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St. Elizabeth Church Today is Fathers’ Day. There is a special Father’s Day Novena of Masses beginning at the 8:00AM Mass today and continuing during the weekday Masses. We wish God’s blessing on all the fathers of our parish today and every day. Pray for Vocations at St. Benedict Joseph Labre Church Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays, 9:30 am to 7:30 pm CCD SUNDAY CLASSES June 21, 2015 Hoy es Día de Los Padres. Este es un día muy en especial y habrá una Novena dedicada a los Padres, comenzando con la Misa de las 8:00AM y que continuara con todas las misas de la semana. Haremos unas oraciones especiales, a todos los padres, en todas las Misas que celebramos hoydía. Deseamos las bendiciones del Señor Dios a todos los padres de nuestra Parroquia, hoy y cada día. Oren por Vocaciones a la Iglesia de San Benedict Joseph Labre, Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento Jueves, 9:30AM a 7:30PM CLASE DE DOCTRINA LOS DOMINGOS Register your child for 2015/2016 Sunday School classes. Forms are at the back of Church and in the Rectory. Follow the instructions. Return the forms, copies of certificates, and fee in the collection, at the office or by mail. There is no special Registration Day. Inscriban los niños por 2015/2016 clases los Domingos. Formularios de inscripción están a la parte atrás de la iglesia y en la Rectoría. Sigan las instrucciones impresas. Envía formularios, copias del certificados y cuota de inscripción en la colecta, a la oficina o por el correo. No hay inscripción especial en un día. RECTORY SUMMER OFFICE HOURS RECTORÍA VERANO HORAS DE OFICINA Please note that during the month of AUGUST, the Rectory will be closed on Fridays. We will be open: Por favor, tenga en cuenta que durante el mes de AGOSTO, la rectoría estará cerrada el viernes. Estaremos abiertos: Lunes a Jueves Monday - Thursday 9:15AM - 12:00PM and 1:15 - 4:00PM ANOINTING OF THE SICK MASS 9:15AM - 12:00PM y 1:15 - 4:00PM MISA Y UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS This Saturday, June 27th, at the 9:00AM Mass, we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. The Sacrament may be received by anyone with a serious illness, facing surgery, the elderly, and anyone with a chronic health problem. Este sábado, 27 de junio, en la Misa de las 9:00AM, celebraremos el Sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos. El Sacramento puede ser recibido por cualquiera que sufra de una enfermedad seria, o una próxima cirugía, a los ancianos, y todos los que sufran de una enfermedad crónica. STOP THE ASSEMBLY’S RETALIATORY ATTACK ON THE CATHOLIC CHURCH DETENER EL ATAQUE DE REPRESALIA DE LA ASAMBLEA DE LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA In apparent retaliation for the Catholic Church's strong advocacy for an Education Tax Credit to help families afford Catholic schools, the State Assembly has suddenly decided to bring to the floor a bill that would allow for de cades-old time-barred claims of child sexual abuse to be brought against the Catholic Church, while protecting municipalities and public schools. Please take action now and tell the Assembly to cease its action against the Church and to address sexual abuse in a comprehensive manner, with a bill that applies equally to all victims, regardless of where the abuse occurred. Go to to send your message. En aparente represalia por la Iglesia Católica es un firme defensor de una educación crédito de impuestos para ayudar a las familias pagar las escuelas católicas, la Asamblea del Estado ha decidido traer a la planta baja un proyecto de ley que permitiría que desde hace décadas de la prescripción las reclamaciones de abuso sexual infantil contra la Iglesia Católica, a la vez que se protegen los municipios y las escuelas públicas. Tomar acción y decir a la Asamblea a que ponga fin a su acción contra la Iglesia y abuso sexual para abordar de manera global, con un proyecto de ley que se aplica por igual a todas las víctimas, independientemente de donde se produjo el abuso. Ir a St. Elizabeth Church Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Events for the Week Mass Intentions for the Week June 21st - June 28th June 21st - June 28th 5:00PM - John Genco (Birthday) SUNDAY- 12th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00AM - Father’s Day Novena 9:30AM - Father’s Day Novena 11:00AM - Father’s Day Novena 12:30 PM - Father’s Day Novena MON. – WEEKDAY 9:00AM – Father’s Day Novena FATHER’S DAY 7:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:15PM TUES. – WEEKDAY 9:00AM - Father’s Day Novena WED. – NATIVITY OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 9:00AM - Father’s Day Novena 9:00AM 2:00PM SUNDAY - JUNE 21 MONDAY- JUNE 22 Choir Practice - CB TUESDAY- JUNE 23 Grupo de Oración de Teresiana - CB WEDNESDAY - JUNE 24 Cursillistas - CB THURSDAY – JUNE 25 Jornada - CB FRIDAY – JUNE 26 Grupo de Oración Carismática – CB SATURDAY - JUNE 27 Anointing Mass - Church Amigos Fuertes de Dios - CB THURS. – WEEKDAY 9:00AM - Father’s Day Novena The parish of St. Elizabeth thanks you for your support. We are grateful to our parishioners who use the envelope system. If you wish to receive Church envelopes, please call the Rectory at 296-4900. FRI. – WEEKDAY 9:00AM - Father’s Day Novena 7:30PM - Deceased of Lombard/Burbach Families Last Sunday’s Church Offering $ 4,824.00 SAT. – WEEKDAY 9:00AM - In Thanksgiving to St. Jude 5:00PM - Elizabeth Lane and Peggy Harris SUNDAY- 13th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00AM - Charlie and Yolanda Tanglao 9:30AM - Juan Enrique Campoverde 11:00AM - Julia Clifton (Anniversary) 12:30 PM - Carlos Alvarez Salaries Bills Total Expenses 1,172.92 8,544.72 $ 9,717.64 (Loss) = ($- 4,893.64) Vigil Light CANDLE INTENTIONS Scarpelli & Ferrari Families Our Prayers and Sympathy are offered to…Raymond Aguila on the death of his wife, Ederlinda, and to Barbara Scala on the death of her husband, Arnold Please remember in your prayers: America Hernandez, Marcela Garcia, Saundra Maher, Theresa Maglione, Andrea Lucia Moscoso 2014 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Parish Received Over Goal Parroquia Recibió Sobre Meta $7,735 2015 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Goal (Meta) $35,578 Parishioners/Feligreses 395 Donors/Donantes 214 Donated/Donado $ 18,075 Please help/favor de ayudar Please return your Appeal envelopes in the collection. Por favor devuelva el sobres Campaña en la colección. The Bread and Wine to be used at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the week of June 21st has been donated on behalf of the congregation in Honor of Fr. Barclay in celebration of his 40th Anniversary of Ordination Congratulations, blessings and thanksgiving. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN TERESIANA Invitamos cordialmente a toda la comunidad de Santa Elizabeth a venir con tu familia a la próxima reunión del grupo Teresiano este martes, 23 de junio, a las 7:00PM en el sótano de la Iglesia.