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Lake Minneola High School
Lesson Plan
TEACHER: Mrs Peña-Negrón
Unit 3:
Learning Goal:
Common Board Configuration
Subject: Spanish 3H/AP
ROOM: 163
Students will
 demonstrate their ability in written interpersonal communication; (written communication)
 Synthesize information from a variety of authentic audio, visual, and audiovisual resources (listening comprehension)
 Synthesize information from a variety of authentic written and print resources;(reading comprehension)
 demonstrate their ability in spoken interpersonal communication (oral communication)
 Plan, produce, and present spoken presentational communications (oral and written communication)
Tema: Las familias y las comunidades
Contexto 1: Las tradiciones y los valores
Contexto 2: La estructura de la familia
Contexto 3: Las comunidades educativas
6 Weeks
Contexto 4: Las redes sociales
Contexto 5: La ciudadanía global
Contexto 6: La geografía humana
Students will be able to talk about how has the family transformed; traditions and values; and compare educational systems of the Hispanic world and ours
how access to technology impact interpersonal relationships; geography and global citizenship
¿Cómo se define la familia en distintas sociedades? ¿Cómo se ha
transformado la familia? ¿Cómo adquiere una familia o una comunidad sus
tradiciones y sus valores? ¿Cómo comparan los sistemas educativos del
mundo hispano y el nuestro? ¿Cómo impacta el acceso a la tecnología las
relaciones interpersonales? ¿Dónde estamos nosotros en la geografía
humana y la ciudadanía global?
ESE/ELL Accommodations:
1. Students are allowed extended time to complete assignments.
2. Constant check for comprehension, review, and understanding.
3. Notebook checks are done periodically.
Ticket Out: Use Manzano’s scale to rate your understanding
How is the family defined in different societies? How has the family
transformed? How does a family or a community acquire its traditions and
values? How do the educational systems of the Hispanic world and ours
compare? How does access to technology impact interpersonal
relationships? Where are we in the human geography and global
4. Students’ assignments are checked constantly during class.
5. Visual aides are used in class.
6. One on one lesson and extra help are available to students.
7. Students are allowed to use highlighters, sticky notes, index cards, etc.
Ap Exam preparation
Activities: 1.Understanding the exam format and parts
PowerPoint, Cornell Notes, College Board website, Exam examples, Quiz
2.Preview and understanding the units and exam tasks:
Unit’s thinking maps
3.Preview and understanding the exam tasks: Simulated Conversations and Persuasive Essay
College Board website, Exam examples, Practice
Contexto 1: Las tradiciones y los valores
Activities Reading & listening comprehension / Cultural comparison / Culture: Productos, prácticas y perspectivas
Día de Reyes Tradition in Spanish-speaking countries
PowerPoint, Cornell Notes, Videos, Artcraft, Tradition reenactment (cajita, buscar yerba, gift exchange)
Vocabulary: valores
Readings, Cornell Notes
Writen presentation: Poster about “Valores”
Interpersonal Communication: Spoken and written
¿Cómo adquiere una familia o una comunidad sus tradiciones y sus valores?
Contexto 2: La estructura de la familia
Activities: Vocabulary:
Copy Vocabulary from PowerPoint and do Cornell Notes
Interpersonal Communication: Spoken and written
Talk about TV families & famous families
Answer: ¿Cómo se define la familia en distintas sociedades? ¿Cómo se ha transformado la familia?
Reading Interpretive:
collage of photographs that show different families (authentic source) Cultural comparison: traditional versus contemporary families: ¿Cómo se define una
familia? ¿Cómo adquiere una familia o una comunidad sus tradiciones y sus valores?
Video / Cortometraje: Ella o yo from the TEMAS Textbook (Previewing and after viewing activities from 67 of Temas textbook (on Schoolog)
Impostancia de las mascotas (pets in the family)
Choice board:
Read and complete activities on Schoology
BBC Mundo article. Los Simpson: la receta de éxito para una familia “normal”
TAMALADA por Carmen Lomas Garza (Schoology)
Contexto 3: Las comunidades educativas
Research, Cultural comparison and Oral presentation
Research education in Spanish-speaking countries and prepare oral and visual Presentations
¿Cómo comparan los sistemas educativos del mundo hispano y el nuestro?
Writen presentation
Create graphics from the article “LOS SISTEMAS EDUCATIVOS EN LATINOAMÉRICA” (Schgoology)
Contexto 4: Las redes sociales
Activities: Reading and listening comprehension
¿Cómo impacta el acceso a la tecnología las relaciones interpersonales?
Audio: Jóvenes y uso de las redes sociales Textbook Temas, p. 28-29
Authentic Spanish songs:
Group discussion:
Advantages and disadvantages of the social networkd / Ventajas y desventajas de las redes sociales
Las redes sociales (SCHOOLOGY)
CHOICE BOARD: ACTIVIDAD ELECTIVA: consejos usos móvil, Uso del móvil en España, Guardar celulares
Context 5: La geografía humana & Context 6: La ciudadanía global
Activities: Vocabulary: geografía, ciudadanía global
Readings, Cornell Notes, Posters
Interpersonal Communication: Spoken and written
Research and presentations: (Review) Spanish-speaking countries geography and important facts
Readings, Cornell Notes, Quizlet and Kahoot games
Presentation: Create (with a partner) a board game using facts from the Spanish-speaking world
¿Dónde estamos nosotros en la geografía humana y la ciudadanía global?