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COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES DEL ESTADO DE MICHOACAN SISTEMA DE ENSEÑANZA ABIERTA UNIDAD MORELIA GUIA DE ESTUDIOS CORRESPONDIENTE A: INGLES III NUEVA VERSION DE LA GUIA ELABORADA POR LA COORDINACION DEL S.E.A. DEL COLEGIO DE BACHILLERES EN MEXICO, D.F. BIOL. GREGORIO VALLEJO CASTRO ASESOR DE INGLES EN EL S.E.A. - UNIDAD MORELIA MORELIA, MICH. DICIEMBRE DE 1997. CLAVES DE ESTUDIO Introducción Esta guía es un auxiliar en el aprendizaje del idioma Inglés, para los estudiantes del Sistema de Enseñanza Abierta del Colegio de Bachilleres. Está diseñada para repasar las estructuras básicas del Inglés tomando como base los conocimientos adquiridos en el semestre anterior; es decir, constituye una secuencia pedagógica del mismo. Por lo tanto, esta guía cumple con el objetivo general de esta asignatura señalado por el Colegio de Bachilleres. Para facilitar su estudio y conducir de la mejor manera el proceso de su aprendizaje, esta guía contiene: 1. Objetivos específicos Al Principio de cada tema se plantean los objetivos que deba alcanzar en esa fase de aprendizaje, antes de continuar con las siguientes. 2. Presentación o modelo estructural En forma breve se presenta la estructura gramatical básica de cada uno de los temas que se tratan, con la finalidad de demostrar, en forma objetiva, el mecanismo operativo que debe dominar en los ejercicios respectivos. 3. Conceptos importantes Los textos en letras mayúsculas enmarcados, se refieren a conceptos o reglas que debes retener en la memoria por ser fundamentales para la realización de los ejercicios y autoevaluaciones. 4.Ejercicios de aplicación. En estos ejercicios, elaborados previamente por los asesores de la materia y basados en el modelo que se presenta en cada tema, aplicarás los conocimientos adquiridos. Procura resolver todos los ejercicios que se indican, y lleva en tu cuaderno de trabajo un registro de tus avances. Las respuestas de cada ejercicio se encuentran al final de la guía trata de no consultarlas hasta terminar el ejercicio respectivo: ésta es una forma de autoevaluarse. 2 No continúes con nuevos ejercicios hasta verificar que no cometes ningún error en los que hayas resuelto. En caso de duda acude al asesor. ALGO MUY IMPORTANTE: Para resolver cualquier ejercicio, auxiliate de tu diccionario, ya que deberas traducir cada oracion de los ejercicios pero trata de disminuir su uso a medida que avances en el aprendizaje; de esta manera evitarás llegar a depender totalmente de este auxiliar. 1. Prueba de autoevaluación Se presentan al final de cada unidad. Ejercicios de complementación y decodificación de textos en inglés para que evalúes tus conocimientos y te ayuden a preparate para tu evaluación final. 2. Bibliografía Para ampliar o reafirmar tus conocimientos, se sugiere al final de la guía un bibliografía general. Acude a ellas cuantas veces sea necesario. Objetivos generales Al concluir el estudio del contenido programático que integra ésta guía el estudiante podrá: 1.- Resumir las ideas contenidas en textos escritos en inglés, a nivel bachillerato, expresándolas en español. 2.- Trabajar las estructuras básicas de la gramática en los textos escritos en inglés. 3 Contenido programático UNIDAD I.- FUTURO SIMPLE Y FUTURO IDIOMATICO TEMA 1.- Futuro simple TEMA 2.- Futuro idiomático UNIDAD II.- PASADO SIMPLE DE INDICATIVO TEMA 1.- Pasado simple con verbos regulares e irregulares. TEMA 2.- Forma negativa e interrogativa de verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado. (Tema de repetición). UNIDAD III.- EL PRESENTE PERFECTO Y EL PASADO PERFECTO TEMA 1.- Forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa en presente perfecto de verbos regulares e irregulares. TEMA 2.- Forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa en pasado perfecto de verbos regulares e irregulares. UNIDAD IV.- TEMAS DE REPETICION TEMA 1.- Forma afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa del presente y pasado progresivo. TEMA 2.- Cláusulas condicionales. 4 UNIDAD I FUTURO SIMPLE Y FUTURO IDIOMATICO. TEMAS OBJETIVOS Al finalizar el estudio de es unidad, el estudiante podrá: 1. Futuro Simple 1.1 Expresar en español las ideas de oraciones escritas en inglés en futuro simple en forma afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa. 1.2 Ordenar los elementos de oraciones escritas en futuro simple. 1.3 Parafrasear en español la información contenida en textos escritos en inglés que contengan el tiempo futuro. 2. Futuro Idiomático 2.1 Expresar en español las ideas contenidas en oraciones escritas en inglés en futuro idiomático, en las formas afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa. 2.2. Parafrasear en español la información contenida en textos escritos en inglés que incluye el futuro idiomático en las formas afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa. 5 UNIDAD I FUTURO SIMPLE Y FUTRO IDIOMATICO Tema 1: Futuro Simple EL TIEMPO SE FORMA CON EL AUXILIAR WILL+LA FORMA SIMPLE DE UN VERBO (SIN LA PARTICULA “TO”). PARA LA PRIMER PERSONA DE SINGULAR Y PLURAL (I, WE) UTILIZAMOS EL AUXILIAR “SHALL” QUE ES LA FORMA CORRECTA GRAMATICAMENTE, AUNQUE TAMBIEN PUEDE USARSE EL AUXILIAR “WILL”. Forma Afirmativa con contracción I shall/will work I shall - I’ll I will - I´ll trabajaré You will work You will - You’ll trabajarán He She He will work She He will It It We shall/will work We shall - We’ll trabajaremos We will - We’ll You will work You will - You’ll She ‘ll It trabajarán They will work They will - They’ll trabajarán EL NEGATIVO ES FORMADO COLOCANDO LA PALABRA NOT DESPUES DE SHALL O WILL. Forma Negativa I shall/ will not work He She will not work It We shall/will not work You will not work They will not work 6 Las contracciones: Will not se contrae a Won’t Shall not se contrae a Shan’t EL INTERROGATIVO ES FORMADO INVIRTIENDO EL SUJETO Y LOS AUXILIARES WILL O SHALL ESTE ULTIMO PARA LA PRIMERA PERSONA DE SINGULAR Y PLURAL (I, WE). Shall I Work? Will you work? Will he work? Shall we work? Will you work? Will they work? El futuro simple es usado para indicar acciones habituales que se presume que tendrán lugar. Ejemplo: Spring will come again Birds will build nests También es utilizado para expresar planes futuros, es decir, promesas o determinaciones: The President will open the new school tomorrow. Para expresar decisiones; por ejemplo en una tienda cuando decidimos comprar algo decimos: l’ll buy it lo compraré En general el futuro simple implica una acción no premeditada, es decir, sin ningún plan a seguir. “There is somebody at the hall door” “I’ll go and open it” Ejercicios de Aplicación No. 1 7 Llene los espacios con la forma del tiempo futuro del verbo que apararece entre paréntesis. Ejemplo: He (will call) you tomorrow. (Call) 1) They______________ us in the mornig. (See) 2) I _________________ you that money tomorrow. (Give) 3) She ______________ you with that work. (Help) 4) Mary______________ off the table right away. (Clean) 5) The stores _________ early today. (Close) 6) I _________________ the tip. (Leave) 7) Helen _____________ the book which you need. (Find) 8) You ______________ a lot of money there. (Spend) 9) John______________ well in that job. (Do) 10) The wind _________ that sign down. (Blow) 11) We ______________ you in Grand Central Station. (Meet) 12) I ________________ the bill. (Pay) 13) You _____________ agreat deal in that course. (Learn) 14) We ______________ in Mexico about a month. (Remain) 15) His secretary says that he ________ back at six O’clock. (Be) 16) John_____________ the cashier. (Pay) 17) You _____________ a lot of money there. (Spend) 18) I ________________ you a cup of tea. (Make) 19) I’m sure you _______ the book you lost. (Find) 20) The waitress ______ off the table. (Clean) Ejercicio de aplicación No. 2 Cambie el ejercicio anterior a la forma negativa y a la forma interrogativa. Tema 2: Futuro Idiomático FORMAMOS EL FUTURO IDIOMATICO CON EL VERBO AUXILIAR “TO BE” CONJUGANDO (AM, IS, ARE) MAS LA FORMA “GOING TO” QUE EN ESPAÑOL CORRESPONDE A “VOY A” MAS UN VERBO EN FORMA SIMPLE, MAS COMPLEMENTO. Modelos Estructurales: 8 I am going to study -voy a estudiar You are going to study -vas a estudiar He She is going to study -va a estudiar It We are going to study -vamos a estudiar You are going to study -van a estudiar They are going to study -van a estudiar LA FORMA “GOING TO” EXPRESA LA INTENCION DEL SUJETO PARA EJECUTAR UNA CIERTA ACCION FUTURA. LA INTENCION ES SIEMPRE PREMEDITADA Y HAY POR LO GENERAL TAMBIEN LA IDEA DE QUE ALGUNA PREPARACION PARA LA ACCION YA HA SIDO HECHA. Ejercicio de aplicación No. 3 Llene los espacios con la forma futura “going to” del verbo entre paréntesis. ejemplo: They ( are going to visit ) us tomorrow ( visit ) 1.- We ___________ dinner in town tonigth. (Have) 2.- They _________ on the five O’clock train. (Arrive) 3.- He ___________ to New York in the morning. (leave) 4.- She __________ her family in Virginia. (Visit) 5.- Mr. Williams _________at the meeting tonight. (Speak) 6.- John__________ russian next year. (Study) 7.- We ___________ an examination on Wedenesday. (Have) 8.- They _________ for us after the movie. (Wait) 9.- We ___________ to Chicago. (Fly) 10.- William_______ to be a doctor. (Study) 11.- We __________ up early tomorrow and go fishing. (Get) 12.- She _________ for Europe soon. (Leave) 13.- They ________ down that whole block of buildings. (Tear) 14.- Helen ________ some new dresses. (Buy) 15.- They ________ their present home and buy a new one. (Sell) 16.- Father _______ the children to the zoo this afternoon. (Take) 9 17.- The children ______ their chores after breakfast. (Do) 18.- Their father ________ them. (Help) 19.- While they´re doing their chores I______ the dishes. (Wash). 20.- He ___________ a dentist when he grows up. LA FORMA NEGATIVA DEL FUTURO (Be) IDIOMATICO SE HACE COLOCANDO LA PALABRA NOT DESPUES DEL VERBO “TO BE”. Ejemplo: I am going to study I am not going to study HACEMOS PREGUNTAS EN FUTURO IDIOMATICO COLOCANDO EL VERBO “TO BE “ ANTES DEL SUJETO. Ejemplo: You are going to study. Are you going to study ? Ejercicio de aplicación No. 4. Cambie estas oraciones a la forma negativa y a la forma interrogativa. Ejemplo: They are going to wait for us. A) (They are not going to wait for us). NEGATIVA B) (Are they going to wait for us?) INTERROGATIVA 1) John is going to take a vacation. a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ 2) He is going to start working there on Monday. a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ 3) They are going to pay a good salary. a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ 4) They are going to move to California next month. 10 a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ 5) Henry is going to travel to Europe on his vacation. a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ 6) We are going to sit outdoors for a while. a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ 7) They are going to spend the weekend in Connecticut. a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ 8) He is going to put all his money in stocks and bonds. a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ 9) George is going to have a tooth pulled tomorrow. a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ 10) I am going to read some of my own poems for you. a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ 11 AUTOEVALUACION INGLES III UNIDAD UNO Spending our money. The British Government is going to pusblish a book full of figures, tables and diagrams. These will show how the people of Britain are going to spend their incomes* in the years 1985 to 1990. They will also show how much of their incomes is going to be spent on such necessities* as food and clothes, fuel and ligth, rent and water, and how much money is going to be spent on travel, entertainments, tobacco and other less necessary things. They will tell us, too, how much of the total will be taken by the Government in direct taxation and how much of it will be saved. Seventeen shillings* out of every pound will be spent in personal expenditures. Of this sum, a little over seven shillings will be spent in food. The housewives are going to take about one third of their husband’s earnings* to the grocer, the baker and the butcher. About three shillings and six dimes* out of every pound will be spent on alcoholic drink and tobacco. This, of course, is an average figure; some families are going to spend more and others are going to spend less, and there will be many non-smokers*. If people in Britain drink and smoke less, the Government will have to raise the other taxes. Income tax will certainly be raised. The sum a family is going to spend on books and magazines will seem small. Most families are going to buy at least one daily newspaper and a Sunday paper. They will take several weekly magazines, usually including the Radio Times. This will give them the weekly programs of the B.B.C. The small sum that is going to be spent on books doesn’t mean that people will do very little reading. Millions of cheap books will be bougth every month. There are going to be good public libraries everywhere from which books will be borrowed*. Over one million books are going to be taken out of the libraries every week-day. In some homes, however, there will be less serious reading, than there is now. Many people will prefer to listen to the radio, or look at films or television. Many people prefer popular picture magazines that will contain serious reading. Life in Britain is going to be rather different from what it is now. People are going to take life more serious than they do today. 12 VOCABULARY incomes = ganancias, entradas non-smokers= que no fuman earnings= salarios necessities=necesidades will be borrowed = serán tomados prestados dimes = moneda inglesa AUTOEVALUACION 1.- What will the Goverment figures show? a) They way people will earn more. b) They way the Government is going to publish a book. c) They way people are going to spend their incomes. d) They way people are going to work in 1985 to 1990. 2.- Food and clothing are. a) Their necessities. b) Their incomes. c) Their diagrams. d) Their entertainment. 3.- Some less necessary things are. a) Food and clothing. b) Fuel and light. c) rent and water. d) Tobacco and entertainments. 4.- The British Government is going to pusblish a book. a) El gobierno británico publica un libro. b) El gobierno británico va a publicar un libro. c) El gobierno británico publicará un libro. d) El gobierno británico publicó un libro. 13 5.- How much will be spent in alcoholic drinks and tobacco? a) About seventeen shillings out of every pound. b) Over seven shillings of that sum. c) About three shillings and six dimes out of every pound. d) About one third of the husband’s earnings. 6.- Algunas familias van a gastar más. a) Some families are going to soend more. b) Some families will spend more. c) Some families spend more. d) Some families spends more. 7.- El gobierno tendrá que elevar los otros impuestos. a) The government is going to raise the other taxes. b) The government will raise the other taxes. c) The government is going to have to raise the other taxes. d) The government will have to raise the other taxes. 8.- How much will be spent in personal expenditures? a) About three shillings and six dimes. b) Seventeen shillings out of every pound. c) Over seven shillings. d) Seventeen shillings and six dimes. 9.- Millions of cheap books will be bougth every month. a) Milliones de libros baratos comprarán cada mes. b) Milliones de libros baratos van a ser comprados cada mes. c) Milliones de libros baratos serán comprados cada mes. d) Milliones de libros baratos comprará cada mes. 10.- What will many people prefer to do? a) They will prefer to listen to the radio. b) They will prefer to read cheap books. c) They will prefer to go to the cinemas. d) They will prefer to prefer to take out books from the libraris. 14 AUTOEVALUACION INGLES III UNIDAD UNO RESPUESTAS Debiste haber marcado: 1.- c 2.- a 3.- d 4.- b 5.- c 6.- a 7.- d 8.- b 9.- c 10.- a CRITERIOS DE EVALUACION Suma tus respuestas correctas y verifica tu capacidad de aprendizaje de acuerdo con los siguientes criterios: E: 10 MB: 8a9 B: 6a7 NA: 0a5 Si tu resultado es “no acreditado”, no te desanimes; compara la respuesta que no acertaste. Considera si realmente no sabías o fue problema de interpretación de la pregunta. Reflexiona, analiza, trata de determinar la razón de tu falla en el aprendizaje o visita a tu asesor. UNIDAD II PASADO SIMPLE DE INDICATIVO TEMA I.- Pasado simple con verbos regulares e irregulares. EXISTEN DOS GRUPOS DE VERBOS: IRREGULARES Y REGULARES. LOS VERBOS IRREGULARES NO SIGUEN UNA REGLA ESPECIFICA PARA 15 FORMAR EL TIEMPO PASADO POR LO QUE SE DEBERAN APRENDER CON EL USO Y LA PRACTICA. LOS VERBOS REGULARES SI SIGUEN UN PATRON PARA FORMAR EL TIEMPO PASADO Y EL PASADO PARTICIPIO. TODOS AQUELLOS VERBOS QUE APAREZCAN CON UNA (R) SON VERBOS REGULARES Y A ESTOS SE LES AGREGARA LA TERMINACION “ED” O “D” SI YA TERMINAN EN “E”. Ejemplo: add - added, arrive - arrived PASADO PASADO PARTICIPIO SIGNIFICADO To accept To add To appear To ask To arrive To attend To be To become (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) was, were became (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) been become To begin To belong To blow To boil To break To bring To build To buy To burn To change To check *To classify To choose To clean To come To close To comment To complete To copy To cross To cut To dance To do To draw To drink To drive To eat To escape began (R) blew (R) broke brought built bought burnt (R) (R) (R) (R) chose (R) came (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) cut (R) did drew drank drove ate (R) begun (R) blown (R) broken brougth built bougth burnt (R) (R) (R) (R) chosen (R) come (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) cut (R) done drawn drunk driven eaten (R) aceptar agregar, sumar, añadir aparecer preguntar, cuestionar llegar atender ser o estar llegar a ser o convertirse en alguien o algo empezar, comenzar, iniciar. pertenecer soplar hervir romper traer construir comprar quemar cambiar checar, rectificar clasificar, ordenar escoger limpiar venir cerrar comentar completar, terminar copiar cruzar, atravesar, tachar cortar bailar hacer dibujar beber manejar, conducir comer escapar INFINITIVO 16 To establish To experience To fall To feed To feel To fight To fill in To film To find To fish To float To fly To found To forget To form To freeze To get To give To go To grow To have/has To hear To help To hunt To keep To know To laugh To leave To learn To lend To let To listen To live To like To look To lose To make *To marry To meet To move To need To offer To paint To pay To pick up To pull To push To put To read To reach To return (R) (R) fell fed felt fought filled in (R) found (R) (R) flew (R) forgot (R) froze got gave went grew had heard (R) (R) kept knew (R) left learnt (R) lent let (R) (R) (R) (R) lost made (R) met (R) (R) (R) (R) paid picked up (R) (R) put read (R) (R) (R) (R) fallen fed felt fought filled in (R) found (R) (R) flown (R) forgotten (R) frozen gotten given gone grown had heard (R) (R) kept known (R) left learnt (R) lent let (R) (R) (R) (R) lost made (R) met (R) (R) (R) (R) paid picked up (R) (R) put read (R) (R) establecer experimentar caer alimentar, dar de comer sentir pelear, luchar, combatir llena una forma o llenar algo filmar, sacar una película. encontrar pescar flotar volar fundar olvidar formar congelar conseguir, obtener dar ir crecer, cosechar tener o haber escuchar ayudar cazar guardar o mantener saber o conocer reir dejar o abandonar aprender prestar permitir escuchar vivir gustar mirar, ver perder hacer casarse reunirse, conocerse por primera vez moverse, mudarse, cambiarse necesitar ofrecer pintar pagar recoger, levantar algo jalar empujar poner leer lograr, alcanzar regresar, devolver NOTA: *Estos verbos regulares cambian la Y por IED. 17 To ride To ring To run To say To see To sell To send To sing To sit To sleep To speak To spend To stand *To stay To solve *To study To swin To take To talk To teach To telephone To tell To test To think To understand To use To walk To want To wash To watch To wear To work To write 18 rode rang ran said saw sold sent sang sat slept spoke spent stood (R) (R) (R) swam took (R) taught (R) told (R) thought understood (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) wore (R) wrote ridden rung run said seen sold sent sung sat slept spoken spent stood (R) (R) (R) swum taken (R) taught (R) told (R) thought montar, tomar un paseo tocar, sonar la campana, el timbre correr decir ver vender enviar cantar sentarse domir hablar gastar pararse, ponerse de pie permanecer, quedarse resolver estudiar nadar tomar, coger charlar, platicar, conversar enseñar un conocimiento llamar por teléfono decir, contar, relatar evaluar, examinar, probar pensar understood entender, comprender (R) usar (R) caminar (R) desear, querer (R) lavar (R) mirar, ver, observar worn usar o vestir algo (R) trabajar written escribir Ejercicio de aplicación No. 5. Complete los espacios con los verbos regulares e irregulares que se encuentran en los espacios, recuerda que el tema es en tiempo pasado, por lo tanto, los verbos deberán ir en tiempo pasado. 1.- Three glasses of milk _______John the daily requirements of proteins when he ________a child. (To give) (To be) 2.- Milk contains nearly all the food substances____________by the body. (To need) 3.- For the children of Hawaii, balls__________a wonderful surprise and they_________ very happy (To be) (To be) to play with them. 4.- Sugars___________by a plant can be____________in several ways. (To make) (To use) 5.- Mass production__________________enormous benefits to mankind. (To bring) 6.- Mass production___________________the economic structure of countries. (To change) 7.- The biologist_________________that birds have a lenguage of their own. (To say) 8.- Aesop_______________ famous for the fables he__________________. (To become) (To tell) 9.- The rooster (gallo)______________the farmer’s wife hurry away with the pearl. (To watch) 10.- Dino the dinosaur______________by himself in a cave. (To live) 11.- Indian children_________________by listening to stories. (To learn) 12.- The eskimos_________________many problems in their strange land. (To solve) 13.- Scientists_______________aluminium suits for protection when they___________ to Hawaii in (To wear) (To go) 1959 to study the eruption of the volcano. 14.- A pilot_______________a girl who______________pictures in 1980. (To marry) (To paint) 15.- Scientists____________lucky enough to see the birth of Sutsey, the volcanic island in 1963. (To be) 16.- Men_____________civilization after woman______________agriculture. (To begin) (To invent) 17.- People____________that Saint-Pierre_______________”the Paris of the West Indies” because (To say) (To be) they_____________it________________a beautiful little city. (To think) (To be) 19 18.- Antonio Gaudi_____________to be an architect and he_________________an unusual church. (To want) (To build) 19.- He_______________for forty years, but he could not finish the church. (To work) 20.- Helen Keller______________in a dark and silent world for more than five years. (To live) Tema 2: Forma negativa e interrogativa de verbos regulares e irregulares en tiempo pasado. RECUERDE QUE CUANDO EL VERBO PRINCIPAL ES EL VERBO “TO BE” PARA INTERROGAR SOLO SE VA A INVERTIR EL ORDEN DE SUJETOVERBO POR VERBO SUJETO Y AL FINAL SE PONDRA EL SIGNO DE INTERROGACION. Ejemplo: Ann Sullivan was Helen Keller’s teacher. Was Ann Sullivan Helen Keller’s teacher? Women were the inventors of agriculture. Were women the inventors of agriculture? Para negar se utiliza la palabra “not” después del verbo “To be”. Working conditions were not good in 1927 Agriculture was not invented by man; it was invented by woman. NOTA: la forma contraída de was not es WASN’T y la de were not es WEREN’T. Cuando el verbo principal no es “To be” entonces se usa un verbo auxiliar tanto para negar como para interrogar. En tiempo pasado se usa el pasado del verbo auxiliar DO que es DID. En la forma negativa se usa DID NOT o en la forma contraída DIDN’T. Recuerde que al usar un verbo auxiliar el verbo principal deberá ir en su forma simple. Ejemplo: la forma simple del verbo 20 “To work” es (work) “To go” es (go) “To use” es (use) Ejemplo de INTERROGATIVO: Hellen Keller needed to communicate. Did Helen Keller need to communicate? She finally discovered the secret language. Did she finally discover the secret language? People wanted to communicate ideas that were not simple. Did people want to communicate ideas that were not simple? Ejemplo de NEGATIVO: Christopher Columbus did not discover America in 1495, he discovered it in 1492. Velazquez did not paint The Mona Lisa. Leonardo Da Vinci painted it. Ejercicio de aplicacion No.6. Cambie las siguientes oraciones a interrogativas. 1.- Many countries imported rubber from Borneo. 2.- Hernan Cortes conquered the Caribbean sea. 3.- The Aztecs built Palenque. 4.- Cervantes wrote “Hamlet” and “Othello”. 5.- Leonardo Da Vinci painted “Guernica”. 6.- Robert learned the chemistry formulas in order to understand the problems in the exam. 7.- People used money in early trade because they used, rains instead of money. 8.- Adults in Hawaii liked balls. 9.- Thomas Alva Edison died in 1959. 10.- Leonardo Da Vinci sculpted “The Thinker”. 11.- Mayans built the Pyramids of Gizeh 5,000 years ago. 12.- Brutus Killed Julius Caesar. 13.- Mozart composed Tanhauser. 14.- Velazquez painted the frescoes in Bonampak. 15.- Ann had a slice of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast. 21 16.- President Reagan walked along Paseo de la Reforma when he came to Mexico. 17.- The nurses wore their new uniforms yesterday morning. 18.- The fat women in the group ate low calorie food during three monts. 19.- Mr. Collen closed the grocery store at 5 p.m. last Saturday. 20.- The children laughed a lot at the clown. Ejercicio de aplicación No. 7 Cambie las oraciones del ejercicio anterior a negativo. 22 AUTOEVALUACION INGLES III UNIDAD DOS John had a puncture in one of the wheels of his bicycle. He repaired it. How did he do it? He went to the tool bag that hangs behind, the saddle. He opened this bag and took out* a narrow tin box. Then he pulled out* the inner tube, carefully, from under the outer cover. He pumped some air into it. He listened but heard notning. There was no sound of air escaping. So the puncture was a small one. John then carried a bucket to the kitchen and filled it with water. He carried it out* and put it down* by the wheel of his bicycle. Then, slowly and carefully, he pulled the tube round*, a few inches at a time, trough the water. When he saw that air bubless began to raise through the water, he knew where the puncture was. He marked the place with a cross. John took a small rubber patch from the tin box. He cleaned the inner tube at the place where the puncture was, and let the air out*. He took the metal cap off* the tube of rubber solution and pressed the sides of the tube, gently, until the solution came out*. He put some of the solution on the patch and some on the inner tube. He pressed the patch down gently. Then he put some chalk on the patch so that it would not stick* to the inside of tire. The next thing was to get the inner tube back*. John pumped a little air into the tube and then pushed it back* under the cover. Then he got the cover back* into place, all around the rim of the wheel. Lastly he pumped the tire until it was quite hard. John thought that things ware easy when one began to attend them quickly. “The way I repaired the puncture was easy”, he thought. He decided that whenever he had a poblem, he would attend it immediately. VOCABULARY 1.- took out = sacó 2.- pulled out = jaló 3.- carried it out = llevó fuera 4.- put it down = puso abajo 5.- pulled the tube round = dio vueltas al tubo 6.- let the air out = dejó salir el aire 7.- took the metal cap off = quitó la tapa 8.- came out = salió 23 9.- it would not stick = no se pegara 10.- get the inner tube back = devolver el tubo a su lugar 11.- pushed it back = empujó 12.- got the cover back = colocó la cubierta en su lugar AUTOEVALUACION 1.- The puncture that John reparaid was. a) a little one. b) a small one. c) a big one. d) a great puncture. 2.- He pumped some air into the inner tube but. a) there was a small. b) there was a great sound. c) there was no sound. d) there where a lot of sounds. 3.- John filled the bucket with. a) water. b) oil. c) solution. d) air. 4.- He_______________________ the place with a cross. a) mark. b) marks. c) marking. d) marked. 5.- The rubber patch was in. 24 a) a saddle. b) a tin box. c) a tire. d) a tube. 6.- He put some of the solution on the patch. a) El pone algo de la solución en el parche. b) El está poniendo algo de la solución en el parche. c) El puso algo de la solución en el parche. d) El pondrá algo de la solución en el parche. 7.- He put some chalk on the patch. a) so that it would not stick on the tire. b) so that it stuck to the tire. c) so that it will not stick to the tire. d) so that it did not stick to the tire. 8.- John pumped a little air into the tube. a) before he put the inner tube back. b) while he was putting the inner tube back. c) because he put the inner tube back. d) after he had put the inner tube back. 9.- “The way I repaired the puncture was easy”, thought John. a) “La manera como repararé el piquete fue fácil”, pensó John. b) “La manera como reparé el piquete fue fácil”, pensó John. c) “La manera como repare el piquete fue fácil”, pensó John. d) “La manera como reparo el piquete fue fácil”, pensó John. 10.- He decided that whenever he had a problem. a) El lo atiende inmediatamente. b) El lo atenderá inmediatamente. c) El lo atendería inmediatamente. d) El lo atendió inmediatamente. 25 AUTOEVALUACION INGLES III UNIDAD DOS RESPUESTAS Debiste haber marcado: 1.- a 2.- c 3.- a 4.- d 5.- b 6.- c 7.- a 8.- a 9.- b 10.- c CRITERIO DE EVALUACION. Suma tus respuestas correctas y verifica tu capacidad de aprendizaje de acuerdo con los siguientes criterios. E: 10 MB: 8a9 B: 6a7 NA: 0a5 Si tu resultado es “no acreditado”, no te desanimes; compara la respuesta que no acertaste. Considera si realmente no sabías o fue problema de interpretación de la pregunta. Reflexiona, analiza, trata de determinar la razón de tu falla en el aprendizaje o visita a tu asesor. 26 UNIDAD III EL PRESENTE PERFECTO Y EL PASADO PERFECTO. TEMAS OBJETIVOS Al finalizar el estudio de esta unidad, el estudiante podrá: 1. Forma afirmativa, interrogativa y 1.1. Expresar en español las ideas negativa en presente perfecto de verbos contenidas en oraciones escritas en inglés en las formas afirmativaregulares e irregulares. interrogativa y negativa en presente perfecto. 1.2. Seleccionar verbos regulares e irregulares que completen oraciones dándoles un sentido lógico. 1.3. Decodificar textos en que aparezcan verbos regulares e irregulares en presente perfecto. 2. Forma afirmativa, interrogativa y 2.1. Expresen en español las ideas negativa en pasado perfecto de verbos contenidas en oraciones escritas en inglés en las formas afirmativa, regulares e irregulares. interrogativa y negativa en pasado perfecto. 2.2. Seleccionar verbos regulares e irregulares que completen oraciones dándoles un sentido lógico. 2.3. Decodificar textos en que aparezcan verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado perfecto. 27 UNIDAD III PRESENTE PERFECTO Y PASADO PERFECTO Tema 1:Forma afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa en presente perfecto de verbos regulares e irregulares. (Antepresente). EL PRESENTE PERFECTO SE REFIERE A UN SUCESO DEL PASADO, PERO SIEMPRE QUE DE ALGUNA MANERA ESTE RELACIONADO CON EL PRESENTE. EL PRESENTE PERFECTO SE FORMA USANDO EL VERBO “TO HAVE” EN FORMA PRESENTE Y EL PARTICIPIO PASADO DEL VERBO PRINCIPAL. EL PARTICIPIO PASADO DE LOS VERBOS REGULARES SE FORMA DE LA MISMA FORMA QUE EL PASADO SIMPLE, EN EL CASO DE LOS VERBOS IRREGULARES VARIA. Ejemplo: We have studied English for two years. OBSERVE: El verbo have está funcionando como auxiliar y, por lo tanto, significa “haber” y es el que se debe conjugar. El verbo principal siempre estará en pasado participio. Recuerda que cuando trabajamos con un auxiliar preguntamos y negamos con el mismo. Ejemplo: We have studied Have we studied? We have not studied. NOTA: La contracción de “have not” y “has not” es: Haven’t y Hasn’t EL NEGATIVO SE FORMA AGREGANDO “NOT” AL AUXILIAR, LA FORMA INTERROGATIVA SE CONSTRUYE INVIRTIENDO LA POSICION DEL SUJETO Y EL VERBO AUXILIAR. OBSERVE: El presente perfecto se usa: 28 a) Para acciones que se desarrollan dentro de un periodo de tiempo el cual aún no termina. Ejemplos: This club has existed since 1867. I have had this car over fifteen years. b) Para acciones que tuvieron lugar en un tiempo indeterminado en el pasado y cuyo resultado continua hasta el presente. Ejemplos: I have bought several guide books. Have you lost your road map of Mexico? c) Para acciones que se llevaron a cabo en el pasado inmediato, especialmente las que llevan los adverbios “just” y “only just”. Ejemplos: Mother has just drawn the curtains. The clock has just struck six. He has just gone out. Nota: El uso del presente perfecto se dice que es una especie de mezcla del presente y el pasado. Siempre implica una fuerte conexión con el presente y el pasado. Siempre implica una fuerte conexión con el presente y se usa principalmente en conversaciones, cartas, reportes periodísticos y radiales. Recuerda que los adverbios de frecuencia always, often, usually, never, sometimes, just, van entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal. Ejemplo: I have never gone to the movies at midnigth. Ejercicios de aplicación No. 8 Resuelva los siguientes ejercicios que le ayudarán a reafirmar sus conocimientos. Llene el espacio en blanco con el presente perfecto del verbo que aparece en el paréntesis. a) We ________ (learn) many new words. b) You ________ (go) to Europe many times. c) His brother _______just _________________(graduate) from Secondary. d) Acapulco_____________ (become) a popular winter resort. 29 e) I _____________(meet) her. f) Sea _____________ (develop) since 1974. g) They______________ (teach) English for two years. h) We _____________ (do) our work. i) I______________(live) in this city almost all my life. j) She _____________ (work) very hard. Ejercicio de aplicación No. 9. Cambie el ejercicio anterior a la forma interrogativa. Ejercicio de aplicación No. 10 Cambie el ejercio anterior a la forma negativa. Tema 2: Forma afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa en pasado perfecto y verbos regulares e irregulares. DESCRIBE UNA ACCION QUE SUCEDIO EN EL PASADO ANTES DE QUE SUCEDIERA OTRA ACCION PASADA. EL PASADO PERFECTO SE FORMA CON EL PASADO DEL VERBO AUXILIAR “HAVE” (HABER) Y EL PARTICIPIO PASADO DEL VERBO PRINCIPAL. Ejemplo: She had left when we arrived. Ella se había ido cuando llegamos. Recuerda que cuando trabajamos con un auxiliar preguntamos y negamos con el mismo. Nora had taught English for ten years when she retired. Nora had taught... Had Nora taught...? Nora hadn’t taught... OBSERVE: El pasado perfecto se usa: a) PARA UNA ACCION QUE TUVO LUGAR ANTES DE OTRA ACCION DEL PASADO. Ejemplos: 30 Robert told me about the novel he had borrowed from the library. I bought the book at the shop where I had seen it in the window. b) PARA UNA ACCION QUE COMENZO ANTES DE DETERMINADO PUNTO EN EL PASADO Y QUE TERMINO HASTA ESE MISMO PUNTO EN EL PASADO. Ejemplos: When I bought the book, it had only been on sale for two weeks. How long had Robert had the book when he showed it to you? C) EN VOZ PASIVA DESPUES DE UN VERBO EN EL PASADO PARA CORRESPONDER AL TIEMPO PASADO O EN EL PRESENTE PERFECTO EN LA VOZ ACTIVA. Ejemplo: He said that the author’s style had reminded him of Acapulco. Robert told me that the book had already been translated into German. Ejercicios de aplicación No. 11 Resuelva los siguientes ejercicios que le ayudarán a reafirmar sus conocimientos. Llene el espacio en blanco con el pasado perfecto del verbo que aparece en paréntesis. a) I __________ (see, never) the Big Ben before I visited London last month. b) Alan _______ (walk) no more than two blocks when he met Robert. c) Richard went home because he _________ (complete) everything. d) The manager _________ (close, just) the store a moment before I got there. e) Mrs. Henderson already ____________(leave) when I called her office. f) I called Mr. Gilbert ______________ (check) the report carefully. g) I heard that your friend ___________ (fall) on some steps and broken his arm. h) Bill______________(receive) the money you _______________(promise) to pay him. i) The boy _______ (leave) the classroom by the time the teacher arrived. 31 j) I called Mr. Davis just after I ____________ (check) the report. Ejercicios de aplicación No. 12 Cambie el ejercicio anterior a la forma interrogativa. Ejercicios de aplicación No. 13 Cambie el ejercicio anterior a la forma negativa. 32 AUTOEVALUACION INGLES III UNIDAD TRES ABUL QASIM Abul Qasim came out of the mosque* but could not find his shoes, which he had left at the door. “Someone has stolen my shoes”, he thougth, and then he saw a new pair of shoes. He tried them on* and found that they fitted very well. “A careless* man has taken my shoes by mistake and has left his own shoes in their place”. He went to the judge and told him about his visit to the mosque and the new shoes he had found. When the judge had heard Abul’s story, he said: “Why had you left your ugly shoes at the door of the mosque?”, “haven’t you stolen those shoes?” Abul said he hadn’t stolen the shoes and went home. It happened that a friend of Quasim’s had taken the shoes and had buried them in a hole. A moment before two merchants, who had just arrived at the city, had put some of their money into the same hole. When the merchants were putting the money, a thief saw them and thought: “They have dug a hole and have put their money in it”. When the merchants had gone the thief had taken out* the money and had said: “I have earned my salary today”, and had run away. So the hole had been left empty and Qasim’s friend had put the shoes in it. When the time had come for the two merchants to leave the city, they went to the place where they had buried the money. They found a pair of shoes only. They took the shoes and went to the judge. “A thief has taken our money which we had buried into a hole they said, “and has left his shoes in its place”. “I have seen these shoes” thought the judge. He ordered his soldiers to bring Qasim to the court. When the soldiers had gone the judge said: “Have I done a right thing? I have just seen Abul and he didn’t appear to be a thief. The soldiers have left. I have seen these shoes, but I haven’t met these merchants before”. Then he asked the merchants: “Has anyone seen you when you buried the money?”. “We are sure the thief has seen us”, they said. “Enough”, said the judge. When Abul arrived the judge said: “Abul, you have stolen the shoes you are wearing. That story you have told me is a lie. Nobody has left the shoes, now you have stolen these merchant’s money. You will be punished” Abul, who didn’t know what had happened, begged for mercy*. “I haven’t stolen anything! I haven’t seen my old shoes!”. “No?”, said the judge, “Where have I taken these shoes from? Don’t you 33 know? These merchants have foun them where you put them instead of the gold you have stolen¨. And the judge sent Abul to have his right hand cut off. VOCABULARY mosque = mezquita tried them on = los probó careless = descuidado taken = sacado begged for mercy = pidió clemencia. AUTOEVALUACIÓN 1.- When he came out of the mosque, Abul Qasim. a) found his own shoes. b) could not find his own shoes. c) saw someone wearing his shoes. d) said: “Someone has bought my shoes” 2.- He tried them on and a) he didn’t like them. b) got very angry. c) was happy because they were new. d) found they fitted very well. 3.- He went to the judge a) and gave him the shoes he had found. b) and asked him about the shoes he had lost. c) and told him about the shoes he had found. d) and forgot about the shoes he had lost. 4.- A friend of Qasim’s a) found his own shoes. b) could not find his own shoes. c) saw someone wearing his shoes. 34 d) said: “Someone has bought my shoes” 5.- The shoes had a) been buried in a hole by a friend. b) been found in a hole by the judge. c) been stolen by a thief. d) been bought by the merchants 6.- “Semeone has stolen my shoes”, he thought. a) “Alguien robo mis zapatos”, él pensó. b) “Alguien robará mis zapatos”, el pensó. c) “Alguien está robando mis zapatos”, él pensó. d) “Alguien ha robado mis zapatos”, él pensó. 7.- “He ganado mi salario hoy”, dijo el ladrón. a) “I earn my salary today”, said the thief. b) “I will earn my salary today”, said the thief. c) “I have earned my salary today”, said the thief. d) “I earned my salary today”, said the thief. 8.- “I have seen these shoes”, the judge had tought. a) “He visto estos zapatos”, el juez habrá pensado. b) “He visto estos zapatos”, el juez había pensado c) “He visto estos zapatos”, el juez ha pensado. d) “He visto estos zapatos”, el juez hubiera pensado. 9.- “Ese cuento que me has contado es una mentira”. a) “That story you have told me is a lie”. b) “That story you have tell me is a lie”. c) “That story you have told them is a lie”. d) “That story you told me is a lie”. 10.- “¿De dónde he tomado estos zapatos?” a) “Where had I taken these shoes from?”. 35 b) “Where has I taken these shoes from?”. c) “Where have I taken these shoes from?”. d) “Where will these shoes have been?”. AUTOEVALUACION INGLES III UNIDAD TRES RESPUESTAS Debió haber marcado: 1.- b 2.- d 3.- c 4.- d 5.- a 6.- d 7.- c 8.- b 9.- a 10.-c CRITERIOS DE EVALUACION Sume sus respuestas correctas y verifique su capacidad de aprendizaje de acuerdo con los siguientes criterios: E: 10 MB: 8a9 B: 6a7 NA: 0a5 Si su resultado es “no acreditado”, no se desanieme; compare la respuesta que no acertó. Considere si realmente no sabía o fue problema de interpretación de la pregunta. Reflexione, analice trate de determinar la razón de su falla en su aprendizaje o visite a su asesor. 36 INGLES III UNIDAD IV PRESENTE Y PASADO PROGRESIVO CLAUSULA CONDICIONAL TEMAS OBJETIVOS 1. Pasado y presente progresivo. 1.1. El estudiante aplicará el presente progresivo en las formas afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa. 1.2. El estudiante aplicará el pasado progresivo en las formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. 1.3. Decodificará textos que contengan el presente y el pasado progresivo. 2. Cláusula condicional. 2.1. El estudiante complementará oraciones con cláusulas condicionales, en forma afirmativa y negativa. 2.2. El estudiante decodificará textos que contengan cláusulas condicionales. 37 UNIDAD IV PRESENTE Y PASADO PROGRESIVO CLAUSULA CONDICIONAL Tema 1: Presente Progresivo. ESTE TEMA SE VIO EN INGLES I. UNIDAD III, TEMA I. RECORDAR QUE EL PRESENTE PROGRESIVO SE FORMA CON EL VERBO “TO BE” EN PRESENTE (AM, IS, ARE) Y UN VERBO CON LA TERMINACION ING. DICHA TERMINACION EN ESTE TIEMPO GRAMATICAL SE TRADUCE COMO ANDO ENDO Y SE CONOCE COMO PARTICIPIO PRESENTE. I AM WORKING YOU ARE WORKING HE IS WORKING SHE IS WORKING IT IS WORKING WE ARE WORKING YOU ARE WORKING THEY ARE WORKING Recuerde que el negativo se forma agregando NOT al verbo TO BE. I AM NOT WORKING YOU ARE NOT WORKING HE IS NOT WORKING etc. Y la forma interrogativa se forma invirtiendo el sujeto y el auxiliar. AM I WORKING? ARE YOU WORKING? IS HE WORKING? Para mayor información, revise su guía de Inglés I Ejercicios de aplicación No. 14 Ponga los verbos que están entre paréntisis en el tiempo presente progresivo. 1.- The airplane _____________ (fly) at 2,000 meters. 2.- They ______________ (mend) my shirt. 38 3.- The sun _____________ (shine). 4.- The children__________ (play) in the park. 5.- I ____________ (write) a letter to my friend. 6.- The president __________ (give) a lecture. 7.- We _____________(prepare) our English class. 8.- The government _____________ (plan) to raise the taxes. 9.- Robert Redford and Liza Minelli ______________ (work) in a new film. 10.- I ___________ (watch) an interesting program. Ejercicios de aplicación No. 15 Cambie el ejercicio anterior a la forma interrogativa. Ejercicios de aplicación No. 16 Cambie el ejercicio anterior a la forma negativa. Ejercicios de aplicación No. 17 Ponga los verbos que están entre paréntesis en presente progresivo, en forma afirmativa, interrogativa o negativa, según el caso. 1.- She _____________ (not work), she _______________(swim) in the river. 2.- He ______________ (teach) his boy to ride. 3.- Why _________________ Ann_______________ (wear) a new dress? 4.- This fire ___________ (go) out. ____________some body___________(bring) more coal? 5.- Can I borrow your pen or _______________ you _____________(use) it? 6.- No, I _____________ (use) it now. Take it. 7.- She _____________ (make) an omelette. 8.- What ________________ you_______________ (read) now? 9.- We _________________ (listen) to music, we ______________(not watch) T.V. 10.- What ___________ you _____________(do) this afternoon? Tema 2: Pasado progresivo ESTE TIEMPO GRAMATICAL SE FORMA CON EL VERBO TO BE EN PASADO (WAS, WERE) Y LA FORMA SIMPLE DEL VERBO MAS LA TERMINACION (-ING): SUJETO I TO BE WAS FORMA SIMPLE + ING WORKING 39 WE, THEY, YOU HE SHE IT WERE WORKING WAS WORKING FORMA INTERROGATIVA PAHA HACER EL INTERROGATIVO SE INVIERTE EL AUXILIAR Y EL SUJETO WAS I WORKING? WERE YOU WORKING? WAS HE WORKING? etc. FORMA NEGATIVA PARA HACER LA FORMA NEGATIVA SE AGREGA NOT AL AUXILIAR. I WAS NOT WORKING? YOU WERE NOT WORKING? HE WAS NOT WORKING? etc. Usamos el pasado progresivo para describir una acción en pasado que se estaba llevando a cabo cuando otra acción ocurrió. Este tiempo nunca es usado solo, sino con algún otro tiempo pasado declarado o implicíto o alguna expresión de tiempo en pasado. Ejercicios de aplicación No. 18. Ponga los verbos que están entre paréntesis en el tiempo pasado progresivo. 1.- They________________(wait) for you on the corner a moment ago. 2.- I saw that you_______________ (wear) your new suit the night before. 3.- Helen ________________ (make) good progress in her studies last month. 4.- I _________________ (get) up at seven o’clock every morning last month. 5.- John _________________ (take) his english classes on Mondays and Fridays but now he is taking them on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 6.- They_____________ (have) good sales in all the big stores last month. 7.- We ______________ (suim) in the river when it began to rain. 8.- Peter _______________(play) while his mother_______________ (wash) the dishes. 40 9.- The car had nobody in it but the engins__________________ (run). 10.- Two children _____________ (play) on the sand. Ejercicios de apicación No. 19 Completa las oraciones usando el pasado progresivo en cualquiera de sus 3 formas. 1.- The detective asked the two men: what ________________you _______________(do) yesterday at 10:20 p.m.. 2.- Mr. X: I ___________ (play) chess with my wife.. 3.- Mr. Y: I _______________ (not play). I_______________ (attend) to a lecture. 4.- The boys ___________________ (not study). 5.- They_________________ (watch) a T.V. program. 6.- ________________ he _____________(take) a bath when the telephone rang? 7.- No, he ______________ (sleep). 8.- _____________________ you_______________ (work) when you lived in Kansas? 9.- No, I ________________ (not work) I ______________(study). 10.- Where ______________ they_____________(wait)? Tema 3: Clausula condicional ( Segundo condicional ) EL SEGUNDO CONDICIONAL ES EL DENOMINADO PRESENTE IMAGINARIO. EL SEGUNDO AL IGUAL QUE EL PRIMER CONDICIONAL SE REFIERE AL PRESENTE O AL FUTURO. EN EL PRESENTE IMAGINARIO SE DESCRIBE UNA SITUACION IRREAL, ALGO QUE SUCEDERIA SI CIERTA CONDICION EXISTIERA. PARA FORMAR ORACIONES CON EL SEGUNDO CONDICIONAL SE MANEJA EL PASADO SIMPLE EN LA CLAUSULA CONDICIONAL, Y EN LA CLAUSULA PRINCIPAL SE ANTEPONE WOULD (TAMBIEN COULD O MIGHT) A LA FORMA SIMPLE DEL VERBO. N.B. Recuerde que el pasado simple del inglés corresponde al subjuntivo del español, cuyas terminaciones son: RA, RAS, REMOS, RAN. Ejemplos: If I worked more, I would earn more money. Si yo tabajara más, yo ganaría más dinero. If she had more time, she could study. 41 Si ella tuviera más tiempo, ella podría estudiar. If I were you, I would buy a new car. Si yo fuera tú, yo compraría un coche nuevo. N.B. El verbo To Be en el presente imaginario se conjuga con el subjuntivo were para todas las personas del singular y plural. Were es la única forma verbal verdaderamente subjuntiva en inglés. IF If PAST You bought a car today CONDICIONAL it would cost you a lot of money. If I were you I wouldn’t like to be in you shoes. Ejercicios de aplicación No. 20. Use el tiempo correcto de los verbos que están entre paréntesis. Ejemplo: If you __________________(study), you_______________pass you exam. If you studied , you would pass your exam. 1.- If he prepared his homework every night, he__________________(get) better grades. 2.- If I____________________ (know) how to drive, I would buy a car. 3.- If I___________________ (be) in your position, I_______________(think) twice before doing that. 4.- If she _____________ (drive) more carefully, he_______________(have) fewer accidents. 5.- If she worked harder, she ___________________ (get) a better salary. 6.- If Peter ___________ (be) more ambitious, he_______________(try) to find a better job. 7.- If Margaret prepared her homework every night, she _____________ (get) better grades. 8.- If Paul_______________(pay) his debts, people_______________ (respect) him more. 9.- If the weather _____________________ (be) not so hot, I am sure she could fell better. 10.- If they ___________________ (attend) to class regularly, they _____________(make) good progress. AUTOEVALUACION INGLES III UNIDAD CUATRO THE BOX “It is reaining very hard and the river Avon is running very high and very fast”, the inspector was saying. “It is the worst rain in many years. The river had not been so high since 1923”. The water was thick and dark, and in it there were 42 branches of tress, and even some dead sheep and chickens. The rain was coming down hard on the moving water, on the grass, in the churchyard and on the grey stones of the old church, which was looking black against the evening sky. “There is a strong wind and the clouds are flying across the sky. It is getting dark”. The Inspector was worried as the rain was falling down heavily. A taxi stopped in front of the churchyard gate. Jane got out, opened the gate and ran through the rain to the door of the tower, which was at the end of the church, near the river. “If the water is touching the stones of the tower, I won’t be able to reach it”, she was thinking hard. The taxi was driving away but in its place another car was stopping. “If two men were jumping out of the new taxi, I wouldn’t be surprised”, said the inspector. “Now two men are running towards the door. If they find Jane there, she will be in trouble. What happens? Jane is climbing up the stairs. If she were in the open air, she would get wet badly. The wind is pushing hard and she is feeling the rain in her face. Now she is walking across the platform. If the two men run fast, they will stop her from reaching the low wall”, the Inspector was saying when he saw that in front of her, sitting on the wall, was the desired box. Jane turned round and screamed. One of the two men had appeared. Suddenly, from the other side of the platform Alan was running. “If Alan hits the man with the stone he is holding in his hand, the man will fall between Jane and the box”, said the Inspector. Alan did it. As the man was falling down he hit low stone wall with his head and hit the box with left arm. Then both the man and the box were falling down into the river, while the Inspector was approaching with his men in order to arrest the other man. Two hours later they were back in the Police Station. They were drinking hot, sweet tea. “I ‘m freezing, said Jane. All of them were sitting in front of a big fire. “Are you hoping to get the box back? I saw it when it was falling don the river”, asked Alan. “I don’t think so. It’s still raining very hard. There are still about twenty people looking for it. We’ll never know what was in it we don’t get it back”, said the Inspector. AUTOEVALUACIÓN 1.- The river will run very high. a) if it rained for two or three days. 43 b) if it is very fast. c) if it rains very hard. d) if it rained in the old church. 2.- What was thick and dark? a) the water was. b) the rain was. c) the branches were. d) the church was. 3.- What was looking black? a) the river. b) the evening sky. c) the moving water. d) the old church. 4.- If the stones of the tower. a) are touched by the church, I won’t be able to reach it. b) are touched by the water, I won’t be able to reach it. c) are touched by the cloud, I won’t be able to reach it. d) are wet by the water, I won’t be able to reach it. 5.- When Jane’s taxi was driving away. a) the rain stopped. b) the river didn´t flow. c) another car was stopping. d) another car was driving away too. 6.- The two men were running towards the door of the tower. a) when the taxi was stopping. b) when Jane’s taxi was driving away. c) when the two men were jumping out of the taxi. d) when Jane was climbing up the stairs. 44 7.- When was Jane feeling the wind in her face?. a) when the wind was pushing against her. b) when she got out of the taxi. c) when the taxi was driving away. d) when the other car was stopping. 8.- If the two men run fast. a) Jane won’t reach the low wall. b) Jane will open the church door. c) Jane will climb up the stairs. d) Alan will hit the American. 9.- What were they doing two hours later? a) They were looking for the box. b) They were drinking hot, sweet tea. c) They were running to the tower. d) They were far from the Police Station. 10.- They were also drying in front of a big fire. a) Ellos estaban también frente a un gran fuego. b) Ellos eran también secando frente a un gran fuego. c) Ellos también se estaban secando frente a un gran fuego. d) Ellos se están secando frente a un gran fuego. AUTOEVALUACION INGLES III UNIDAD TRES RESPUESTAS Debió haber marcado: 1.- c 2.- a 3.- d 4.- b 5.- c 6.- c 45 7.- a 8.- a 9.- b 10.- c CRITERIOS DE EVALUACION Sume sus respuestas correctas y verifique su capacidad de aprendizaje de acuerdo con los siguientes criterios: E: 10 MB: 8a9 B: 6a7 NA: 0a5 Si su resultado es “no acreditado”, no se desanieme; compare la respuesta que no acertó. Considere si realmente no sabía o fue problema de interpretación de la pregunta. Reflexione, analice trate de determinar la razón de su falla en su aprendizaje o visite a su asesor. 46 RESPUESTAS A LOS EJERCICIOS UNIDAD UNO Tema 1: Ejercicio No. 1 1.- Will see 2.- Shall/will give 3.- Will help 4.- Will clean 5.- Will close 6.- Shall/will leave 7.- Will find 8.- Will spend 9.- Will do 10.- Will blow 11.- Shall/will meet 12.- Shall/will pay 13.- Will learn 14.- Shall/will remain 15.- Will be 16.- Will pay 17.- Will spend 18.- Shall/will make 19.- Shall/will find 20.- Will clean Ejercicio No. 2 1.- They will not (won’t) see us in the morning. Will they see us in the morning? 2.- I will not (won’t)/shall not give you that money tomorrow. Will you give me that money tomorrow? 3.- She will not (won’t) help with that work. Will she help you with that work? 47 4.- Mary will not (won’t) clean off the table right away. Will Mary clean off the table rigth away? 5.- The stores will not (won’t) close early today. Will the stores close early today? 6.- I will not (won’t)/shall not leave the tip. Will you leave the tip? 7.- Helen will not (won’t) find the book which you need. Will Helen find the book which you need? 8.- You will not (won’t) spend a lot of money there. Will you spend a lot of money there? 9.- John will not (won’t) do well in that job. Will John do well in that job? 10.- The wind will not (won’t) blow that sign down. Will the wind blow that sign down? 11.- We will not (won’t)/ Shall not meet you in Grand Central Station. Will /Shall we meet at Grand Central Station? 12.- I will not (won’t)/Shall not pay the bill. Will you pay the bill? 13.- You will not (won’t) learn a great deal in that course. Will you learn a great deal in that course? 14.- We will not (won’t)/Shall not remain in Mexico for a month. Will you remain in Mexico for a month? 15.- His secretary says that he will not (won’t) be back at six O’clock. Does his secretary say that he will be back at six O’clock? 16.- John will not (won’t) pay the cashier. Will John pay the cashier? 17.- You will not (won’t) spend a lot of money there. Will you spend a lot of money there? 18.- I will not (won’t)/Shall not make you a cup of tea. Will/Shall I make you a cup of tea? Tema 2: Ejercicio No. 3 48 1.- are going to have. 2.- are going to arrive. 3.- is going to leave. 4.- is going to visit. 5.- is going to speak. 6.- is going to study. 7.- are going to have. 8.- are going to wait. 9.- are going to fly. 10.- is going to study. 11.- are going to geat. 12.- is going to leave. 13.- are going to tear. 14.- is going to buy. 15.- are going to sell. 16.- is going to take. 17.- are going to do. 18.- is going to help. 19.- am going to wash. 20.- is going to be. Ejercicio No. 4. 1.- a) John ins’t going to take a vacation. b) Is John going to take a vacation? 2.- a) He ins’t going to start working there on Monday. b) Is he going to start working there on Monday? 3.- a) They aren’t going to pay a good salary. b) Are they going to pay a good salary? 4.- a) They aren´t going to move to California next month. b) Are they going to move to California next month? 49 5.- a) Henry ins’t going to travel to Europe on his vacation. b) Is Henry going to travel to Europe on his vacation? 6.- a) We aren’t going to sit outdoors for a while. b) Are you going to sit outdoors for a while? 7.- a) They aren´t going to spend the weekend in Connecticut. b) Are they going to spend the weekend in Connecticut? 8.- a) He isn’t going to put all his money in stocks and bonds. b) Is he going to put all his money in stocks and bonds? 9.- a) George isn’t going to have a tooth pulled tomorrow. b) Is George going to have a tooth pulled tomorrow? 10.- a) I’m not going to read you any of my own poems. b) Am I going to read you some of my own poems? UNIDAD DOS TEMA 1: Ejercicio No. 5 1.- gave was 2.- needed 3.- were were 4.- made used 5.- brought 6.- changed 7.- said 8.- became 9.- watched 10.- lived. 50 11.- learned/learnt learned/learnt 12.- solved 13.- wore went 14.- married painted 15.- were 16.- began invented 17.- said was thought was 18.- wanted built 19.- worked. 20.- lived. TEMA 2: Ejercicio No. 6. 1.- Did many countries import rubber from Borneo? 2.- Did Hernan Cortes conquer the Caribbean sea? 3.- Did the Aztecs build Palenque? 4.- Did Cervantes write “Hamlet” and “Othello”? 5.- Did Leonardo Da Vinci paint “Guernica”? 6.- Did Robert learn the chemistry formulas in order to understand the problems in the exam? 7.- Did people use money in early trade? 8.- Did Hawaiian adults like balls? 9.- Did Thomas Alva Edison die in 1959? 10.- Did Leonardo Da Vinci sculpt “The Thinker”? 11.- Did Mayans build the Pyramids of Gizeh 5,000 years ago? 12.- Did Brutus Kill Julius Caesar? 13.- Did Mozart compose Tanhauser? 14.- Did Velazquez paint the frescoes in Bonampak? 15.- Did Ann have a slice of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast? 16.- Did President Reagan walk along Paseo de la Reforma when he came to Mexico? 17.- Did the nurses wear their new uniforms yesterday morning? 18.- Did the fat women in the group eat low calorie food during three monts? 19.- Did Mr. Collen close the grocery store at 5 p.m. last Saturday? 20.- Did the children laugh a lot at the clown? Ejercicio No. 7 1.- Many countries did not import rubber from Borneo. 2.- Hernan Cortes did not conquer the Caribbean sea. 3.- The Aztecs did not build Palenque. 4.- Cervantes did not write “Hamlet” and “Othello”. 5.- Leonardo Da Vinci did not paint “Guernica”. 51 6.- Robert did not learn the chemistry formulas in order to understand the problems in the exam. 7.- People did not use money in early trade because they used, rains instead of money. 8.- Adults in Hawaii did not like balls. 9.- Thomas Alva Edison did not die in 1959. 10.- Leonardo Da Vinci did not sculpt “The Thinker”. 11.- Mayans did not build the Pyramids of Gizeh 5,000 years ago. 12.- Brutus did not kill Julius Caesar. 13.- Mozart did not compose Tanhauser. 14.- Velazquez did not paint the frescoes in Bonampak. 15.- Ann did not have a slice of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast. 16.- President Reagan did not walk along Paseo de la Reforma when he came to Mexico. 17.- The nurses did not wear their new uniforms yesterday morning. 18.- The fat women in the group did not eat low calorie food during three monts. 19.- Mr. Collen did not close the grocery store at 5 p.m. last Saturday. 20.- The children did not laugh a lot at the clown. UNIDAD TRES Tema 1: Ejercicio No. 8 Affirmative a) have learned f) has developed b) have gone g) have taught c) has just graduated h) have done d) has become i) have lived e) have met j) has worked Ejercicio No. 9 Interrogative a) Have we learned new words? b) Have you gone to Europe many times? 52 c) Has his brother just graduated from Secondary? d) Has Acapulco become a popular winter resort? e) Have I met her? f) Has sea developed since 1974? g) Have they taught English for two years? h) Have we done our work? i) Have you lived in this city almost all your life? j) Has she worked very hard? Ejercicio No. 10 Negative a) have not learned f) has not developed b) have not gone g) have not taught c) has not just graduated h) have not done d) has not become i) have not lived e) have not met j) has not worked Tema 2: Ejercicio No. 11 Affirmative a) had never seen f) had checked b) had walked g) had fallen c) had completed h) had received, had promised d) had just closed i) had left e) had already left j) had checked Ejercicio No. 12 Interrogative a) Had you ever seen the Big Ben before you visited London last month? b) Had Alan walked no more than two blocks when he met Robert? c) Had Richard gone home because he had completed everything? d) Had the manager just closed the store a moment before you got there? e) Had Mrs. Henderson already left when you called her office? f) Did you call Mr. Gilbert when you had checked the report carefully? 53 g) Did you hear that your friend had fallen on some steps and broken his arm? h) Had Bill received the money you had promised to pay him? i) Had the boy left the classroom by time the teacher arrived? j) Did you call Mr. Davis just after you had checked the report? Ejercicio No. 13 Negative a) had not never seen f) had not checked b) had not walked g) had not fallen, and had not broken c) had not gone h) had not received d) had not just closed i) had not left e) had not left j) had not checked UNIDAD CUATRO Tema 1: Ejercicio No. 14 1.- is flying 2.- are mending 3.- is shining 4.- are playing 5.- am writting 6.- is giving 7.- are preparing 8.- is planning 9.- are working 10.- am watching Ejercicio No.15 1.- Is the airplane flying at 2,000 meters? 2.- Are they mending my shirt? 3.- Is the sun shining? 4.- Are the children playing in the park? 5.- Are you writting a letter to your friend? 54 6.- Is the President giving a lecture? 7.- Are you preparing your English class? 8.- Is the government planning to raise the taxes? 9.- Are Robert and Liza Minelli working in a new film? 10.- Are you watching an interesting program? Ejercicio No.16 1.- The airplane is not flying at 2,000 meters. 2.- They are not mending my shirt. 3.- The sun is not shining. 4.- The children are not playing in the park. 5.- I am not writting a letter to my friend. 6.- The President is not giving a lecture. 7.- We are not preparing our English class. 8.- The government is not planning to raise the taxes. 9.- Robert Reford and Liza Minelli are not working in a new film. 10.- I am not watching an interesting program. Ejercicio No.17 1.- is not working - is swimming 2.- is teaching 3.- is .......... wearing 4.- is going. Is........... bringing 5.- are.................using 6.- am not using 7.- is making 8.- are............. reading 9.- are listening............. are not watching 10.- are................. doing Tema 2: Ejercicio No. 18 1.- were waiting 2.- were wearing 55 3.- was making 4.- was making 5.- was taking 6.- were having 7.- were swimming 8.- was playing...............was washing 9.- was running 10.- were playing Ejercicio No. 19 1.- were......................doing 2.- was playing 3.- was not playing.................I was attending 4.- were not studyding 5.- were watching 6.- was................taking 7.- was slepping 8.- were................working 9.- was not working - was studying 10.- were...................waiting Tema 3: Ejercicio No.20 1.- would get 2.- knew 3.- were.............would think 4.- drove...........would have 5.- would get 6.- were............would try 7.- would get 8.- paid............would respect 9.- were 10.- attended........would make 56 57