Download Today`s gospel ends with the promise of Jesus that he will be with us

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Church of the Nativity, Burke, Virginia
The Most Holy Trinity
May 31, 2015
A Message from our Pastor,
Fr. Bob Cilinski
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
“And behold I am with you always, until the end of the ages”.
~Matt 28:20
My dear parishioners,
Today we rejoice on Trinity Sunday, a feast day for God!
God has revealed himself to us as Father, Son and Holy
Spirit … a community of persons united in love. Our God is
a God merciful and gracious, a God of love and trust. Our
Catholic Catechism states:
“The Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery
of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself.
It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith,
the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and
essential teaching in the “hierarchy of the truths of faith.”
The whole history of salvation is identical with the history of
the way and the means by which the one true God, Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit, reveals himself to men” and reconciles
and unites with himself those who turn away from sin.”
(#234 Catechism of Catholic Church)
Today’s gospel ends with the promise of Jesus that he
will be with us, his church, always.
So let us rejoice in the love of God that has made us
God’s children. Let us always live as the children of
We hold in our prayers Deacon Rich Miserendino who
will be ordained to the priesthood this Saturday, June
6th at St. Thomas More Cathedral by Bishop Loverde.
We rejoice with Fr. Rich who begins his priestly
ministry in our diocese. Congratulations!
Love and blessings,
Deacon Rich Miserendino, son of Richard and Tris, and
brother of Thomas, Allison and Mary Catherine, will be
ordained a priest for the Diocese of Arlington on
Saturday, June 6th at 11:00am at the Cathedral of St.
Thomas More. Fr. Rich Miserendino will celebrate his
First Mass on Sunday, June 7th at 12:45pm at Nativity
Church. A reception and first priestly blessing will
follow in the Parish Hall.
We rejoice and give thanks to God!!!
Let us pray for him this week.
There will be a second collection for our diocesan retired
priests on the weekend of June 6 & 7. This collection
aids in caring for our retired priests who have served our
diocese so faithfully over the years. Currently there are
18 retired priests who served our diocese and an
additional 19 diocesan priests who are anticipated to retire within the next ten years. Please consider donating to
this special collection. Thank you for your support.
EKG Screening can save young adult lives!
Please take this opportunity to have your teen screened
for any heart problems. It is quick and painless!
Free EKG Screening
9:00 to 3:00
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Paul VI Catholic High School
10675 Fairfax Blvd, Fairfax, VA 22030
Register For the Screening at - screening/
Church of the Nativity, Burke, Virginia
The Most Holy Trinity
May 31, 2015
Prayer for the New Parish Activity Center
Heavenly Father, author and inspirer of all things holy, hear our
prayers for our new Parish Center. Send forth Your Spirit that we
may humbly be guided by your Divine Will. Touch our hearts
with true generosity to raise up a Parish Center for the inspiration
and renewal of your faithful.
May the God who bestows great gifts on us continue to
bless us and nourish us in the days ahead. May our work always
reflect God’s glory. May our lives always reflect God’s mercy.
May our hearts always reflect God’s love. Bless us Lord, as we
gather, as we share, and as we work for your Kingdom.
Mary, Mother of the Nativity, pray for us. Amen
Monday, June 1
7:30am † Leonard Dunkerly
Tuesday, June 2
7:30am † Dr. & Mrs. Hunter Robinette
Wednesday, June 3
7:30am † Felicidad Calica Ylizarde
Thursday, June 4
7:30am † Adman Yamoor
Friday, June 5
7:30am † Dez Cruz
9:00am † Cindy Nickoloff
.“We know that all things work for good for those who love God,
who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
We need your help for the 2015‑2016 religious education school
year!! Please volunteer to extend the love for the Lord and his
Church to the children of Nativity; catechists, assistant catechists,
substitutes, and babysitters are needed. The Volunteer Application
form is available in the Religious Education Office and on website:
www.; click on Religious Education; then click
on Volunteer Opportunities, or call the Religious Education Office
at 703.455.0372.
Receive an Early Bird Discount; register your child(ren) by
August 1, (tuition increases after August 1.) Don’t delay; some
classes are already closed and others are filling up fast!
Important: a student’s baptismal certificate must be included with
the form (including students baptized at Nativity) unless the
certificate is already on file in the Religious Education Office.
Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office,
on the community board in the church vestibule, and at website:; click on Religious Education; then click on
Student Registration.
will be said during the month of June
for all Fathers, living and deceased.
Spiritual bouquet cards are available
in the Church entrance and the Parish
Office. Their names will be placed on
the altar during the month of June.
The Novena of Masses will begin on
Father’s Day, June 21st, 22nd,
23rd, 24th, 25th & 26th at 7:30am,
June 27th & 28th at 9:00am & June 29th at 7:30am.
Please return all intentions by Friday, June 19th.
Saturday, June 6
9:00am † Fathila Putros.
5:00pm † Angela Nathieu
Sunday, June 7
† Daniel Anders
† Margaret Marie Dolan
† Gloria Musto
The priest schedule for Masses is found on the Webpage…
In prayer, let us remember the sick and deceased of
our parish.
Altar Flowers
In Loving Memory of
Father Martin
From Betty Jane Davis
In Loving Memory of
Vincencia (Jean) Puccio
From Betty Jane Davis
The monthly Holy Hour will take place on
Friday, June 5th from 8:00am to 8:50am
followed by the school Mass. Come and
spend some time with our Lord.
Women of Nativity Baby Shower Collection May 30/31
Church of the Nativity, Burke, Virginia
The Most Holy Trinity
“[T]he Pro-Life position is often
misunderstood as neither showing
compassion to mothers nor caring about the
children after they are born. This is
unfortunate... Those who see a lack of compassion from Pro-Lifers
may not be aware of the many resources and compassionate care
available to women facing unplanned pregnancies...[Crisis
pregnancy]centers exist to provide warm and caring environments
for mothers and families who find themselves with an unexpected
pregnancy.” Life Issues Forum: Racing Toward a Culture of Life
Mary Prentis, USCCB
Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
A WOMAN’S CHOICE is a pregnancy resource center that
provides free pregnancy testing, referrals for medical treatment,
housing, social service assistance and tangible support for
pregnant women, including clothing and equipment.
www.aHYPERLINK "http://"womanschoiceHYPERLINK
"" (703-5384305).
Crisis Pregnancy Hotline:
Project Rachel (healing after abortion):
Pregnancy Resource Centers Phone Numbers:
Catholic Charities National: 1-800-CARE-002
Catholic Charities Local: 703-425-0100
A Woman's Choice: 703-538-4305
Gabriel Project: 1-866-444-3553
Weekly activities, Catholic Women’s Bible Study, Cursillo,
Men’s Prayer Group, Altar Servers, Community Outreach.
These are only a few of our ministries. A full list of church
and school activities are listed on our website...
Catholic Womens Bible Study Summer Session.
All women are welcome to join us on
the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month
this summer. We will meet at 9:30AM
in the APR. Each meeting begins with
the Rosary followed by discussion on
the Sunday readings. Come to as many
meetings as you can. We are growing with one another in our
knowledge and love for God. Details are on the pink flyers in
the back of the church. Contact Diane Fields 703-569-4631 if
you have any questions.
May 31, 2015
Campus Ministry at George Mason University is having a
summertime barbeque for all college students and graduating
high school seniors on Thursday, June 4th at 6:30pm. St.
Robert Bellarmine Chapel, 4515 Roberts Road, Fairfax. It’s a
great way to meet college students from different schools! Our
student center will also be hosting events on Thursday nights in
June and July. Like us on Facebook: College summers with
GMU CCM. Find out more at or email
[email protected]
Please join the Alexandria Chapter of the Catholic
Business Network (CBN) for its June Breakfast. Fairfax
County Supervisor Jeff McKay will speak about how he
lives his faith while serving in public office. He was first
elected to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in
2007, and is currently serving his 2nd term, chairing
several boards with regard to transportation,
legislation, and community revitalization.
Our breakfast will be held June 4th, 7:30am-9:00am, at
Walker’s Grille, 6909 Metro Park Drive, Alexandria, VA
22310, We are now registering
for our events on-line. To pre-register, please go to http:// Pay $15.00 online, or RSVP by June 1st to [email protected]
if you're paying the door price of $20.00 (cash or check).
Questions? Call Trebor Whearty at 703.627.5239. To
learn more about CBN or to join,
SHARING HOPE, a support group for men and
women going through separation and divorce, will
meet this Friday, June 5th, 8:00 p.m., at St. Mary of
Sorrows Historic Church Hall, Fairfax, off Rte. 123.
Our topic will be “Anger”. Newcomers are warmly
welcomed and there is no fee. For further information,
directions or encouragement, please call Maureen at
703-978-6318 or check our out website, Google:
Sharing Hope, Fairfax, VA
In 2005, the Diocese of Arlington began a series of Mass
Services for victim/survivors of sexual abuse celebrated
by Bishop Paul Loverde. The Mass service will focus on
praying for those persons who are survivors/Victims of
sexual abuse. There will be a light reception following the
Mass. The next Mass to pray for healing will be on
Tuesday, June 16 at 7:30pm at Blessed Sacrament
Catholic church, 1427 West Braddock Road, Alexandria,
VA 22032. Bishop Loverde will preside.
Church of the Nativity, Burke, Virginia
The Most Holy Trinity
May 31, 2015
In today’s gospel Jesus says, “I am with you always, until
the end of the age.” Bring Jesus into your marriage by
attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The
next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are 18-20
September in Herndon or 6-8 November in Herndon. For
more information or to apply, visit our website
at or contact us
at [email protected] or 703-3784150.
Spotlight on the Arts Summer Camps
Theatre & Art for K - 12!
Camp Broadway, Art
Explorer Camp and more
will be offered as day
camps this July
locally! Catholic
Professionals with expertise
in their disciplines and
education instruct young
people in the arts through these highly interactive day
camps directed by Rob Tessier, All Saints Youth Minister
and Director of Upper Room Theatre Ministry. For times,
descriptions, prices, full teacher bios, and online
registration go to
Register in the month of May and receive a Discount!
News for Young Adults
Young adults from local Catholic parishes have been working
together to create a young adult ministry to feed our local area parishes. Together we have created Catholic Life Young Adult Ministry. We are excited to work together to offer opportunities for
young adults to grow in their faith, meet other young adults, and
serve our local communities. For more information and a calendar
of upcoming events, you can visit our website at You can also join our mailing list by emailing [email protected]. All young adults
are welcome!
June 12-14, 2015 Retreat for Women of AA
Directed by Sr. Maureen M. - Time: Friday 7.30 pm–
Sunday 1.30 pm
For further information call Dominican Retreat at
703-356-4243 or check our website at
A Blue Ribbon School of Excellence WE’RE GOING ISTEM IN A BIG WAY
You may have heard of STEM, STEAM, or STREAM.
They are different acronyms commonly used to refer to Science,
Technology, Engineering, and
Math. A more comprehensive
acronym is ISTEM — which we
believe accurately describes the
integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math into
ALL disciplines. Here at Nativity School, students learn
to apply critical, creative thinking skills to solve realworld problems.
Our students had already kicked ISTEM
up a notch or two, to
X-STEM — Extreme
Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math.
As an X-STEMcertified school, our
Mission is to promote
and incorporate the
sciences into our daily
lives, and into the lives of others, through
fun and robotics. Nativity’s X-STEM Club, run by Student Ambassadors, sponsors student Science and Math
clubs, such as SeaPerch Underwater Robotics (our team
is currently competing at Dartmouth, MA, as part of the
prestigious National SeaPerch Challenge Competition),
MathCounts, and Jr. GEMS (Girls Excelling in Math and
But I’ll let you in on all that in next week’s issue!
8TH GRADE, 2015-16
Please call to schedule a campus tour, meet with our
principal, talk with our teachers, and greet some of
our students. Amor Paulson will be happy to hear
from you. Please call her at (703)455-2300.
Church of the Nativity, Burke, Virginia
The Most Holy Trinity
May 31, 2015
Election of Officers: Father Sikora Knights of Columbus
Council, 7992, June 2nd meeting.
SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, June 7, 2015 – You just saw
him in a photo on the front page of the Arlington Catholic
Herald in Rome and he’ll soon be here in person. No, we’re
not talking about Pope Francis but rather Deacon and Brother
Knight Rich Miserendino who will be ordained on June
6th and celebrate his First Mass on June 7th at 12:45 PM at the
Church of the Nativity. This indeed will be a Joyous Celebration for his family, all parishioners of Nativity and his
Brother Knights.
Nativity Carnival: Save The Date - Friday, June 12 from
6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Hot Dogs, Chips, and Lemonade will be
served from the Pop Up Tent, located in front of the church,
outside the Green Room. Please contact Brother Barry
Basselgia to help with the Carnival or for further information
Email: [email protected].
Coming And It’s NEXT MONTH! " - Collections, June
18th thru 25th; Yard Sale June 27th; Clean-Up June 28th.
See May’s Council Newsletter for opportunities to serve. To
volunteer, please contact Brothers Ron Cestaro, email:
[email protected] or John Pollin, email:
[email protected] or George Getek,
[email protected]. “In Service To One. In Service To All.”
3rd Degree Ceremony: All Saints in Manassas, June 27,
2015. Please contact Brother Mike Muller for any Brother
interested in attending any of the ceremonies. Email:
[email protected]
2nd Degree Ceremony: Old Saint Mary's Hall, Saturday,
June 13, 2015 at 11 AM. Please contact Brother Mike Muller
for any Brother interested in attending this ceremony. Email:
[email protected]
Installation of Officers: Knights of Columbus, Council
7992, Sunday, July 5, 2015, at 4:00 pm, in the Church.
The Knights of Columbus: Next business meeting will
be on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 in the Parish Hall. Rosary will
begin at 7:15 pm followed by the meeting at 7:30 pm.
The monthly food collection will take
place next Sunday, June 7. Please
bring non-perishable foods to the foyer
the church. In this time of need, food
pantries are being rapidly depleted.
Powered milk, jelly, spaghetti sauce, juice (individual
boxes, large cans), tomato sauce/paste, canned meat, tuna,
jello/pudding, boxed rice and bagged beans and rice. Assorted personal items and laundry detergent are much
needed items. All canned food items are welcomed. The
food room at ECHO is in need of brown
paper bags.
ECHO also accepts small appliances and toiletries. For
more information pick up a brochure in the book rack by
the sacristy or call 703-569-9160. ECHO Center is located at 7205 Old Keene Mill Rd.
The 2015 Altar Flower book still has some dates
available. Openings available are June 7 & 14 (2 each),
July 5 & 26 (1 each), August 2 (2), October 25 (1) and
November 1, 15, 22 and 29 (1 each). This is a thoughtful
way to honor a loved one, living or deceased. If
interested, call the office at 703-455-2400 or drop by to
sign up.
During your annual spring clean-up and before
tossing out your former “treasures”, please consider storing them in a corner of your garage or
basement for donation to the Yard Sale.
Nativity’s Annual Yard Sale for Charity sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Father Vincent S. Sikora Council 7992, is Saturday, June
27, 2015. Collections will begin Thursday, June
18, 2015 and continue through Thursday June
25, 2015. Your donations are tax-deductible and
The Most Holy Trinity
Vacation Bible School May 31, 2015
CYM LIFE NIGHTS in May July 7‐July 10 8:30am ‐ 12:00pm May 31 Youth Mass! Last one of the year. Registration Continues (K* is closed, younger grades spaces limited) For rising K* to rising 5th Grade We will continue to meet throughout the summer. Schedule will be on line on June 15 or sign up to receive Weekly CYM Updates. Adult Volunteers needed! Adults and teens currently 7th grade and older For Information and Registration ‐ Go To VBS Coordinator Contact: Ms. Andi Smith [email protected] TODAY! LAST YOUTH MASS! May 31, 7:30pm Seniors, Come & receive a special blessing. July 7-July 10
2:00pm - 5:30pm
For Current 5, 6 & 7th graders
4 days of fun, fellowship, prayer and service.
We promise! No baby songs. No pipe cleaner crafts. No snacks
in the shape of whales or arks. No kidding!
Okay, maybe a few songs.
Outings, Service. Fellowship and a T-Shirt
Cost $20 covers T, Materials.
Parents needed to chaperone and drive.
Registration Form NOW on line: Parents ‐know the signs. Teens –be aware. Just Ask. Surprised? Contact Ms. Ingrid to learn more. Contact Us! Director: Ingrid Sánchez‐Seymour Email: [email protected] YM Program Assistant: Anna Marty Email: c y m Web: programs Thanks to CYM sponsors
No Gathering Tonight! Come to Youth Mass! Youth Pilgrimage to Philly with Pope For 9‐12th graders in 2015‐2016 Sept 25‐27, 2015 The Office of Youth Ministry/Diocese of Arling‐
ton is sponsoring a pilgrimage to Philly, PA for high school teens to participate in the weekend activities and the Papal Mass. For information on cost, logistics and registration, please visit the CYM web page and/or contact Ms. Ingrid. Space is limited. Thank you for your receipts! Keep them coming in. We now get the full 10% of the sub‐total! Thanks for supporting Youth Ministry! Website:
The Most Holy Trinity
May 31, 2015
Santisima Trinidad
Javier Leoz
Como los pies de los paseantes, que al borde la playa, son acariciados una y otra vez por las olas del mar;
Como los rostros de los montañeros que, en su ascensión a las cumbres, son lisonjeados por el sol desparramado en millones
de rayos solares
Como los peregrinos que, en su peregrinar, son zarandeados por la presencia de las ráfagas del viento…..así es el amor
trinitario: un Dios que se desborda. Un Dios que se acerca al hombre sin perder su naturaleza pero como Padre, Hijo y
1.La vida de la humanidad, es distinta desde que Dios se encarnó. Desde entonces, los pasos del hombre, han sido seguidos
muy de cerca por un Dios que, siendo desconocido, adquiere la hechura de hombre para que entendamos que –su objetivono es otro que recuperarnos y rescatarnos definitivamente.
La Santísima Trinidad, más que Misterio –que lo es- es una llamada a reconocer al Dios que nos salva. A caer en la cuenta
de un mal endémico que nos asola: hablamos muy poco de Dios y, cuando lo hacemos, lo manifestamos tímidamente
¿Dónde hemos dejado a Dios? Estamos en un momento muy apropiado para recuperar espacios para un Dios que, lejos de
encerrarse en sí mismo, nos mostró un camino –el de la Encarnación- para encontrarle y para hacerse el encontradizo con
nosotros. Flaco favor haríamos a nuestra fe, a nuestra vida cristiana, si la presencia trinitaria la dejásemos envuelta en un
gran Misterio pero sin relevancia social, deportiva, económica, política, eclesial o familiar.
-Felicito, a esos deportistas, que cuando saltan al terreno de juego, miran hacia el cielo y se santiguan. Significa, entre otras
cosas, que en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu, esperan llegar con éxito al final del encuentro.
-Felicito a esas familias, que cuando se trasladan o adquieren una nueva vivienda, recurren a la presencia del sacerdote para
que, con el agua bendita, se haga presente la gloria de la Trinidad que sostiene el amor y la fidelidad en el matrimonio.
-Felicito a esas personas que, al salir de casa, tomar un avión, montarse en un coche o trasladarse en un tren, rezan y hacen la
señal de la cruz. Porque, en definitiva, creen y esperan que el amor de Dios, que está presente en el Hijo y en el Espíritu, será
garantía de un futuro o de un viaje feliz.
2.Sí, amigos. Desde el día de nuestro bautismo fuimos marcados con el “sello” de la Santísima Trinidad. Y, precisamente por
ello, porque somos sellos de la Santísima Trinidad hemos de estampar con palabras y con obras, en gestos y con la vida, lo
que sentimos, creemos y profesamos: DIOS ES AMOR, DIOS ES FAMILIA, DIOS ES TRES EN UNO.
Nunca podremos acceder a ese secreto íntimo, lo más ínterno de Dios, que es la Santísima Trinidad. Pero, si que es verdad,
que hay rasgos que nos hacen deducir como es la vida de esa familia, cómo viven dentro, desde dónde, por qué y para qué: la
vida de la Trinidad es una vida de comunión, en el amor y desde el amor, por y para la humanidad.
Un día, Dios, quiso aventurarse y –abriendo una ventana del cielo- quiso hacerse hombre. Otro buen día, el Padre –
descendiendo en llamas de fuego- se hizo Espíritu, soplo que anima nuestra vida cristiana, que nos lleva a conocerle más y
mejor, a amarle con todas nuestras capacidades y desarrollo de nuestros talentos.
La Santísima Trinidad, su UNIDAD indivisa, es una gran lección para este mundo nuestro; para nuestras sociedades,
familias, parroquias, diócesis, pueblos o ciudades… empeñados en ser tan diferentes, los unos de los otros, que olvidamos
que la comunión es un factor integrador y que nos lleva a la felicidad.
¡Ese es el secreto de la Santísima Trinidad! ¡Amor de Dios!
The Most Holy Trinity
No te vemos pero, en Belén,
te hiciste hombre, te dejaste tocar,
adorar, amar y ofrendar.
No te escuchamos, pero en el Espíritu
tu voz habla con fuerza.
Fuiste, Cristo, la última palabra
que pronunciaste, la que se mantiene viva
perenne con el transcurso
de los años y de los siglos.
No te alcanzamos con la mano
pero en la Eucaristía vives y nos fortaleces
nos haces sentir tu cercanía y tu compromiso
tu poder y tu auxilio, tu Gracia y tu bondad.
Que no te dejemos más allá del sol y de la luna
pues bien sabemos, oh Dios,
Que eres sol de justicia
cuando te buscamos en las luchas de cada día
o te defendemos en los más necesitados
Cuando te anhelamos
en un mundo que necesita ser mejor
o te descubrimos en la común unión con los otros.
Tu secreto, un secreto a voces,
es el amor del Padre, con el Hijo y en el Espíritu.
Una familia que, estando sentada en el cielo,
camina con los pies de Cristo en la tierra.
Una conversación que, dándose en el cielo,
se escucha con nitidez a través del Espíritu Santo
Una mesa que, asentándose en el cielo,
se prolonga en la casa de todos aquellos
que cantan, creen, viven y se asombran
ante el Misterio Trinitario.
En el amor que se comparte
En la libertad que nos hace libres
En los lazos que unen
En el despliegue de ternura y de comprensión
En la personalidad de cada uno
En el afán de buscar puentes y no divisiones
Javier Leoz
May 31, 2015
La gloria de la Trinidad en la vida de la Iglesia
Santísima Trinidad. Teología
La Iglesia en su peregrinación hacia la plena
comunión de amor con Dios se presenta como un
"pueblo reunido en virtud de la unidad del Padre, del
Hijo y del Espíritu Santo".
Por: S. S. Juan Pablo II | Fuente:
Catequesis del Papa Juan Pablo II
durante la Audiencia General
del Miércoles 14 de junio de 2000
1. La Iglesia en su peregrinación hacia la plena
comunión de amor con Dios se presenta como un
"pueblo reunido en virtud de la unidad del Padre, del
Hijo y del Espíritu Santo". Esta estupenda definición
de san Cipriano (De Orat. Dom., 23; cf. Lumen
gentium, 4) nos introduce en el misterio de la Iglesia,
convertida en comunidad de salvación por la
presencia de Dios Trinidad. Como el antiguo pueblo
de Dios, en su nuevo Éxodo está guiada por la
columna de nube durante el día y por la columna de
fuego durante la noche, símbolos de la constante
presencia divina. En este horizonte queremos
contemplar la gloria de la Trinidad, que hace a la
Iglesia una, santa, católica y apostólica.
2. La Iglesia es, ante todo, una. En efecto, los
bautizados están misteriosamente unidos a Cristo y
forman su Cuerpo místico por la fuerza del Espíritu
Santo. Como afirma el concilio Vaticano II, "el
modelo y principio supremo de este misterio es la
unidad de un solo Dios, Padre e Hijo en el Espíritu
Santo, en la Trinidad de personas" (Unitatis
redintegratio, 2). Aunque en la historia esta unidad
haya experimentado la prueba dolorosa de tantas
divisiones, su inagotable fuente trinitaria impulsa a
la Iglesia a vivir cada vez más profundamente la
koinonía o comunión que resplandecía en la primera
comunidad de Jerusalén (cf. Hch 2, 42; 4, 32).
Desde esta perspectiva se ilumina el diálogo
ecuménico, dado que todos los cristianos son
conscientes del fundamento trinitario de la
comunión: "La koinonía es obra de Dios y tiene un
The Most Holy Trinity
May 31, 2015
carácter marcadamente trinitario. En el bautismo se encuentra el punto de partida de la iniciación de la koinonía
trinitaria por medio de la fe, a través de Cristo, en el Espíritu... Y los medios que el Espíritu ha dado para sostener
la koinonía son la Palabra, el ministerio, los sacramentos y los carismas" (Perspectivas sobre la koinonía,
Relación del III quinquenio, 1985-1989, del diálogo entre católicos y pentecostales, n. 31). A este respecto, el
Concilio recuerda a todos los fieles que "cuanto más estrecha sea su comunión con el Padre, el Verbo y el
Espíritu, más íntima y fácilmente podrán aumentar la fraternidad mutua" (Unitatis redintegratio, 7).
3. La Iglesia es también santa. En el lenguaje bíblico, el concepto de "santo", antes de ser expresión de la santidad
moral y existencial del fiel, remite a la consagración realizada por Dios a través de la elección y la gracia ofrecida
a su pueblo. Así pues, es la presencia divina la que "consagra en la verdad" a la comunidad de los creyentes (cf.
Jn 17, 17. 19).
Y la liturgia, que es la epifanía de la consagración del pueblo de Dios, constituye el signo más elevado de esa
presencia. En ella se realiza la presencia eucarística del cuerpo y la sangre del Señor, pero también "nuestra
eucaristía, es decir, nuestro agradecimiento, nuestra alabanza por habernos redimido con su muerte y hecho
partícipes de su vida inmortal mediante su resurrección. Tal culto, tributado así a la Trinidad: Padre, Hijo y
Espíritu Santo, acompaña y se enraiza ante todo en la celebración de la liturgia eucarística. Pero debe asimismo
llenar nuestros templos" y la vida de la Iglesia (Dominicae Coenae, 3). Y precisamente "al unirnos en mutua
caridad y en la misma alabanza a la santísima Trinidad, estamos respondiendo a la íntima vocación de la Iglesia y
tomando parte en la liturgia de la gloria perfecta degustada anticipadamente" (Lumen gentium, 51).
4. La Iglesia es católica, enviada para anunciar a Cristo al mundo entero con la esperanza de que todos los
príncipes de los pueblos se reúnan con el pueblo del Dios de Abraham (cf. Sal 47, 10; Mt 28, 19). Como afirma el
concilio Vaticano II, "la Iglesia peregrinante es, por su propia naturaleza, misionera, puesto que tiene su origen en
la misión del Hijo y la misión del Espíritu Santo según el plan de Dios Padre. Este designio dimana del "amor
fontal" o caridad de Dios Padre, que, siendo principio sin principio, del que es engendrado el Hijo y del que
procede el Espíritu Santo por el Hijo, creándonos libremente por su benignidad excesiva y misericordiosa y
llamándonos, además, por pura gracia a participar con él en la vida y la gloria, difundió con liberalidad y no deja
de difundir la bondad divina, de modo que el que es Creador de todas las cosas se hace por fin "todo en todas las
cosas" (1 Co 15, 28), procurando al mismo tiempo su gloria y nuestra felicidad" (Ad gentes, 2).
5. La Iglesia, por último, es apostólica. Según el mandato de Cristo, los Apóstoles deben ir a enseñar a todas las
gentes, bautizándolas en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, enseñándoles a observar todo lo que
él ha mandado (cf. Mt 28, 19-20). Esta misión se extiende a toda la Iglesia, que, a través de la Palabra, hecha
viva, luminosa y eficaz por el Espíritu Santo y por los sacramentos, "se cumple el designio de Dios, al que Cristo
amorosa y obedientemente sirvió, para gloria del Padre, que lo envió a fin de que todo el género humano forme
un único pueblo de Dios, se una en un único cuerpo de Cristo y se edifique en un único templo del Espíritu
Santo" (Ad gentes, 7).
La Iglesia una, santa, católica y apostólica es pueblo de Dios, cuerpo de Cristo y templo del Espíritu Santo. Estas
tres imágenes bíblicas señalan de modo luminoso la dimensión trinitaria de la Iglesia. En esta dimensión se
encuentran todos los discípulos de Cristo, llamados a vivirla de modo cada vez más profundo y con una
comunión cada vez más viva. El mismo ecumenismo tiene en la referencia trinitaria su sólido fundamento, dado
que el Espíritu "une a los fieles con Cristo, mediador de todo don de salvación, y les da, a través de él, acceso al
Padre, que en el mismo Espíritu pueden llamar "Abbá, Padre" (Comisión conjunta católicos y evangélicos
luteranos, Iglesia y justificación, n. 64). Así pues, en la Iglesia encontramos una grandiosa epifanía de la gloria
trinitaria. Por tanto, recojamos la invitación que nos dirige san Ambrosio: "Levántate, tú que antes estabas
acostado, para dormir... Levántate y ven de prisa a la Iglesia: aquí está el Padre, aquí está el Hijo, aquí está el
Espíritu Santo" (In Lucam, VII).