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“Extraordinary Learning for All”
7150 N. 22nd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Phone: 602-664-7800
Fax: 602-664-7899
Attendance: 602-664-7820
Health Office: 602-664-7820
March 3, 2014
Dear Parents,
The month of March has come on at a fast and furious pace. I want to make sure that you have all of the important
dates so that you can keep yourself up to date on all of the upcoming events during this time. Upcoming events
March 4th and 5th: Parent Teacher Conferences: Your child should have brought home a form for you to fill out
so that your child’s teacher can schedule a convenient time for you to come and discuss your child’s academic and
social progress. If you haven’t done so, please make an appointment to speak with your child’s teacher regarding
progress in both academic and social areas. This is the last conference time of the year.
March 10th – 14th: Field Days.
Day 1 March 10th - Kindergarten 7:50 - 10:50
7:50 - 10:50
Day 2 March 11th - 1st Grade
Day 3 March 12th - 2nd Grade 7:50 - 10:50
Day 4 March 13th - 3rd Grade
7:50 - 10:50
Day 5 March 14 - 4th Grade
7:50 - 10:50
Coach Van Wei has been working hard to put on a fabulous field day. If you are willing to volunteer some time to
help out please let your child’s homeroom teacher know.
March 17th – 21st: Spring Break. There will be no school for that week. The office will be closed as well.
April 18th: No School. Spring holiday.
April 14th – April 17th : AIMS/Stanford 10. This is the state and district testing week for all students in 2nd-8th
grade. Students in second grade will be taking the Stanford 10 Achievement Test. This is a norm- referenced test
that compares our students to other students nationally. Third and fourth graders will be taking the AIMS Test.
This test is built on the state standards. States use standardized tests to measure whether students are meeting these
April 25th: Family Dinner and a Movie Night: This is the PTO sponsored event; this year’s theme will have us all
celebrating and honoring time with our personal family and our Heights family. Please make plans to join us!
It will be a very busy period for your child and the school. Please make sure that your child is in regular attendance!
Priscilla Gossett
Principal – Madison Heights School
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“Aprendizaje Extraordinario
Para Todos”
7150 N. 22nd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Phone: 602-664-7800
Fax: 602-664-7899
Attendance: 602-664-7820
Health Office: 602-664-7820
3 de marzo, 2014
Queridas Familias de Heights,
El mes de marzo vine rápido y feroz. Quiere asegurar de que ustedes tengan en mente todas las fechas importantes
para que usted esté al tanto de todos los próximos eventos. Próximos eventos incluyen:
4 y 5 de marzo: Conferencias de Padres y Maestros: Su hijo debió haber llevado a casa una forma para llenar para
fijar una fecha para su conferencia. Durante este tiempo usted tendrá la oportunidad de hablar con su hijo/a sobre su
progreso académico y social. Si usted no ha fijado una fecha para conferencias por favor haga una cita para hablar
con la maestra de su hijo/a sobre su progreso académico y social. Estas serán las últimas conferencias de este año
10 al 14 de marzo: Día de deporte
Día 1 – 10 de marzo – Kinder 7:50-10:50
Día 2 – 11 de marzo – Primer Grado 7:50-10:50
Día 3 – 12 de marzo – segundo grado 7:50-10:50
Día 4 – 13 de marzo – tercer grado 7:50-10:50
Día 5 – 14 de marzo – cuarto grado 7:50-10:50
Coach Van Wei está trabajando duro para que este evento sea un éxito. Si usted puede ser voluntario para ayudar
durante este evento infórmele a la maestra de su hijo/a.
12 al 21 de marzo: Vacaciones de primavera. No habrá clases durante esta semana. La oficina estará cerrada.
18 de abril: No Habrá Clases – día Festivo de Primavera
14 al 17 de abril: Exámenes de AIMS. Esta es la semana para exámenes del estado y distrito para todos estudiantes
en grados 2 a 8. Estudiantes en segundo grado estarán tomando el examen Stanford 10. Este examen compara a
nuestros estudiantes a otros estudiantes nacionalmente. Alumnos de tercer y cuarto grado estarán tomando el
examen AIMS. Este es un examen que evalúa los estándares de contenido del estado. El estado usa exámenes
estandarizados para ver si los estudiantes están logrando estos estándares.
25 de abril: Noche de Cena Familiar y Noche de Película: Este es un evento patrocinado por la Organización de
Padres y Maestros. El tema de este año nos tendrá a todos celebrando con nuestras familias y nuestra familia de
Heights. ¡Por favor haga planes para visitarnos!
Sera un periodo muy ocupado para sus niños y la escuela. ¡Por favor asegúrese que su hijo/a esta en asistencia
Priscilla Gossett y Bill Wight
Directora y Maestro en Asignación para Administración
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April 2014
Parent/Teacher Conferences
– Evening
Conferencias de
padres/maestros – por la
Conferences-Half Day
Release is at 11am
Conferencias de
padres/maestros – medio
día Salida es a las 11am
TCT – 1pm
Salida a la 1pm
For the week of February 3rd and February 10th
Kinder: Jessie Vasquez , Gabriel Burroughs, Victoria Montes
Second Grade: Lafayette Borders
Third Grade: Joseph Maragh, Charles Palmer, Calvin Echeverria
March 17th – March 21st
We have been playing a modified game of volleyball where we catch the ball as it is thrown over the net.
This helps us work on throwing and catching skills, but still experience how volleyball works. We have
also been discussing what “TEAM” means and how to work together towards a common goal or task. We
have put ourselves into knots by getting into groups, holding hands with our teammates, and then unwinding
the knot working together as a group. Ask me “What is a team”?
We have been working very hard on learning Volleyball. We have practiced the “bump” using the correct
form and hand position. Everyone has also been practicing how to serve correctly and making sure our
hand position and form allow for the ball to go in the right direction and arch high enough to
go over the net. We are currently using these new skills in a real game learning how to
rotate and play a full game. Ask me how to hold my hands and position my body to “bump”
the volleyball and serve the volleyball.
The weather is getting nice again, have your student play some volleyball with you.
Thank you,
Coach V.
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Public Notice for Destruction of Records
Following the microfilming of these records, all original permanent cumulative records of students born in 1997 who have
withdrawn from the Madison School District will be destroyed. In addition, all permanent cumulative records of students who
promoted out of Madison schools in 2011 will be destroyed. Before any records are destroyed, parents have the right to review
and obtain copies of their child’s records. Please contact Madison School District, Student Records Department at 602-664-7958
before May 16 , 2014.
Aviso Público para la Destrucción de Expedientes
Todos los expedientes originales y permanentes de los estudiantes nacidos en 1997 que se trasladaron fuera de las escuelas de
Madison y todos los expedientes permanentes de los estudiantes que se graduaron de las escuelas Madison en el 2011, serán
destruidos después de ser archivados en microfilm. Antes de que cualquier expediente sea destruido los padres tienen el
derecho de revisar los expedientes y obtener copias. Por favor contactar al el Departamento de Expedientes del Distrito Escolar
Madison al 602-664-7958 antes del 16 de Mayo del 2014.
Information Regarding Homeless Students
Students are considered homeless if they are:
• In a shelter, motel, vehicle, or campground
• On the street
• In an abandoned building, trailer or other inadequate accommodations
• Doubled up with friends or relatives because they cannot find or afford housing
If children are homeless they have certain rights or protections under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act.
These protections include the right to:
• Go to school, no matter where they live or how long you have lived there
• Be enrolled immediately without birth certificates, immunizations or school records
• Attend school while the school arranges for the transfer of school and immunization records or any other required
• Enroll in school without giving a permanent address. Schools cannot delay enrollment.
• Continue in the school they attended before becoming homeless or the school they last attended
• Receive transportation to and from the school they attended before becoming homeless or the school they last attended,
if requested.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact your local school office.
Diane Selby
Director of Community Education
602 664-7935
Información con respecto a Estudiantes sin vivienda
Los estudiantes son considerados sin vivienda si ellos están:
• En refugios, vehículo, motel o en campamentos
• En las calles
• En un edificio abandonado, remolque u otro hospedaje inadecuado
• Viviendo con amistades o parientes porque no pueden encontrar o no puede pagar vivienda.
Si los niños no tienen donde vivir, ellos tienen ciertos derechos o protecciones bajo el Acto de Asistencia Educativa de estudiantes
sin vivienda McKinney-Vento. Estas protecciones incluyen el derecho a:
• Ir a la escuela, sin importar donde viven o por cuanto tiempo han vivido allí
• Matricularse inmediatamente sin certificado de nacimiento, cartilla de vacunas o documentos escolares.
• Asistir a la escuela mientras la escuela hace los arreglos de traspaso de escuela y documentos de vacunas o cualquier otro
documento requerido
• Matricularse en la escuela sin dar una dirección permanente. Las escuelas no pueden demorar la matriculación.
• Continuar en la escuela que asistieron antes de quedarse sin vivienda o a la última escuela a la que asistieron.
• Recibir transporte hacia y de la escuela que asistieron antes de quedarse sin vivienda o a la última escuela a la que
asistieron, si lo solicitan.
Si tiene preguntas o comentarios, por favor comuníquese a la oficina de su escuela local.
Greetings! February was “Heart Month”. Congratulations to Mekhaiya Wingfield, the
winner of our “ Count the Hearts” contest. She guessed 130. The correct amount was 145.
Thanks to all that ate breakfast and lunch with us and participated.
March 3-7 is National School Breakfast Week. We will be having a “ Nutrition Question of
the Day” contest. Pay close attention to hear the nutrition question on morning
announcements and turn in your answer at lunch for a chance to win prizes every day. Test
your nutrition knowledge and have fun! During the week we will also be having “Lucky
Tray Days”. Don’t miss out. Be a Winner eat a healthy breakfast in the Café.
Thanks for letting us serve your children good nutrition. Parents are always welcome to join
us for lunch or breakfast.
Your Nutrition Staff,
Jacky, Chris and Rosa
¡Saludos! El mes de Febrero fue “Mes del Corazón”. Felicidades a Mekhaiya Wingfield la
ganadora del concurse “cuenta los corazones”. Ella adivino 130. La cantidad correcta era
145. Gracias a todos quienes comieron desayuno y almuerzo con nosotros y participaron.
El 3 al 7 de marzo es la semana de Desayunos Escolares Nacional. Estaremos teniendo
nuestro concurso de “Pregunta nutritiva del día”. Ponga atención durante los anuncios de
la mañana para escuchar la pregunta y poder someter su respuesta durante el almuerzo.
Durante la semana también tendremos premios en algunos de los platillos. No se pierdan
de esta oportunidad.
Gracias por dejarnos servir a sus niños con una buena nutrición. Padres siempre son
bienvenidos a compartir el almuerzo o desayuno con su hijo/a.
Su personal de Nutrición,
Jacky, Chris y Rosa
Madison Heights Recycling
Chip Bag Brigade: ChiChip Bag Brigade
Accepted Waste: chip bags, tortilla chip bags, pretzel
bags, pita chip bags, bagel chip bags, soy crisp bags, salty
snack bags (all brands and sizes)
Candy Wrapper Brigade:
Accepted Waste: individual candy wrappers, large
candy bags, and multi-pack candy bags (all brands and sizes)
Cheese Packaging Brigade:
Accepted Waste: string cheeses packages, individual
singles wrappers, singles packages, shredded cheeses
packages, all flexible cheese wrappers (all brands)
Cleaner Packaging Brigade:
Accepted Waste: pumps, triggers, pouches, and flexible cleaner product packaging. Please note, bottles will
not be accepted
Drink Pouch Brigade:
Accepted Waste: aluminum drink pouches
(Ex. Caprisun and Honest Kids; no cans and no juice boxes)
Lunch Kit Brigade:
Accepted Waste: lunch kit plastic trays, lunch kit
plastic lids, lunch kit plastic film, lunch kit outer wrapping (Ex. Lunchables)
Personal Care and Beauty Brigade:
Accepted Waste: lipstick cases, mascara tubes, eye
shadow cases, shampoo bottles, conditioner bottles,
bronzer cases, foundation packaging, body wash
containers, soap tubes, soap dispensers, lotion
dispensers, shaving foam tubes (no cans), powder cases,
lotion bottles, chap stick tubes, lotion tubes, face soap
dispensers, face soap tubes, face lotion bottles, face
lotion jars, eyeliner cases, eyeliner pencils, eyeshadow
tubes, concealer tubes, concealer sticks, lip liner pencils,
hand lotion tubes, hair gel tubes, hair paste jars (as clean and empty as possible)
Energy Bar Wrapper Brigade:
Accepted Waste: Any foil-lined wrapper from an energy bar, granola bar, meal replacement bar, protein bar,
or diet bar (all brands)
Recycling Program Update
The Heights recycling program continues to grow and to shine! We were once again selected
as a winner in the Drink Pouch Brigade. As a prize, Terracycle and its partner CapriSun have
sent us some amazing pencil cases made from recycled drink pouches! These prizes are
currently being shown on the morning announcements and will be used as prizes during the
Heights Spring Festival, April 25th.
We were also a winner in the Personal Care and Beauty Brigade Giveaway. As a prize,
Terracycle and its partner Garnier Fructis sent us a box full of their latest products.
Don’t Forget
• Keep collecting Heights recyclables at home. Collected waste can be brought in to the
recycling bins, located in the cafeteria, before and after school.
• Classroom snack wrappers can also be recycled.
When sending in a snack that has a recyclable wrapper,
ask your student to be responsible for collecting the
wrappers and bringing them to the collection bins in
the cafeteria (with teacher permission).
Did You Know
• The money earned from the recycling program will help to fund new books for the Heights
• Recycling a single run of the Sunday newspaper in a major metropolitan city saves an
average of 75,000 trees. If every city in the United States recycled newspapers, the
country saves about 250,000,000 trees on a yearly basis. How can you help? Read the
newspaper online or make sure to recycle your newspaper in the City of Phoenix blue
recycling bins.