than Ethiopia, one of
the countries in the world that suffers
the most from drought conditions
exacerbated by climate change? Pope
Francis reminds us of our responsibility
to act in his encyclical Laudato Si:
“The pace of consumption, waste and
environmental changes has so stretches
the planet’s capacity that our
contemporary lifestyle, unsustainable
as it is, can only precipitate
catastrophes, such as those which even
now periodically occur in different
areas of the world. The effects of this
imbalance can only be reduced by our
decisive action, here and now.” Take
Cambio Climaticos es una cuestion de
Justicia: Los mas pobres y vulnerables
en los paises del sur son los que más
sufren los efectos del cambio climático,
sin embargo, son los que menos
contribuyen a las emisiones de carbono,
que está calentando el planeta. ¿Sabías
que Canadá emite 150 veces más
carbono que Etiopía que es el mas alto
emisor y es uno de los países en el
mundo que sufre las condiciones de
sequía más de exacerbado por el cambio
climático? Papa Francisco nos recuerda
nuestra responsabilidad de actuar en su
encíclica Laudato Si: "El ritmo de
consumo, residuos y el cambio
ambiental de nuestro estilo de vida
contemporaneo, excede la capacidad del
planeta, es insostenible, esto solo puede
causar catástrofes, como las que incluso
a h o ra s e e s ta n p r o d u c i e n d o
periodicamente en diferentes áreas del
mundo. Los efectos de este desequilibrio
solo pueden reducirse mediante nuestra
accion decisiva, aquí y ahora".
Participa en la campaña de Desarrollo
part in Development and Peace’s
campaign Create a Climate of y la Paz de crear un clima de cambio
haciendo tu parte!
Change to do your part!
Last week’s collection / donación de samana pasada: $4034
Weekly expenses / gastos semanales:
Suggested Offering: For those who are working, 1 hour of your income each week to
support our parish. For those who are not working, at your discretion.
Recuerde que la ofrenda de 1 hora de su ingreso cada semana apoya nuestra parroquia.