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Español 2 Week 5 January 30-February 3
lunes, el 30 de enero
Communicative Goals for Lección 3. Go over the contents of each section
Proficiency Goal – Novice high
Interpretive Skills
 I can understand what people say in short conversations about family.
 I can understand basic descriptions about family, friends and objects.
Interpersonal Skills
 I can ask and answer questions about family member’s appearance and
 I can ask and answer questions about what family members like to do
and why.
Presentational Skills:
 I can describe a family using photographs
 Tell about them, where they live, with whom and their professions
 I can talk about what my family and I do together
Upcoming Assessments for the week
Leccion 3 Vocabulary Quiz on Thursday.
Grammar Check ser, verbs, estar etc. on Friday.
Warm-up / Activate
 [Grammar] Present tense of Estar Text p. 59:
 [Speaking] Practice Inténtalo p. 60
Present/Practice / Communicate
 [Grammar/Writing] See pp. 61 or Lc. 2 pkt p. 18 and complete all
three activities with 5:00 Partner
 [Recycle] Prepositions with gestures
 [Audio] VHL Estructura 3: Escoger (See Lc. 2 pkt)
 [Game with verbs Reading] defining the verb based on the definition
written. If would like your own set to print out Lec. 2 Define the verbs with
a definition practice.
 [Read] Alejandro Review Chapter 2 begin Chapter 3
 Clikc here
..\..\..\DESCUBRE 1 2016-2017\Chapter 3 Familia\Vocabulario\SP2 L3 Vocabulary Sheet Define word
and download the vocabulary sheets for Lección 3. Vocab
is also found on page 114. For tomorrow, on the first page write an
original definition that will help you learn to define the relationship to the
family words. Complete the second/third pages by Wednesday, but you
must complete the 1st page for tomorrow .
 Review (Quiz) on Quizlet Leccion 3 Descubre 1 L. 3 La familia con adjetivos
and write sesntence.docx
martes, el 31 de enero
Warm-up / Activate
 [Speaking] Read your definition out loud for your partner to guess. 1pt. for
each correct response. 4pts. = 1 ficha.
Present/Practice / Communicate
 HOMEWORK CHECK [Writing / Association] Associate the family vocab.
definition you wrote.
 [Reading/Speaking] Review responses with 6 o’clock partner to see if he/she
can guess the family vocabulary.
 [Audio] Textbook/Supersite or textbook page 79 Activities 1-2
 [Writing] Match the words or phrase - Practice Activity 3.
 Writing] In your journal and with your 7 o’clock partner, create definitions for
the family terms in Act. 4 p. 79
 Review Descriptive adjectives and positions of adjectives pp. 88-90. Distribute
pink vocabulary sheet of Adjectives / nationalities that are cognates. Keep these
in your Portfolio. Review these for vocabulary strength.
 [Writing] On p. 90 complete Inténtalo activity and review as a class
 Complete 2nd and 3rd pages of vocabulary sheet and practice family
vocabulary on Quizlet.
 Read p. 93 and review possessive adjectives.
miércoles, el 1 de febreo
Warm-up / Activate
 [Writing] Act. 5 p. 80
 Check 2nd and 3rd pages of vocabulary sheet
Present/Practice / Communicate
 [Speaking & Writing ] Act. 6 Compañeros de 8:00. Act. 7. Write in your
journal your partner’s response. “La familia de _____” .
 [Technology / Audio] fotonovela. p. 83 – Comprehension Questions p. 84
 [Reading] page 86 of the textbook and read the En Detalle Como te llamas?
section about Surnames in Spanish. Answer the comprehension questions that
follow correcting the false statements. This must be done to receive credit.
 [Reading] Continue reading all sections on p. 87 Asi se dice, Perfil “La Familia
real Española and El mundo Hispano. Answer questions under Actividades #2.
 [Writing] Review pp 88-89, Descriptive Adjectives. Discuss noun and adjective
agreement. Practice activity 1-3 on page 91.
 Review for Chapter 3 vocabulary assessment tomorrow.
 Practice Possessives adjectives while reviewing vocabulary in this manner.
Mi padre es el esposo de mi madre.
Nuestros primos son los hijos de mis tíos.
jueves, el 2 de febrero
Warm-up / Activate
 Vocabulary and grammar practice assessment
Present/Practice / Communicate
 [Tarea] Check last page of vocabulary (2x Span. 1x English) 3/3 grade
 [Read] Alejandro Cápitulo 2 and review questions for fichas
 Vocabulary and grammar practice assessment
 Complete ¿Cómo es tu familia? worksheet
 Complete VHL Exercises
 Review possessive adjectives
viernes, el 3 de febrero
 Check homework from Thursday pp. 91-92 (fichas)
 Repasar la tarea Cómo es tu familia Wksht.
Present/Practice / Communicate
 In Chapter 3 Packet, complete all activities on pp. 9-15 for review of concepts
 [Writing] Journal Entry – Complete an outline of cómo es mi familia in your
journal. Title your journal entry “Cómo es mi familia?” Describe 7 members
of your family real or imaginary. Use a variety of adjectives.
Full name and relationship to you.
2 personality traits
2 Likes (gustar, fascinar, encantar,
interesar, importar)
Age of the person
2 physical traits
2 dislikes (no _ gustar, no__chocar,
no __interesar, no _ importar)
Ejemplo: Elsa Branson es mi madre y tiene 77 años. Ella no tiene una profesión ahora pero
es una madre, abuela y bisabuela fenomenal. Ella es una persona muy cariñosa y fiel con su
familia. Mi madre es muy baja y muy delgada y por eso tiene un apodo, “Bird”. A ella le
encanta cocinar comida panameña y le fascina pasar tiempo con sus nietos y bisnietos. A mi
madre le molestan las personas perezosas y no tiene paciencia con ellos. También le choca ir
a los restaurantes chinos. No sé porque.
 Complete outline of Cómo es mi familia
 Review conjugations of Estructura 3.3 Present tense of –er and-ir verbs in
Chapter 3 of textbook. Complete activity Inténtalo p. 97 then write an
original sentence with each of the verbs in the blue box.
lunes, el 6 de febrero
Warm-up / Activate
 Check and Review homework: Inténtalo p. 97 y outline for Como es tu familia
 Audios:
Present/Practice / Communicate
[Escribir] Cómo es tu familia en el diario
[Write] Review of present tense of tener and venir and other “go verbs” p. 101.
[Identifying] Expressions with tener p. 101
[Grammar] Inténtalo p. 101; Act. 1-3 p. 103
 [Chapter Review] pp. 104 Recapitulación pp 104-105
 Download Vocabulary Chapter 4 Los Pasatiempos. ..\..\..\DESCUBRE 1 20162017\Chapter 4 Los pasatiempos\Vocabulario\Descubre 1 Leccion 4 Voc List
 Write the Spanish word 2x and the English 1X.
 Review these on Quizlet Leccion 4