Download Important habitat needs for the Caddisfly

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Important habitat needs for the
Nesesidades de Habitacion Importante
para la Mosca Caddis
Caddisflies survive best in freshwater with a lot of
dissolved oxygen, a temperature of five to thirteen
degrees C, and a pH of 6.5 to 8.2.
The Caddisfly’s home is made out of little twigs, root
pieces, or pebbles that make a portable case for safety.
Some Caddisflies eat other insects; some spin a net and
eat what they catch in them; and, some eat dead fish, or
anything that passes by in the water like dead plants.
Larval Caddisfly
Important Habitat Needs for the
Agua fresca con mucho oxigeno disolvido, una
temperatura de 5-13 grados centigrados y un pH entre
6.5 y 8.2.
La casa de la mosca Caddis esta hecha de ramitas
pedasos de raises o piedritas que asen una cajita
portable para seguridad.
Algunas moscas caddis se comen a otos insectos
;algunos enrollan una malla y se comen los insectos que
atrapan en ella y algunos se comen los peces muertos, o
cualquier cosa que pase por el agua como plantas
Habitacion Importante para la Mosca de
Stoneflies live in the bottom of flowing water for most
of their lives as larvae.
The water must be very healthy which includes a lot of
dissolved oxygen
Stonefly larvae may be carnivores (eating other bugs or
they may eat leaf matter as source of protein.
Viven al bajo de agua corriente.
Nesesitan mucho oxigeno disolvido.
Pueden ser carniveros (comen otros insectos) o comen
partes de hojas como base de proteina.
Adult Stonefly
Larval Stonefly
A Bug’s Life
Insects are important to Sagehen Creek for many
reasons. Bugs like the Caddisfly and Stonefly are signs
of healthy rivers and creeks. Caddisflies and Stoneflies
are also important as food for Lahontan Cutthroat Trout
and Piute Sculpin.
Adult Caddisfly
La Vida De Los Insectos
Caddisflies spend most of their lives as larvae, up to 2
years in some species.
Larvae look like caterpillars covered in a tube-like case
of leaves, sand, twigs, or bark. Some can get to be
about the size of your pinky when they are mature.
In the pupal stage the caterpillar is busy changing into a
fly. This stage takes about two weeks.
Two weeks later the Caddisfly comes out of the pupa as
a full grown Caddisfly.
The adult Caddisfly only lives about a month.
Etapas del Ciclo de Vida de la Mosca
La mayoria de sus vidas las pasan como larva, hasta
puede pasar dos anos para que se conviertan en adultos
Larvas se parecen como a orugas cubiertas en una cajas
parecidas a un tubo hecho de hojas, arenas, palitos, y
corteza. Son del tamano de un saca puntas de plastico
cuando son adultos
En las etapas inciales las orugas estan ocupados
cambiando se a mosca. Esta etapa dura como dos
Dos semanas despues las moscas Caddis salen de la
pupa como un adulto mosca Caddis.
El adulto mosca Caddis vive como un mes.
Stages in the Life Cycle of the Stonefly
Unique & Interesting Characteristics of
the Caddisfly
Stages in the Life Cycle of the Caddisfly
Los insectos son importante para el arroyó de Sagehen.
Insectos como la mosca Caddis y Stone son señales de
ríos y arroyo saludables. Moscas Caddis y Stone
alimentos importantes para los peces Lahontan
Cutthroat y Piute Scuplín.
Caddisflies are butterfly-like insects with soft, hairy
The scientific name is Trichospteron. Trichos means
“hair” and “pteron” means wing—hairy wing!
The wings touch at the top and look like the roof of a
Adults are lazy in the morning. They are more active in
the evening and at night.
Caddisflies are best known for cases they make and live
in. They also spin nets to have a safe place to live in.
Caracteristicas Unicas y Interesantes de
la Mosca Caddis
Moscas Caddis son insectos como mariposa con alas
suaves y peludas
El nombre cientific es Trichospteron. “Trichos” que
significa cabella y “pteron” signific alas – alas peludas!
Las alas se conectan hacia arriba y se parecen al tech o
de una casa.
Adultos son peresosos en la manana: en la tarde y
noche son activos.
Son mejor conosidos por las cajas que hacen para vivir.
Enrollan mallas para tener un hogar seguro en donde
ARC 2004 Summer Program
Angie Espinoza, Heriberto Muñoz Moreno
Unique & Interesting Characteristics of
the Stonefly
Stonefly eggs are covered by a sticky jello- like
substance which helps the eggs stick to rocks or the
bottom of the river.
For most species of Stonefly the eggs begin to develop
immediately and take only three to four week to hatch.
Etapas del Ciclo de Vida de la Mosca
Los huevos estan cubierto por una substancia parecida a
gelatina pegajosa que le ayuda al huevo pegarse a
piedras o al fondo del arroyo.
Para la mayoria de los especies los huevos empiesan a
desarollar imediatamente y toma tres o cuatro semanas
para nacer.
Because Stoneflies need healthy streams to survive they
are known as a clean-water insects.
When the larvae emerge as adults they are weak fliers
and can be found resting on the shore of stream.
Adults can be identified by their brown and gray bodies
and their delicate antennas.
Caracteristicas Unicas y Interesantes de
la Mosca de Piedra
Conocidas como insectos de aqua limpia.
Son debiles voladores y se encuentran descansando en
la orilla del arroyo.
Son del color café y gris y tienen antenas debiles.